Page 31 - Boca ViewPointe - November '23
P. 31

November 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 31
       From The Desk Of County Commissioner

       Marci Woodward: A Message From Marci

      Commissioner Woodward,                                Second, our budget dollar amount increases with      There is so much more to our budget, but these three
      a 20-year resident of Boca                         allocations, appropriations, and grants from state and   lessons stood out as foundational to understanding how
      Raton, was elected in                              federal programs. This money is taxpayer money but not   the cake is baked!
      November 2022  as  Palm                            taxed by us, the county. It is a win for us to get some of      District 4 Improvements. The Clint Moore and Jog
      Beach County District 4                            that money back for deserving projects, and we must add   Road intersection is now open after a major improvement
      Commissioner. She serves                           it to our budget.                                 project that added two new lanes and other safety features.
      on the following board of                             For example, we received $113 million in grants   The project was funded by impact fees, a one-time fee for
      directors as a representative                      for cells 12 and 13 at the C-51 Reservoir Phase II from   new development to help pay for the infrastructure needed
      of the county commission:                          the state. This is a huge win for the county, and we are   to support the area.
      Palm Beach Transportation                          thankful for it. However, it goes into our budget and thus      Over the next few years, nearly $18 million will be
      Planning Agency;  South                            increases the dollar amount.                      spent on major road projects in my south county district.
      Florida Regional                                      We also serve as a “pass-through” for funding from   So expect to see road crews out and about!
      Transportation Authority (TriRail); Treasure Coast Regional   the state or federal governments for some of our smaller      What’s Coming Near PBI. PopStroke, the innovative
      Planning Council; CareerSource Palm Beach County; Palm   municipalities and organizations that use us to administer   mini golf and entertainment concept, is coming to Palm
      Beach Cultural Council, and Value Adjustment Board.   the funds.  This helps bridge the gap between larger   Beach International Airport (PBI).
      Woodward graduated from the University of South Carolina-  government entities and smaller groups within our county.      The state-of-the-art, two-story, open-air venue will
      Aiken with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts.       All of these items increase our overall budget.   feature two 18-hole mini golf courses, a full-service
                                                            Lastly, 43 percent of our budget, or $3.3 billion, is   restaurant, a playground, an ice cream parlor, convenient
         Happy fall. We have had a busy month, and I just   from carryover funds from the previous year. Much of   storage lockers for luggage and a complimentary shuttle
      completed my first budget cycle. I voted on budget priorities   this is reserves, which include capital project reserves.   service to and from the airport. The flagship location will
      the day I was sworn in on Nov. 22 a year ago and have   Why does this money carry over? Some of it is because   also offer a private events area and a rooftop pool with
      spent the past months learning everything I could about our   many of our projects take multiple years to complete,   a bar. It is the perfect place to relax and have fun with
      budget. I have had many “light bulb” moments in that time.   especially larger building or road projects, and the money   friends and family before or after your flight. PopStroke
      While I am far from becoming a budgeting expert, I want   is only transferred to pay in phases of completion. Some   is expected to open in late 2024.
      to share a few unexpected gems illuminating the process   funds accumulate over time to an amount necessary to      Remember to check out the cell phone waiting lot at
      for me.                                            begin the project.                                the Travel Plaza (southwest corner of Belvedere Road and
         First, I learned that only 24 percent of this year’s budget,      For a personalized example, I can apply for a grant   Florida Mango) where you can get your car washed, fill
      or $1.8 billion, comes from property taxes. This money   that helps homeowners pay for major home renovations   up the tank and grab a coffee until your loved ones arrive!
      goes into our general fund. The importance of this gem is   because I need a new roof. I receive a $50,000 grant to      Nonprofit  Spotlight. Promise Fund of Florida is a
      in understanding fund accounting. Much of our budget is   be allocated at equal payments over five years ($10,000   compassionate  local  nonprofit  dedicated  to  extending
      tied to specific funds. This has to do with how we receive   a year). I can save the payments over several years until   vital  financial  and  emotional  support  to  uninsured  or
      it and how it must be spent.                       I accumulate enough to pay for the new roof, or I can   underinsured women in Palm Beach County with breast
         For example, money from Road Impact Fees from new   pay for the replacement out-of-pocket with either savings   cancer diagnoses.
      developments can only be spent on constructing new lanes,   (reserves) or take out a loan (bond) and pay myself back      The organization’s mission is to ensure that all women
      additional roadways or intersection improvements as needed   as the yearly installments come in.     in our area have access to the quality breast cancer care
      because of additional traffic caused by the development. It      I also have the option to spend any excess money on   they need through financial assistance, group counseling,
      cannot be used for resurfacing or maintenance of existing   other home improvements, but I cannot use it to buy a   healthcare navigation and more. In 2022, Promise Fund
      roads. This may seem overly cumbersome; roads are roads,   car, take a vacation, or anything else that is not a home   made a profound impact by assisting over 500 women.
      right? However, much of the regulation tied to how funds   improvement. This is a very simplified version of fund   Local Government 101: Sunshine Law
      are spent has to do with how and why they are collected.  accounting and carryover funds.               What is the Sunshine Law? Florida’s Sunshine Law
                                                                                                           guarantees the public’s right to attend and participate in
                                                                                                           meetings of government boards and commissions. The law
                                                                                                           applies to all levels of government in Florida, from the
                                                                                                           state legislature to local city councils and school boards.
                                                                                                           One aspect includes that all meetings of government
                                                                                                           boards and commissions be open to the public, with
                                                                                                           limited exceptions.
                                                                                                              Additionally, it requires that all notices of meetings
                                                                                                           and agendas be published in advance, including where
                                                                                                           meetings are being held and what topics will be discussed.
                                                                                                              How does the Sunshine Law apply to the Board of
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County Commissioners? The Palm Beach
                                                                                                           County  Board  of  County  Commissioners  (Board)  is
                                                                                                           subject to the Sunshine Law. All meetings of the Board
                                                                                                           must be open to the public, and notices of meetings and
                                                                                                           agendas are required to be published in advance.
                                                                                                              The law also applies to any gatherings of two or more
                                                                                                           members of the Board to discuss matters that will likely
                                                                                                           come before them at a Board of County Commissioners
                                                                                                           meeting.  If  the  Board  is  not  officially  in  session,  any
                                                                                                           meeting of two or more members to discuss upcoming
                                                                                                           issues is subject to the Sunshine Law and must be open
                                                                                                           to the public.
                                                                                                              Why is the Sunshine Law important? When
                                                                                                           government meetings are open to the public, citizens can
                                                                                                           witness and participate in the decision-making process.
                                                                                                           This helps ensure that government decisions are made in
                                                                                                           the public’s best interests.
                                                                                                              If you require assistance, please contact our office at
                                                                                                           (561) 355-2204 or email 

                                                                                                            Are You Watching

                                                                                                            Your Speed?

                                                                                                              Please obey all posted speed limit
                                                                                                            signs throughout Boca Pointe for the
                                                                                                            safety of our residents. As a reminder,
                                                                                                            the speed limits are as follows:
                                                                                                              Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
                                                                                                              Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph
                                                                                                              Promenade Drive 20mph
                                                                                                              SPEEDING  FINES  ARE
                                                                                                            BEING ENFORCED!! 
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