Page 5 - Boca Exposure - November '23
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Boca Exposure, Page 5
Whole Fat In Dairy May Be Beneficial. Drink Milk For Hydration?
By Steven E. Reznick, M.D., For many years now as American consumers we have quick-froze him and wrapped him in aluminum foil. Fifty
FACP been besieged with no-fat and low-fat products including years later they had developed the technology to cure his
We are all aware of the milk, cheese, ice cream, but along comes a study using medical illness, so they thawed him out and fed him his
popular heart-healthy foods data from the PURE study that challenges all our recent first meal. On his plate was a thick steak, a glass of whole
including fruit, vegetables, dietary actions. That study found a reduced mortality risk milk, a bowl of ice cream and a package of cigarettes.
nuts, legumes, and fish. The with increased consumption of dietary fat. The authors “How can I eat this?” the thawed-out patient inquired.
Mediterranean Diet receives discussed the fact that in low-income nations, whole fat “After all, I ran a health food store selling almond milk
repeated public notice because dairy is often available and more often affordable than and soy protein?” He was told that research in the 2020s
it works, and it is healthy. some of the “healthier” diet groups. If this data does not revealed we were all wrong and everything on his plate
Andrew Mente, Ph.D., challenge your previously held thoughts on eating heart- was considered healthy. That movie was a comedy.
of the Population Health healthy, a recent heat wave related article republished Reading these studies, I am not sure if I should be
Research Unit of McMaster in The New York Times discussed the ideal liquid for laughing or crying.
University in Hamilton, Ontario just published his group’s hydration and rehydration. Their choice was cool milk. Voted a “Best Doctor” by his peers, Dr. Reznick
findings on the benefits of consuming whole fat dairy. The It was absorbed quicker and more efficiently than cool is board certified in internal medicine with added
research was published in the European Heart Journal and found water and sports drinks. qualifications in geriatrics. He has practiced in the
that whole fat dairy, including saturated fats, reduced the risks of I bring this to your attention with a degree of amazement Boca Raton area since 1979. Reznick is currently
death, heart attack and stroke. If this is not blasphemous enough and skepticism. Years ago, I viewed a Woody Allen accepting a limited number of new patients. To schedule
in the comments section in the online journal MDedge Internal movie called Sleeper. The plot revolved around the main a complimentary meeting with him to discuss your health
Medicine, the author said a small amount of red meat is not as character entering St. Vincent’s Hospital in Greenwich needs, tour his practice and learn about his concierge
harmful as it is made out to be. Village and suffering a fatal medical catastrophe, so they medicine program, call (561) 368-0191.
Diverse Audience Experiences Special Documentary
Screening Exploring Race, Policing And History
The Spady Cultural Heritage Museum and Jewish Federation An introduction by Rabbi Greg Weisman of Temple Museum Director Charlene Farrington. “Scott Barnett and
of South Palm Beach County present a special documentary that Beth El, who also serves as the JCRC chair, recognized the Joanna Vega tell an honest, accurate tale of how Black cities
spotlights an American story of race and resilience. solemn moment being experienced by local Jewish residents came to be and how they continue to survive.”
In a first-time collaboration, the Spady Cultural Heritage and their friends and supporters, as a war ensues in Israel. JCRC Director Marissa Trowbridge views the film as
Museum and the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach He welcomed gatherings, such as this, to show solidarity an important addition to the ongoing conversation about
County’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) and partnership among cultures, both here and overseas. history, race relations and local relationships.
welcomed audiences to learn more about the compelling A panel comprised of the filmmakers, historians and “Federation wants to help facilitate conversations that
origins of Overtown, a Miami city that encapsulates the social justice activists featured in the film followed the will help everyone understand each other a bit better, no
indomitable spirit of the African American metropolis. screening. Barnett, Vega, Dr. Tameka Hobbs, and Dr. matter their culture or background, because we cannot
In their one-hour documentary, Crossing Overtown, Jewish Paul George held an engaging conversation with audience progress without being informed and empathetic,”
filmmakers Scott Barnett and Johanna Vega delve into the members and welcomed questions. Trowbridge said. “It is important that we understand the
unique role that Overtown plays in the national civil rights “So much of what is revealed in Crossing Overtown – legacy of Overtown, its residents and its resiliency. Its
movement and its influence on other predominantly Black from the origins of the tumultuous relationship between story is a national story; it is our story and we have to
cities. Presented by the Spady Museum and sponsored by the law enforcement and the Black communities it served to grasp our history, in order to improve our future. That
JCRC, a special screening of Crossing Overtown was hosted government’s discriminatory practices that deterred true Jewish filmmakers were at the helm of this project makes
at the Field House of Old School Square on Oct. 11. equity – is the story of other Black cities,” said Spady us very proud.”
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