Page 24 - Boca Club News - November '23
P. 24

Page 24, Boca Club News

                The Arts

      Book Review…“What an Owl Knows:

      The New Science of the World’s Most Enigmatic Birds”

      By Nils A. Shapiro
         From the moment I discovered
      this book on The New York Times
      bestseller list, I knew it was a sure
      thing for my own must-have list, for
      two reasons: first, because as regular
      followers of my column know,
      my personal reading tastes favor
      nonfiction that feeds my insatiable
      thirst for knowledge about nature in general, and especially   Linda meets face to beak with
      about the intelligence, feelings and lives of the remarkable   a real Snowy Owl
      creatures with whom we share this world; and,  second,
      because my wife, Linda, is an “owlaholic” who—having   wide to let in more sound and
      turned the sun room of our home into a growing exhibit of   bounce it toward the ears.”
      about 100 owl art objects in all shapes and sizes—would      Note: Actually, the use of
      never forgive me if I passed on the opportunity to bring this   the  term  “ears,”  in  owls—
      book into our home.                               even in such species names as
         But to earn a review in this                   Long-Eared Owls or Short-
      column the book had to pass                       Eared  Owls—is  confusing.
      another test: to be deserving                     The actual ears used by owls
      of your attention. And this                       for listening are vertical slits  A partial view of our sun room offers a hint of Linda’s collection of owl art objects.
      it has done with (pardon the                      on the sides of their heads.
      pun) flying colors.                                  Owls are nocturnal, hunting at night for prey that includes   spot, hover over it, head facing down toward the sound, then
         As it turns out, author                        most commonly—depending on the owl species and size—  just before impact thrust its legs forward and punch through
      Jennifer Ackerman  could                          rodents, insects, mice, rabbits, squirrels, possums, lemmings   snow more than a foot and a half deep to seize its prey.”
      just as well have re-titled                       in the case of Snowy Owls, and other small mammals and      But Ms. Ackerman has equal respect for those—professional
      her book “What We Know                            birds. Because of their incredible hearing, and the fact that the   scientists, students and volunteers—who often dedicate years
      About Owls,” packed as it                         unique design of their wings enables them to swoop down on   of their lives under the most incredibly difficult physical and
      is with many hundreds of                          prey in complete silence, they are among the natural world’s   stressful conditions worldwide, studying every imaginable
      fascinating facts about the                       most efficient hunters. They do not even have to be able to   aspect of owls’ lives in order to build the base of knowledge
      260 owl species to be found                       see their prey in order to be successful!          that will help protect the survival of as many of these species
      throughout almost every                              “A Great Gray Owl is listening, always listening. Its   as possible at a time when many are at risk of extinction due
      continent, from the tiny Elf Owl, the size of a pine cone only   head rotates to glean the source of a sound. Its ears are so   to climate change, deforestation, insecticides and other human
      a few inches high, to the massive Eurasian Eagle Owl that can   acutely tuned, it can discern the faint footfall of a shrew in   influences. And their stories are every bit as interesting.
      take down a deer—or Blakiston’s Fish Owl, the world’s biggest   the forest, the wingbeat of a Canada Jay, the muffled rustle
      owl, the size of a fire hydrant with a six-foot wingspan!  of a vole tunneling deep beneath the snow. It will fly to the   Book Review on page 25
         The recipient of numerous awards and fellowships and
      author of five earlier successful books—including “The Bird
      Way” and national bestseller “The Genius of Birds”—Ms.   NICVIEW Camera System Has
      Ackerman’s own awe and appreciation for the skills and
      natural physical attributes that these extraordinary creatures
      have evolved over the 100 million years since they have   Over 100,000 Views Since Launch
      existed on this planet is clear from first page to last. The
      following brief passages serve as examples; some of the text
      has been omitted for lack of space here, and been replaced   Of Program
      by ellipses (…):
         “With a head designed for listening…the flat, gray head
      disk of a Great Gray Owl is like one huge external ear, a
      feathered satellite dish for collecting sound…The facial disk in      After being the first hospital in
      owls that hunt primarily by sound is outlined with a ruff of stiff   Palm Beach County to acquire the
      interlocking feathers that capture sound waves and channel   NICVIEW 2™ system in February,
      them toward the ears, like people cupping their hands around   2021, West Boca Medical Center’s
      their ears. Feathers in the back of the disk direct high-pitched   Neonatal  Intensive  Care  Unit
      sounds toward the ears, so the owl hears less noise from its   (NICU) cameras have earned more
      surroundings and can focus on prey cues.            than 100,000 views.
         “(The owl) can even change the shape of the disk by using      This  live  streaming  camera
      muscles at the base of the feathers, shifting from a resting state   system  keeps  parents  and  family
      to the alertness of an active hunt. It’s remarkable to watch an owl   members   always   connected
      do this, adjust its facial disk when it hears something interesting.   to  their  baby.  The  password-
      It’s like the disk itself is a kind of aperture, an ‘eye,’ that opens   protected camera provides parents
                                                          of  newborns  in  the  NICU  with
             Southern Exposure Technologies               guarded virtual access.
                                                              Our  hospital  is  the  only  one
           Computer Install/Setup/Repair                    in Boca Raton that has a Level III
                     (561) 315-0144                       NICU,  the  highest  level  of  care
                            * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install     “We  are  very  proud  to  offer  this  option  for  the  About West Boca Medical Center (WBMC)
                            * Networking, Troubleshooting  families of our NICU babies,” said Jerad Hanlon, CEO     The  hospital  is  part  of  the  Palm  Beach  Health
                            * Instruction                 at West Boca Medical Center. “We recognize it can be  Network and has been serving southern Palm Beach and
                            * Hardware/Software Installation  extremely  overwhelming  for  parents  when  their  baby  northern Broward counties for over 37 years. WBMC
                            * Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix
                            * Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup  is admitted to the NICU and these cameras can aid in  offers  general  medical  and  surgical  care,  orthopedics,
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                            * Website Design/Maintenance  and connect with their baby.”                   imaging center, women’s and children’s services and the
              Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer     The  cameras  are  available  24/7,  streaming  in  HD,  only level III NICU in southern Palm Beach County. Its
                       and wireless network”!             utilizing encrypted password protection software.  With  two emergency centers, one at the main hospital and the
                       GET S.E.T. GO!                     the  password  and  an  internet  connection,  they  can  be  other in Coconut Creek, are open 24 hours a day.
         REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES         accessed  anywhere  in  the  world,  including  Canada,     For  more  information  about  West  Boca  Medical
       FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR,  Mexico, Venezuela, Israel, Egypt, China and Germany to  Center,  its  many  Quality  Awards  or  for  a  physician
             WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH,                                                           referral,  call  (866)  904-WBMC  (9262)  or  visit  the
            OR 2 HOURS A WEEK, OR ON AN AS-NEEDED         name a few, so extended family can watch the live stream.
                  BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR.                To learn more about the NICVIEW 2™ system or  website at
          START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS,        our NICU program, please visit
                        (561) 315-0144
          CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS!                                             Paid Advertisement
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