Page 16 - Boca Club News - November '23
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Page 16, Boca Club News
From The Professionals’ Desks
Healthy Answers–A Guide to Healthy Living:
“Anything But White, Please!”
By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C. It’s important to note, however, that “white coat overall. Studies have typically shown that aerobic or cardio
Dale is a motivational speaker who syndrome” doesn’t necessarily indicate a fear of doctors exercises are best for lowering blood pressure. For those of
has spent many years as a Certified per se, but rather a subconscious response to the unknown you who are not into cardio workouts, there’s good news.
Life Coach and has written numerous consequences of the medical experience. Other elements may New research suggests that exercises that engage muscles
articles and e-books relating to self- add to a negative effect of doctor visit anxiety. I’ve never without movement may be an effective tool to prevent and
improvement and ways to build a understood why doctors always take your blood pressure treat hypertension, such as wall squats and planks. This type
high-performance team. She is the the minute you walk into their office. After rushing to make of training, known as isometric, or static, exercise allows the
author of the book, “Small Steps... your appointment on time, then sitting in a cold waiting room, muscles to contract and joints to remain stationary, facilitating
Big Changes: The Personal Stories you’re ushered into the next stop: the nurse with the dreaded stability of the body. By combining both cardio and isometric
of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of experience blood pressure cuff. “Oh, I see your pressure is running a bit exercise, the chance of lowering your blood pressure reading
in physical fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled high today!” Well, no kidding! is even greater.
her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-related When “white coat” does occur, a person’s blood pressure Home monitoring: The best way to be sure your blood
areas. The following introduces a new approach to Ms. may rise in a doctor’s office or hospital due to nervousness. pressure is within a healthy range is to invest in an automatic
Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that This elevated blood pressure reading may not accurately blood pressure monitor. Taking your pressure at home can
deal with the mind/body connection and the importance represent a person’s usual blood pressure and can lead to provide a more accurate picture of your blood pressure
of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can misdiagnosis or overtreatment of hypertension. This is why outside of medical settings.
be reached at it’s so important to measure blood pressure in a relaxed, Keep in mind that readings vary throughout the day and
Is there an unwritten rule that says doctors must wear non-medical setting to obtain a more accurate assessment. can depend on factors such as hydration and stress. I was
a white coat? Is it possible to overcome “white coat syndrome?” advised to try and take a reading the same time each day—for
Maybe not as much anymore, but this attire has been a This is a Yes and No answer. You might never rid yourself example, first thing in the morning. The ranges and numbers
long-standing tradition in the medical profession. This may of this issue, but there are things you can do to alleviate the that indicate high, low and normal blood pressure vary based
account for the association of doctors and the term “white results and stress. on your age. Check with your doctor for the reading that’s
coat syndrome” (also known as white coat hypertension). Here are some strategies that might help: best for you.
The mere mention of a doctor appointment can create Talk distraction: Bring along a friend who loves to talk! Speak up: Give your doctor a heads-up. Explain your
apprehension and worry. The underlying reason may Whenever my husband goes with me, my blood pressure anxiety and that he not be surprised to find an elevated reading
not be intentionally evident, but it’s definitely linked to drops to normal levels. By talking to me and making me when you’re there for an appointment. Suggest he/she take it
physiological anxiety. laugh, he distracts my mind. If you’re going it alone, you again at the end of your exam after you’ve had a chance to
I have been a victim of “white coat” for many years. might look into cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which settle down and feel at ease. Share your home measurements
I’m not sure what triggers my stress, but it could possibly is a type of talk therapy that can help individuals change their to track your overall blood pressure on a daily basis.
stem from childhood influences. My father was not a thought patterns and behaviors related to medical visits. It’s important to work with a healthcare professional
fan of doctors, and he made it known to all of us in our Relaxation techniques: Deep breathing exercises, to address “white coat syndrome” as they can provide
family. He was more inclined to find home remedies for meditation and progressive muscle relaxation can help you personalized guidance and tailor interventions to your
any minor ailments we might have. Rarely did we visit a manage anxiety and reduce stress. Practicing these techniques specific needs. Over time, with the right strategies and
doctor unless it was something serious, which of course before and during a medical appointment can be beneficial. support, many people can manage or even overcome the
caused increased nervousness. Exercise modifications: Regular physical activity and anxiety and elevated blood pressure associated with “white
maintaining a healthy weight can help manage blood pressure coat syndrome.”