Page 14 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - October '23
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Page 14, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
Panama City: Three Cities In One
Previously submitted by the This discovery by Balboa
late Don Kiselewski, MCC, became the impetus for the location
D.S., Palm Beach Gardens of a staging area on the Pacific
Travel Leaders side of the isthmus. It became
Panama is the most a key position for the Spanish
traveled country in the world, conquest of the Pacific as well as a
even though most tourists transshipping location between the
never touch the ground two oceans for the gold that was
during their visit. The great being mined in Peru and shipped
“cruise through the canal” is back to Spain. The Spanish first
always high on the priority founded Panama City in 1519, and
list of world travelers. The it was Spain’s wealthiest colony in
experience of seeing how the Panama Canal operates is the 17th century.
unsurpassed and it has truly earned the distinction as one With the gold and other wealth
of the seven wonders of the modern world. However, the being transferred through Panama
greatness of such a voyage seldom, if ever, includes a stop City, it quickly became the target
at Panama’s exciting capital city, Panama City, because of of English privateers. Sir Henry
the cruise line itineraries. Morgan did a real number on Aerial view of the Bridge of the Americas at the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal,
One of the most beautiful cities in Central America, Panama City when he and his men with Panama City in the background. Photo by Don Kiselewski
Panama City is in fact three distinct cities that have grown invaded, looted and completely
out of each other. Unlike most cities that are reborn again destroyed the city in 1691.
in the same location, growing from the rubble of the past, Today, Panama City has a
the three cities of Panama have retained their individual population of almost 900,000 people
identities. To best understand this process and set the stage (Source: World Population Review,
for the unique city growth, it’s best to take a glimpse back https://worldpopulationreview.
in history. com/countries/cities/panama), or
Five Indian cultures made up Panama before Columbus not quite one-third of that of the
made his first visit in 1502, however it was the Spaniard entire country (Source: https://
Rodrigo de Bastidas who created the first European presence
a year earlier in 1501. A dozen years later in 1513, Vasco countries). The majority of Panama
Núñez de Balboa forged his way through the jungle of the City inhabitants are involved with
isthmus, and discovered the Pacific Ocean. Panama got its the management of the canal,
name from the first Indians who lived in the area; it means shipping and/or trade of that which
“place of many fishes.” passes through Panama. The city is
a fascinating place to visit, although
few do.
The area founded by the first
Spanish settlers remains in rubble
from the devastation caused by
Henry Morgan and his men. Known The National Theatre in Casco Viejo. Photo by Don Kiselewski
as Panamá Viejo or Old Panama, it
contains the brick and mortar of the dozens of buildings that The French colony that was established to perform the task
made up the original colony. The area is maintained with of building the canal chose an area near the original site of
manicured lawns that allow visitors to walk around and through Panama City as the nucleus of their activities. The location
the various buildings that formed the community. The original and the buildings that followed have become known as Casco
plans of the buildings can be viewed on a placard within the Viejo or the old quarter.
settlement. Interestingly, the Scottish attempted to establish a As one might expect, the French influence in the old quarter
rival colony on the isthmus in 1698/99. Known as the Darien can be found in its architectural image and reminds one very
Scheme, it was a total failure. much of New Orleans, with wrought-iron terrace railings and
The soaring skyscrapers of Panama City. Photo by Don In 1821, 130 years after Morgan’s devastation, Panama other ornamental sculptured fences and ironworks. Casco Viejo
Kiselewski declared its independence from Spain and joined Simón is alive and vibrant today, with many of the classical buildings
Bolivar’s Gran Colombia. It was in the latter portion of the being occupied by artists, actors and professionals and being
19th century when interest in the transportation needs and returned to their original stature. One of the area’s most striking
advantages of cutting across the isthmus came to the forefront,
and a French company started with the construction of a canal. Panama City on page 15
Panama la Vieja Cathedral in Old Panama. Photo by Don
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