Page 3 - Palm City Spotlight - October '23
P. 3

Palm City Spotlight, Page 3’s Fallen Veterans Tournament from page 1                                                not just on the greens but in our daily lives. The Hazen
                                                                                                           family, and families like theirs, are the testament to the
      A Token Of Everlasting Memory                                                                        good that we can do when we swing with our hearts.
        In an emotional highlight, Ingred Hazen was presented                                                For  future  events and  information  on  how you can
      with a $2,600 pearl and diamond ring, generously donated                                             contribute to WeDoGood, please visit,
      by Stuart’s own Diamonds by  Terri.  This beautiful                                        
      token serves not just as a piece of jewelry but also as an
      everlasting memory of community love and respect for
      a family who has sacrificed so much.
      Wrapping It Up
        We believe that one good deed can indeed change
      everything, and the overwhelming success of the Fallen
      Veterans Tournament confirms that many of you share
      this sentiment. Thanks to the generosity and spirit of
      everyone involved, we’ve taken another significant step
      toward fulfilling our mission.
        Let’s continue to come together in unity and purpose,

                                                                                                            Stuart Air Show from page 1

                                                                                                            premium parking and more. There are a limited number
                                                                                                            available for each, so don’t wait to check the details at
                                                                                                   and purchase yours.
                                                                                                              The Stuart Air Show highlights the importance of
                                                                                                            aviation and the service of veterans. It also provides scores
                                                                                                            of opportunities for schools and school-age children to learn
                                                                                                            about aviation, American history, and the Armed Forces.
                                                                                                              It is a safe, family-friendly entertainment experience
                                                                                                            that generates financial support for benefiting nonprofit
                                                                                                            organizations. The Stuart Air Show features thrilling
                                                                                                            performances by nationally known performers, as well as
                                                                                                            interesting and historical stationary displays of aircraft and
                                                                                                              To learn more about the Stuart Air Show, how you can
                                                                                                            volunteer or be a sponsor, visit
        Home • Auto • Boat • RV • Life

        Flood • Business • Commercial

                         Mary-Beth Zipsir
                         Agent in Charge
                         O: (772) 233-4444

                         It’s our policy that you know yours

                                                                                                            Traveling Tribute Wall, photo provided by Stuart Air Show



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                                                                                                                                J. Reid
                                                                                                                   Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                                                                                                                    Production Manager   Lee Nostrant
                                                                                                                          Production Department
                                                                                                               Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
                                                                     2812 SW Mapp Rd.  |  Palm City              Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout •  Karen Kalisz
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