Page 12 - Hobe Sound Reflections - October '23
P. 12

Page 12, Hobe Sound

                                                    tip oF the tail

      Sudden Death … Is Rarely                           competent avian veterinarian as soon as practical. If the bird gets   often be detected well before they become terminal. Everyone

      Sudden                                             back to normal, the appointment can always be cancelled. If the   knows the value of regular checkups in people. Why shouldn’t
                                                         signs are serious, get help immediately. As already described,
                                                                                                           our feathered family get the same care? In fact, since they don’t
                                                         the bird could be on its last leg. Serious signs include sitting   speak well for themselves, sound physical exams and laboratory
                                                         quietly on the bottom of the cage, sleeping constantly on the   diagnostics can speak for them.
                                                         perch, complete loss of appetite, difficulty moving around …      Dr. Don J. Harris has joined Palm City Animal Medical
                                                         and anything else significantly different from the individual’s   Center after a long career in exotic animals as our exotic animal
                                                         normal behavior.                                  veterinarian.
                                                            3. Practice preventative maintenance. In other words, do      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
                                                         regular checkups, ideally on at least an annual basis. Chronic   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
                                                         illness can frequently be detected before it becomes terminal.  focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
                                                            Over the decades that I have been practicing, I’ve made a   rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics, and
                                                         clear observation: 90 percent of the illness I see are in patients   emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center combines
                                                         I’ve never seen before, and 90 percent of the patients I see for   exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and
                                                         annual exams never present with terminal illness. Many causes of   their owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
                                                         illness in pet birds can be avoided simply through the education or find us on Facebook
         A few days ago, a client came in with a cockatiel that had   that comes with regular veterinary visits. Other conditions can   at
      been sick for less than 24 hours … or so he thought. A physical
      exam revealed that the 12-year-old female was frighteningly
      thin, literally skin and bones. Despite all efforts to diagnose and     nonprofit news
      save the bird, a few hours later, in intensive care, she died.
         The truth is, the bird had not been sick for only one day; she
      had probably been sick for weeks. What the owner observed was   Tykes & Teens 16th Annual               On Friday, Nov. 17, it’s time for “A Not-So-Silent Night” at
      not the beginning of an illness, it was the beginning of the end.                                    Rockin’ H Ranch in Palm City. This black-tie-meets-blue-jeans
      The sad truth about exotic pets, particularly birds, is that they   Festival Of Trees And Lights     event is a brand-new addition to the Festival of Trees and Lights.
      pretend to be OK until they are too weak to do so. With very                                         With live music by the Tom Jackson Band, a delectable feast
      few exceptions, at that point it’s too late for them to be saved.  By Jackie Holfelder               from Moonswiners Bar-B-Q, and a lively auction, it’s the night
         Most pet birds are prey species. They subconsciously believe      Join us for a heartwarming holiday extravaganza! Are you   you won’t want to miss. Blend diamonds with denim, jackets,
      that predators are always lurking, hoping to find an easy meal.   ready for a dazzling celebration filled with the joy of the holiday   and black ties in support of children’s mental health.
      Easy meals are those individuals that are slow or weak from   season? Mark your calendars for the 16th Annual Tykes & Teens      Saturday, Nov. 18, begins with a magical breakfast and photos
      illness or age. Therefore, in order not to be targeted, pet birds   Festival of Trees and Lights, an event like no other. From Nov.   with Santa. It’s free but be sure to preregister! Later in the day,
      usually do everything they can to look well even when they may   14 to 18, The Flagler of Stuart will become a winter wonderland   everyone can join the fun with exciting activities at Family Day.
      be seriously or even terminally ill.               and you can be part of it!                           Tykes & Teens is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit agency
         Since birds pretend to be OK even when they aren’t, how      The week of festive fun kicks off for everyone on Nov. 14 as   dedicated to providing mental health services to children and
      does one detect illness? There are three quite simple steps:  the public enjoys a beautiful display of trees, wreaths, and holiday   their families, regardless of ability to pay. With the support of
         1. Respond to any change in behavior or appetite. Increased   décor. Bring your family, friends, and a sprinkle of holiday cheer   presenting sponsor, the Cleveland Clinic, this festival raises vital
      or decreased hunger, becoming less active or hyperactive,   as you tour this enchanting exhibit from Tuesday through Friday.  funds to prioritize children’s mental health.
      vocalizing more or less, etc., are all alarms that should be      Ready for some holiday glitz and glamour? Wednesday the      Mark your calendars, invite your friends, and make this year’s
      investigated.                                      15th is your night! The “Joy to the Girls Cocktail Party” promises   Festival of Trees and Lights a heartwarming, fun-filled, impactful
         2. Respond quickly. My advice to clients is to make an   an evening of elegance and laughter. Dress your best and dance   event for all. For more information, visit or
      appointment the moment they notice something out of the   the night away. Secure your tickets now and consider a table for   call (772) 220-3439. Let’s make this holiday season truly special
      ordinary. If the signs are subtle, make an appointment with a   eight: Make it the perfect holiday night with friends.  for our community’s children.

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