Page 27 - Boca Exposure - October '23
P. 27

Boca Exposure, Page 27
      Film Review: Choose Love

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                    By now Cami has                                film. In the meantime, you should at least have some fun
                                                         already looked straight                           directing the story with your little remote control. It’s an
      For this film                                      at me, in front of my                             interesting twist.
      you, the viewer,                                   TV, several times                                                      *****
      direct the story line                              asking for help while                                Second Thoughts: My wife, Linda, who watched
      and the ending.                                    on the screen two or                              the film with me, had her own opinion. She felt that the
                                                         three options appear                              director and screenwriter got the whole thing wrong: It
         This is not a great film.                       for me to click on                                isn’t Cami who deserves our constant decision-making
      It isn’t even a particularly                       with my  TV remote                                device throughout Choose Love, it’s her faithful boyfriend
      good film. In fact, I never                        control. When she first                           of three years Paul, an attractive, successful young
      got to actually see the                            spots  Jack,  should                              attorney who adores Cami and has surprised her with an
      ending! So why have I                              she approach him or                               engagement ring and proposal of marriage!
      selected it to review for this month’s column? For the   walk  away?  (After                            What is he doing with a girl who can’t make a decision
      same reason I decided to watch it myself when I came   all, she is in a serious                      about anything at all, including the most important one in
      across the description of it while browsing on Netflix: an   relationship with Paul.)  When  Paul  shows  up  with  an   her life – still considering a swarthy high school ex who
      identification of Choose Love as the streaming network’s   engagement ring, should she accept it as her commitment   always looks like he needs a shave, haircut and bath, and
      first interactive film, which I immediately – and correctly   of marriage? Should Cami quit her job or ask for a raise?   has told her he doesn’t ever want to have children … or a
      – assumed to mean that I as a viewer would have some   When Rex invites Cami to San Francisco to sing with   rock star who doesn’t own a home because he is on tour
      part to play in what took place on the screen.     him at one of his appearances, should she accept or be   all year, flown around on his private plane and living in
         If  nothing  else,  that  sounded  interesting  enough  to   honest and explain her relationship with Paul? Cami’s   hotels every day and night.
      bring the film to the attention of this column’s readers.   requests for your help keep coming, so you need to keep      Linda would cut the film down to a short feature by
      And for someone like me who has never played a video   your remote control ready in hand.            giving Paul all the decision he needs with just one click
      game, the idea sounded like fun.                      At many points throughout the film the decisions you   of the remote control: Forget decision-making for Cami.
         It was. For a while.                            make for Cami determine the path that the film takes from   Find someone who deserves you.
         We are introduced at the opening to a young,    that point on … until the next decision you have to make
      twentysomething woman, Cami Conway (a cute Laura   … and so on and so on.
      Marano) who – apparently unsure about the state of      It boggles the mind to imagine the number of script
      her career and present relationship of three years with   changes and scenes that had to be filmed in order to
      boyfriend Paul – is visiting a psychic/fortune teller. Not   complete the production of Choose Love.
      to worry, she is assured. The tarot cards reveal that, very      The problem for me, however, turned out to be a
      soon, exciting new love will enter her life.       serious one. Since I didn’t select any of the “love choices”
         Sure enough, within the next several scenes she comes   available to Cami and opted to see all three possibilities
      face to face with two prospects:                   play out (although I did personally prefer one above
         Jack (Jordi Webber), an old flame from her high school   the others), the version of the film I watched offered no
      days – “the one who got away” – who is back in town,   ending!
      leading protests for humanitarian causes and apparently      For a running time that claimed to be one hour and 17
      interested in picking up where they left off; and,  minutes, I decided after a little over two hours – with no
         Rex (Avan Jogra), a British-accented famous rock star   way to find an ending to the film – that my best bet was
      who shows up to record an album at the Sound Studio   to just turn off my TV. Which is what I did.
      where Cami works as a recording engineer and takes a      I suspect that the Director, Stuart McDonald, and
      fancy to her, even inviting her to perform a brief duet   Screenwriter Josann McGibbon, want you to give Cami
      with him on a record when he learns of her long ago   the happy ending they feel she deserves – with one of the
      abandoned dream of a singing career.               three men. That should work to help find the end to the


                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 YOUR LOCAL REALTOR           ®

                                                                                 Shayna is a luxury real estate professional who grew up in Boca Raton,
                                                                                 Florida, which has allowed her to gain a profound understanding of the
                                                                                 local  market.  She  holds  a  degree  in  hospitality  management  and  her
                                                                                 experience working in luxury hotels and resorts across the United States
                                                                                 has shaped her skills to a unique hospitality-meets-real estate approach.
                                                                                 Shayna strives to provide her clients with Five-Star Luxury Service - No
                                                                                 Reservations Required.

                                                                                 Her unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that every client feels
                                                                                 like a VIP. Whether you’re buying your  rst home or looking to sell your
                                                                                 current property, Shayna is dedicated to helping you achieve your real
                                                                                 estate goals. She takes great pride in guiding her clients through every
                                                                                 step of the buying or selling process, o ering professional support and
                                                                                 guidance along the way. With Shayna by your side, you can rest assured
                                                                                 that you’re in the hands of an exceptional real estate professional.

                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 GLOBAL REAL ESTATE ADVISOR
                                                                                                                            BOCA RATON OFFICE
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                                                                                 SFRANCO@ONESOTHEBYSREALTY.COM              BOCA RATON, FL 33432

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