Page 16 - Boca Club News - October '23
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Page 16, Boca Club News

               From The Professionals’ Desks

      Healthy Answers—A Guide To Healthy Living:

      “Calling All Picklers!”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.                 The following introduces a new approach to Ms. Brown’s      Pickleball is often perceived as a fun and enjoyable sport,
      Dale is a motivational speaker who                series of columns devoted to many topics that deal with   a significant motivating factor for older adults looking to
      has spent many years as a Certified               the mind/body connection and the importance of living a   stay active. Picklers claim that it’s so much fun they don’t
      Life Coach and has written numerous               healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be reached   realize they’re getting exercise. Most points in pickleball
      articles and e-books relating to self-            at                    are won on a line just seven feet from the net, so it’s easy
      improvement  and  ways  to  build  a                 What’s all this craze with Pickleball? Maybe it’s a way   to chat between serves. When you hit a “smash” shot it’s
      high-performance team. She is the                 for those over 50 to say, “We are still in the game.” This mini   called a “dink” that’s hit into a zone called “the kitchen.”
      author of the book, “Small Steps...               version of tennis has given the scoring of “love” a whole   That in itself is reason to laugh!
      Big Changes: The Personal Stories                 new meaning. Everywhere you go, public parks, athletic      Overall, the combination of lower physical impact, ease
      of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of experience   clubs, civic centers and country clubs are all building new   of learning, social aspects and accessibility make pickleball
      in physical fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled   pickleball courts. I even have friends who decided to fill in   an attractive option for many older individuals who are
      her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-related areas.   their unused pool and build a pickleball court instead.   looking for a sport that is beneficial for their physical and
                                                             So, how did all this come about?              social well-being.
                Medicare                                is actually how it all began. The sport was first concocted     room visits were due to pickleball injuries in people over
                                                           Surprisingly, building a pickleball court in a backyard
                                                                                                                   You Picklers Could Be In A Pickle!
                                                                                                             Statistics reflect that approximately 86% of emergency
                                                        in 1965 by two men, Joel Pritchard and William Bell. They
                                                        were inspired to find a new, fun way to spend the summer
                                                                                                           60. The most common were sprains, strains and fractures.
        open enrollMent                                 when they realized their families were bored with other   It is estimated that there will be around 67,000 emergency
                                                                                                           room visits, 366,000 outpatient visits and 9,000 outpatient
                                                        available sports.
                                                           They found a property with an old badminton court,

                                                                                                           surgeries related to pickleball injuries this year.
                                                        some ping-pong paddles and a perforated plastic ball. Thus
                                                                                                             With millions of people playing pickleball there is bound
                                                        began the first-ever pickleball game. It was fun and easy,     to be an uptick in injuries, for obvious reasons. Beginners
                                                                                                           may not have the proper technique of understanding of the
                                                        and soon everyone was playing together, spending time
                    for 2024                            planning and inventing its rules. Five years later, the first   game’s rules and strategies, leaving them more prone to
                                                        pickleball corporation made the game official.
                                                                                                           accidents and injuries. Playing pickleball requires quick

                                                           Lots of people we know have recently joined the ranks of
                                                                                                           be more susceptible to injuries due to decreased flexibility,
                                                        pickleball players (“picklers”). Although it’s a sport for all   movements, agility and reflexes. Many older adults may
                cHecK For                               ages you might say the pickleball boom is real, especially for   muscle mass and bone density.

                                                                                                             To reduce the risk of pickleball injuries, players should
                                                        the boomer generation. There are over 4.8 million pickleball
                                                        players in the United States, and it is considered the fastest
                                                                                                           follow some simple rules:
                   eXcItInG                             growing sport in the country. So what’s the draw?       • Warm up properly before playing.
                                                           Pickleball is a racket-type sport similar to tennis that you

                                                                                                             • Wear appropriate footwear with good support and
                                                        can play in- or outdoors. It involves two or four players who   traction.
                                                        use a paddle to hit a perforated ball across a court separated      • Learn proper technique and rules of the game.
          neW PLanS                                     by a net. Pickleball is generally easier to learn and pick up        • Play on safe, well-marked and maintained surfaces.
                                                        quickly, especially for those who may not have had previous
                                                                                                             • Use protective gear when necessary, such as knee and/
                          and                           experience playing racket sports. The rules are simpler, and   or elbow pads.

                                                                                                             • Listen to your body and rest when needed.
                                                        the technique for playing can be less daunting for beginners.
               aLL neW                                    as fast through the air. The paddle is shorter and lighter than     improve fitness and prevent injuries.
                                                           A plastic whiffle-like ball is less bouncy and doesn’t fly
                                                                                                             •  Consider  training  and  conditioning  programs  to
                                                        a tennis racket and easier to handle. Since underhand serves

                                                                                                             It’s  important  to  note  that,  while  there  may  be  an
            BeneFItS                                    are played in pickleball, they are easier to hit and return.  increase in pickleball injuries, the overall injury rate in the
                                                                                                           sport is still relatively low compared to many other sports
                                                           The court size is smaller, so you run less and a shorter

                                                        distance to reach the ball. This can be more manageable for
                                                                                                           and  physical  activities.  Staying  informed  about  injury
                    YoU are                             older players who may have reduced mobility or endurance.   prevention and practicing safe play can help keep the sport
                                                                                                           enjoyable for all participants. So go dink some shots into
                                                        Courts  can  be  found  almost  everywhere  in  retirement
                                                        communities, recreational facilities, even in a neighbor’s
                                                                                                           the kitchen…be careful and have fun!
               entItLed to                              backyard.
                        neW!                                                          Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center
                  maY cHanGe PLanS                            32nd Annual                    Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center
          JanUarY 1 tHrU marcH 31, 2024                                                Alicia & Jeff Spero
              caLL WItH QUeStIonS                                    Book & Author Luncheon

           Peter Gratzon                                                         Presenting four best-selling authors

              toP IndePendent                                              Tuesday, November 7, 9:00 am

               medIcare aGent                                                           Boca West Country Club


              c: 561-289-9396

             time for a supplemeNtal plaN?
                        choose aNy
             doctor/hospital/No referrals
                aNywhere iN the couNtry
        appoiNted with major iNsuraNce carriers
                                                                             561-464-3086 •
                    No obligatioN/
                         No fees/
                    No commissioN
          call for iN-home appoiNtmeNt                         Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center • Toby & Leon Cooperman Campus
                                                                          21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL 33428 • Ph 561-558-2520 •
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