Page 11 - Abacoa Community News - October '23
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Abacoa, Page 11
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser
Dear Taxpayer, exempt bond interest or nontaxable Social Security income. Civilian Disability Exemptions
Welcome fall! You will be asked to provide a copy of your Federal 1040 Tax Full or partial exemptions are available for individuals
The end of the 2023 tax Form or your Social Security 1099 Form. The county’s senior with the following disabilities:
year is fast approaching! This exemption does not apply to other taxing authorities, such as • Quadriplegic
month, my office will certify the school district and other municipalities. • Paraplegic
the ad valorem tax roll to In addition to the countywide exemption, some • Hemiplegic
the Palm Beach County Tax municipalities offer additional tax savings. • Legally Blind
Collector’s Office. The tax • Boynton Beach – $25,000 • Total and permanent disability – Requires wheelchair
collector will mail the 2023 • Greenacres – $5,000 for mobility
tax bills on Nov. 1. • Haverhill – $50,000 • Total and permanent disability – Does not require
Hearings are also • Juno Beach – $50,000 wheelchair for mobility
beginning for property • Jupiter – $50,000 Some of these exemptions have income limitations.
owners who filed a petition because they disagree with their • Jupiter Inlet Colony – $50,000 Visit our website for more information on these exemptions
property assessment or were denied exemption. They are • Lake Park – $10,000 or to download and print forms. You can always call us at (561)
led by the Palm Beach County Clerk of the Circuit Court & • Lantana – $25,000 355-2866 or email us at
Comptroller’s Value Adjustment Board (VAB). On average, • Loxahatchee Groves – $50,000
the number of petitions filed in Palm Beach County is low, • Lake Worth Beach – $25,000 Dorothy Jacks Named IAAO Fellow
typically less than 1 percent of the total parcels in the county. • North Palm Beach – $25,000
As we move into the final months of the year, I’d like to • Palm Beach Gardens – $25,000 At their conference in August, the International Association
remind all property owners to review their homestead exemption • Palm Springs – $25,000 of Assessing Officers (IAAO) recognized Dorothy Jacks as
status to determine whether they might qualify for additional • Royal Palm Beach – $5,000 an IAAO Fellow, an honor that acknowledges a career
property tax saving benefits. There are several other exemptions • South Palm Beach – $25,000 dedicated to appraisal excellence.
such as those for seniors, the disabled, and members of the armed • Tequesta – $25,000 IAAO fellowships are bestowed on those who spend their
forces. You can research them all on our Do You Qualify page. • Wellington – $50,000 careers developing the appraisal profession. Dorothy Jacks was
This month’s newsletter also highlights a personal • West Palm Beach – $25,000 recognized for her contributions toward educational programs,
achievement for me. The International Association of The city of Boynton Beach also offers a Super Senior her service as a mentor to others in the appraisal industry, and
Assessing Officers (IAAO), a prestigious professional exemption for those who meet the qualifications of the her leadership at a national level, among other accomplishments.
organization in the appraisal industry, has recognized me as limited income senior citizen exemption and who have:
an IAAO Fellow for dedicating my career to the advancement • Maintained the ownership and have been a permanent On the right, Palm
of the assessment field. It is an incredible honor and one I am resident of the property for at least 25 years. Beach County Property
proud to bring home to Palm Beach County. • A property with a market value of less than $250,000 Appraiser Dorothy Jacks,
Respectfully, at the time of application. FIAAO, CFA, AAS, with
Dorothy Jacks, CFA, AAS, Widow/Widower Exemption the certificate of IAAO
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Florida grants an additional $5,000 exemption to widows fellowship; On the left,
and widowers. You will be asked to submit a copy of the Stacey R. Haynes, SPHR,
Additional Exemptions deceased spouse’s death certificate. If the surviving spouse SHRM-SCP, Director of
remarries, they are no longer eligible to receive the additional Human Resources
A property owner may be eligible for additional exemptions. exemption.
In order to qualify for the following additional exemptions, you Living Quarters Of Parents Or Grandparents Exemption Office Closed Due To Holiday
must have a homestead exemption on your property. (Also Known As The Granny Flat Exemption)
Limited Income Senior Exemption Homesteaded property owners who add living quarters The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office
A $25,000 exemption is available to those 65 or older with for a parent or grandparent can apply to have all or part of the (including all of our service centers) will be closed on
an adjusted gross income below $35,167, not including tax- value of this new construction deducted from the assessment. Columbus Day, Monday, Oct. 9.
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