Page 3 - Palm City Spotlight - September '23
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 3
      Treasure Coast Outdoors

      Railroad Trestle Will Require                        Boaters should also take                          I have also discovered, as have others, that these apex
                                                         into consideration that they
                                                                                                           predators are quick learners. They have figured out that a
      Anglers To Plan Ahead                              may run into some serious                         stopped boat can mean free lunch. Once an angler stops,
                                                         boat congestion at times.                         or anchors, they may discover that these predators begin to
      By Jim Weix                                        Along with numerous boats of                      check them out.
        The mutton snapper bite is good, but if you are west of   all types waiting for the trestle          Some anglers have told me that they often wait before
      the railroad trestle, you will need to plan your trip, unless   to open, the opening below the       trying to fish. If the predators don’t see any activity from
      you can fit below a closed trestle. Here is the planned   trestle is only 50 feet wide.              the boat above them, they may move on.
      schedule at this point:                              This means that pontoon                           Another solution is using a heavy line so that you can get
      Monday Through Friday                              boats, large vessels, and                         the fish to the boat quickly. I got two muttons into the boat
      8:55 through 9:10 a.m.                             everything in between are                         and I could see the goliath groupers rising up from below
      Saturday And Sunday                                going to be going both ways                       to try and grab them. Then they got smart and just sat under
      8:55 through 9:10 a.m.                             and all trying to get through within that 15-minute time period.   the boat, so I moved.
      9:55 through 10:10 a.m.                            It could be entertaining at times. Hopefully “boat rage” will     Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
      10:55 through 11:10 a.m.                           not become as common as road rage.                conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is included
      12:55 through 1:10 p.m.                              As I mentioned, the mutton snapper bite is good. The   in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s Hall of Fame for
      4:55 through 5:10 p.m.                             biggest issue is getting them to the boat before a shark or   helping restore thousands of acres of wetlands. Jim is a broker
        From 10:01 p.m. until 5:59 a.m. daily, the drawbridge   goliath grouper gets it. We have a serious overpopulation of   associate with The Keyes Company. He can be reached at
      will remain in the fully open-to-navigation position.  both, with no serious plans to correct the problem.  (772) 341-2941 or by email:

       On The Water For A Cause from page 1              disabilities are taught how to sail a 14-foot Hobie Wave   a boom. The program
                                                         catamaran. Success Sailing has its own fleet of six Hobe   offers a one-on-one
        We are finishing our summer sports – surfing, stand-up   Wave catamarans. All is safe, the sailor is not going to get   mentoring from
      paddleboard, swimming, and bowling – and are transitioning   hit on the head by a boom, because this boat does not have   an accomplished
      to our fall sports – powerlifting, softball, gymnastics, and                                         i nst ructor. Our
      golf. Special Olympics Florida serves 60,000 athletes                                                students are taught
      statewide. Our Central Region includes the following                                                 how to rig the boat,
      counties: Martin, Lake, Orange, Seminole, Brevard, Polk,                                             how to sail the boat,
      Osceola, Indian River, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie.                                                    and  how  to  derig
        If you’re interested in more information on getting                                                the boat. We sail on
      involved with our local programming, please contact the                                              Sundays from 3 to
      local Community Engagement Manager, HaleyRobbins@                                                    5 p.m. in the Indian, or visit                                               River Lagoon, just
                                                                                                           offshore of the U.S.
                                                                                                           Sailing Center. Each
                                                                                                           session starts with a
                                                                                                           briefing and classroom instruction and a debriefing after the
                                                                                                           day’s sailing session.
                                                                                                             The Sailing Festival is the culmination of many
                                                                                                           weeks of practice. Fifteen sailors hit the water after
                                                                                                           class instruction and a hamburger and hot dog cookout.
                                                                                                           Competition was keen, as sailors raced from a beach start
                                                                                                           out into the lagoon. The final race featured seven of our
                                                                                                           sailors who were single handling their vessels without
                                                                                                           the presence of an instructor. Success Sailing is available
      Martin County U.S. Sailing                                                                           to persons who have an intellectual disability and are at
                                                                                                           least 14 years old and able to relate to instructions from
      Center Holds Its Third                                                                               their personal mentor. We sail once a week on Sunday,

      Success Sailing Festival                                                                             usually from 3 to 5 p.m.. Many thanks to the executive
                                                                                                           director of the Martin County U.S. Sailing Center, Alan
                                                                                                           Jenkinson and the mentors and volunteers that make this
        On Saturday, Aug. 19, the Martin County U.S. Sailing                                               program possible. For further information on Success
      Center held its third annual Success Sailing Festival. Success                                       Sailing please call Alan Jenkinson at (772) 334-8085 or
      Sailing is a program in which people with intellectual                                               Doug Campbell at (305) 298-2625.

           TAKING CARE OF FAMILIES ON THE TREASURE COAST                                                    Stuart Air Show from page 1
                                                                                                            performers. Seating is extremely limited, and tickets must
                                                                                                            be purchased online in advance.
                                                                                                              In addition to the Dirty Flight Suit Party, General
                                              “Our TEAM is committed to                                     Admission tickets to Friday night’s event are also
                          YOUR                excellence in personalized dental                             available for purchase starting at just $30.
                   SMILE                      care, providing quality treatment                               The gates open at 4:30 p.m., and shortly after, the
                                                                                                            sky transforms into a canvas of mesmerizing twilight
                                              that our patients deserve. We offer
                                                                                                            performances against the backdrop of a setting sun.
                         IS OUR               comprehensive services including                                Following the spectacular fireworks display and the
                                              routine cleanings, teeth whitening
                                                                                                            infamous “Wall of Fire,” enjoy a rocking fun live concert.
                PASSION                       procedures, porcelain crowns and                              Vendors and concessions will be open to make it a night
                                              veneers and complex implant
                                                                                                            to remember.
                                              reconstructions .”               Dr. Shannon Plymale-Galinis,     Special pricing is available for active military and our
                                                                                and Dr. Thomas A. Galinis
                                                                                                              For ticket information, performers, and to learn more
                                                                                                            about this breathtaking celebration of aviation visit

                                                               2812 SW Mapp Rd.  |  Palm City

              ALSO OFFERING:                                 
              Invisalign®, Dental Implants, Porcelain Crowns,
              Facial Rejuvenation & Therapeutic Procedures
                We continue to welcome new patients and invite you to visit        ARE                      TD Bank Dirty Flight Suit Party 2018. Provided by Stuart
                our website for special offers. Complimentary consultations
                available upon request.                                        SAYING!                      Air Show

         Aesthetic Dentistry Seabreeze Ad JUN23.indd   1                                      5/25/23   6:09 AM
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