Page 4 - Martin Downs Bulletin - September '23
P. 4

Page 4, Martin Downs


       Treasure Coast Hospice                            include broader content                           and grief support services to
                                                         and learning opportunities
                                                                                                           patients and families at the
       Achieves National Recognition                     like compliance, palliative                       end of life. Founded in 1982,
       Through Quality Connections                       care, equity and inclusion                        Treasure Coast Hospice has
                                                         that serve our patients and
                                                                                                           grown to serve more than
       Program                                           communities  across  the                          4,000 patients annually
                                                         continuum of serious illness
                                                                                                           in Martin, St. Lucie and
                                                         and end-of-life care.”                            Okeechobee counties.
       Demonstrating Commitment To Providing               Learn more about                                Thanks to the generous
       The Highest Quality Care For The Hospice          Treasure Coast Hospice at                         support of our community,
       Community                                                          the Treasure Coast Hospice  NHPCO’s Quality
                                                         About Treasure  Coast                             Foundation is able to fund  Connections 4-Rings logo
         Treasure Coast Hospice announced today that it has   Hospice                                      comprehensive hospice
       achieved recognition by earning four rings in the 2023     Treasure Coast Hospice                   and grief support programs for Treasure Coast Hospice,
       Quality Connections program of the National Hospice   is a nonprofit community  Treasure Coast Hospice Vice   including three inpatient units for those who need a
       and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). Quality   organization of skilled  President of Quality and   higher level of care, the specialized pediatric program
       Connections is the only national program designed to   professionals and dedicated  Education Shannon Cooper,   Little Treasures, music therapy, massage therapy, virtual
       support hospice and palliative care providers’ delivery   volunteers whose mission  R.N., MPH, CHPN  reality experiences, individual and group bereavement
       of high-quality, person-centered care.            is to provide access to                           services, and Camp Good Grief for children who have
         Quality Connections is structured around four   compassionate, caring, expert and professional hospice   experienced the loss of a loved one.
       fundamental pillars, which are represented by four rings:
       education, application, measurement, and innovation.
       Quality Connections participants are required to achieve   On The Water For A Cause from page 1     has its own fleet of six Hobe Wave catamarans. All is safe,
       milestones within defined time frames by participating                                              the sailor is not going to get hit on the head by a boom,
       in activities such as quarterly data reporting and   Region includes the following counties: Martin, Lake,   because this boat does not have a boom. The program
       benchmarking, educational courses, case studies, and   Orange, Seminole, Brevard, Polk, Osceola, Indian   offers a one-on-one mentoring from an accomplished
       engagement on emerging issues; all of which serve   River, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie.               instructor. Our students are taught how to rig the boat,
       to promote high-quality care delivery and service     If you’re interested in more information on   how to sail the boat, and how to derig the boat. We sail
       excellence. Achievement in the program is measured by   getting involved with our local programming,   on Sundays from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Indian River Lagoon,
       completing activities within each of the four foundational   please contact the local Community Engagement   just offshore of the U.S. Sailing Center. Each session starts
       areas, culminating in the closure of up to four rings.  Manager,, or visit    with a briefing and classroom instruction and a debriefing
         Treasure Coast Hospice earned the highest achievement       after the day’s sailing session.
       possible by closing the four rings and enhancing its                                                  The Sailing Festival is the culmination of many
       quality improvement program by incorporating the newest   Martin County U.S. Sailing                weeks of practice. Fifteen sailors hit the water after
       and best practices in serious illness and end-of-life care.                                         class instruction and a hamburger and hot dog cookout.
         “Treasure Coast Hospice is honored to be recognized   Center Holds Its Third                      Competition was keen, as sailors raced from a beach
       by the NHPCO’s Quality Connections program for our                                                  start out into the lagoon.  The final race featured
       commitment to innovative, patient-centered care,” said   Success Sailing Festival                   seven of our sailors who were single handling their
       Vice President of Quality and Education Shannon Cooper,                                             vessels without the presence of an instructor. Success
       R.N., MPH, CHPN. “Receiving national recognition is a     On Saturday,                              Sailing is available to persons who have an intellectual
       testament to our team’s dedication to clinical excellence   Aug. 19, the Martin                     disability and are at least 14 years old and able to relate
       and our mission to provide the highest-quality care to   County U.S.                                to instructions from their personal mentor. We sail once
       patients and families at the end of life.”          Sailing Center                                  a week on Sunday, usually from 3 to 5 p.m.. Many
         “NHPCO is committed to helping hospice and palliative   held its third                            thanks to the executive director of the Martin County
       care providers deliver the best care possible to patients   annual Success                          U.S. Sailing Center, Alan Jenkinson and the mentors
       and their loved ones. Quality Connections was created to   Sailing Festival.                        and volunteers that make this program possible. For
       make the ongoing journey of excellence possible,” said   Success Sailing                            further information on Success Sailing please call
       NHPCO COO and interim CEO Ben Marcantonio. “The     is a program in                                 Alan Jenkinson at (772) 334-8085 or Doug Campbell
       Quality Connections program continues to grow and   which people                                    at (305) 298-2625.
                                                           with intellectual
                                                           disabilities are
                                                           taught how to sail
                                                           a 14-foot Hobie
                                                           Wave catamaran.
                                                           Success Sailing

              Ido Stern, Esq.                                                 Offices in Stuart & Boca Raton

              Attorney at Law

                                                                      Wills                                           561-609-3556


                                                                      Probate Litigation
                                                                                                                      1803 S Kanner Hwy.
                                                                      Inheritance Disputes                            Stuart, Fl 34994

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