Page 11 - Jupiter West - September '23
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Jupiter West, Page 11
      Medicare Corner With Kathy O                                                                         Financial Focus                            ®

      It’s That Time Again To                            any changes that are effective January 2024. If you do not get   Retirees: Talk Finances With
      Ask – Am I On The Right                            this important document, contact your plan provider. If you are   Your Grown Children
                                                         satisfied with your current plan and the upcoming changes, you
      Medicare Plan?                                     do not need to do anything. The plan will automatically renew
                                                         January 2024. If you do not like the coverage or are interested   By Sally Sima Stahl
        Medicare open enrollment                         in seeing if there are other options with more benefits or lower     When you’re retired, you’ll
      is around the corner from Oct.                     costs, contact a local agent like me!             likely have some financial
      15 to Dec. 7. If you are on                          For those on a Medicare supplement plan, you have the option   concerns – just like all retirees.
      an advantage plan, you will                        during AEP to change to a Medicare advantage plan that may   However, if you’ve invested
      receive a notice of change                         have a $0 monthly premium. If you try the advantage plan, and   regularly and followed a long-
      that explains the changes for                      in the first year want to switch back to your supplement, you have   term financial strategy, you
      your current 2024 plan mid-                        guarantee issue under “trial rights,” which means you can switch   should be able to address most
      September.                                         back to your supplement anytime during the next 12 months.  issues that come your way. But
        This is what you need to                           How do I go about comparing plans? As a consumer, there   there’s one important action
      know …                                             are two important lists you should have when comparing plans   that’s sometimes overlooked
        Insurance  companies                             and making the best decision for you: 1) A list of your medical   by retirees: sharing their
      are continuing to make                             providers and 2) A list of your prescription drugs. You have   financial situation with their grown children. And this
      improvements in benefits to their advantage plans to help   several resources to assist your decision-making process for   knowledge can benefit everyone in your family.
      members receive low-cost care and extra benefits beyond original   AEP. You can contact Medicare by phone at 800-MEDICARE     You might be surprised by the concern your children have
      Medicare. It is important to annually review your plan and look   or online at or you can contact a local agent   for your financial well-being. Consider these findings from
      at some other options available in your area, because you may   like me!                             a 2023 study by Age Wave and Edward Jones:
      miss out on additional benefits and/or lower costs.    What about all those commercials? These ads are designed     • 66 percent of millennials (generally defined as ranging
        Can I change my plan anytime I want? Every year all active   to generate the most incoming calls possible. They list all possible   from 27 to 42) worry that their parents or in-laws may not
      Medicare A and B recipients are eligible to make changes to their   free benefits, but include a disclaimer that you may not qualify for   have enough money to live comfortably in retirement.
      plan during what is known as the annual enrollment period (AEP)   these benefits. As a local agent, I can help clarify which benefits     • 83 percent of millennials would rather know their parents
      which runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Plans are effective January   you may or may not be qualified for and assist you in enrolling   are financially secure in their retirement, even if it means
      of the following year.                             in a new plan.                                    their parents pass on less money to them.
        So, what do I do now and what are my options? If you     For a no cost or obligation plan review, please call me at     If you have children in this age range or older, or who
      are on a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan (PDP),   (561) 212-7640. I conduct reviews in person and on the phone.   soon will be, how can you address their concerns and
      you will receive an Annual Notice of Change that will explain   I speak Medicare.                    potentially improve your financial outlook? Communication
                                                                                                           is the key. By openly communicating with your family
                                                “Service is our number one priority”                       about your financial status, you can reduce anxieties and
                                                                                                           misperceptions. If you’re in good financial shape, your adult
                                                              561-743-0070                                 children may be reassured that you won’t be needing their
                                                                                                           assistance. And if you are feeling some financial pressures,
                                                                        you can inform your children of the steps you are taking to
                                                                                                           improve your situation.
                                                                                                             One such step may be to reduce your cost of living – the
                                                                                                           less you spend day to day, the better your ability to preserve
                                                                                                           your investment and retirement accounts. You may be able to
                                                                                                           reduce costs in many small ways, such as ending streaming
                                                                                                           services you no longer use, but you could make an even
                                                                                                           bigger impact by downsizing your living arrangements. In
                                                                                                           fact, 72 percent of today’s retirees have downsized or are
                                                                                                           willing to downsize to reduce their housing costs, according
                                                                                                           to the Age Wave/Edward Jones survey. Downsizing isn’t for
                                                                                                           everyone, but if it’s a possibility for you, it may be worth
                                                                                                           considering because the savings could be significant.
                                                                                                             You may also be able to reduce or consolidate your debts.
                                                                                                           Start by understanding how much and what kinds of debt
                                                                                  Expires 10/15/23.        you have. Then, consider ways to lower your payments, such
                                                                                                           as refinancing. For example, if you’re carrying a balance
                                                                       State Licensed & Insured            on multiple credit cards, you might be able to transfer the
        Serving Palm Beach County                                    CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099             amounts you owe onto a single card with a more favorable
                                                                                                           interest rate.
                                                                                                             Here’s another move to consider. Adjust your investment
                                                                                                           mix to possibly provide you with more income in retirement.
                                                                                                           During your working years, you may have invested primarily
                                                                                                           for growth – after all, you could be retired for two or more
                                                                                                           decades, so you’ll need to draw on as many financial assets
                                                                                                           as possible. But once you’re retired, your investment focus
                                                                                                           may need to shift somewhat toward income-producing
                                                                                                           opportunities. Keep in mind, though, that you’ll still need
                                                                                                           some growth potential to help keep ahead of inflation.
                                                                                                             One final suggestion: Let your children know if you
                                                                                                           already have a strategy in place to meet the potentially high
                                                                                                           costs of long-term care, such as a nursing home stay. This
                                                                                                           burden is certainly something you won’t want your children
                                                                                                           to take on.
                                                                                                             By informing your children about your financial picture,
                                                                                                           and how you’re trying to improve it, you can ease everyone’s
                                                                                                           minds – so keep the lines of communication open.
                                                                                                             This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
                                                                                                           your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
                                                                                                           Member SIPC.
                                                                                                             Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
                                                                                                           and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
                                                                                                           and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
                                                                                                           Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
                                                                                                           Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
                                                                                                           Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
                                            A College Preparatory Catholic High School                       Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
                                                                                                           cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
                                            Our Vision is to build life’s champions                        tax advisor regarding your situation.
                                                     through FAITH, ACADEMICS,    SCAN TO  LEARN MORE        Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                                                    SERVANT LEADERSHIP and a                               1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                  STRONG FAMILY ATMOSPHERE.
                                                              West Palm Beach, FL
                                                                    (561) 683-6266
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