Page 10 - Jupiter Spotlight - September '23
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Page 10, Jupiter Spotlight
      Financial Focus                            ®         Inflexible Children Struggle

      Retirees: Talk Finances With                         By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                           might think, “Just get over it and move on,” but it is

      Your Grown Children                                  School Psychologist                             not that easy for your child.
                                                             “We don’t spring any                            Inflexible  children  often  have  difficulty  making
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                  unexpected  changes  on                         transitions at home and at school. They often see things
        When you’re retired, you’ll                        him  or  he  has  a  huge                       their  way  and  have  difficulty  going  with  the  flow.
      likely have some financial                           meltdown,”  explained                           This contributes to their meltdowns and stubbornness.
      concerns – just like all retirees.                   one mom. Her 8-year-old                         Inflexible  children  are  not  always  pleasant  to  be
      However, if you’ve invested                          son  had  daily  tantrums                       around. They  can  be  bossy  when  playing  and  want
      regularly and followed a long-                       when  things  did  not                          to do things their way. This inflexibility can create
      term financial strategy, you                         go  his  way.  Mom  was                         friendship issues with same age peers and inflexible
      should be able to address most                       concerned he might have                         children might prefer to play with younger children
      issues that come your way. But                       ADHD so we evaluated                            whom they can boss around.
      there’s one important action                         him to determine the root cause of his meltdowns. Our     The  term  executive  functioning  describes  our
      that’s sometimes overlooked                          evaluation showed it was not ADHD but rather he had   brain’s  management  system.  Kids  with  executive
      by  retirees:  sharing  their                        executive functioning difficulty with shifting attention   functioning difficulty need to learn skill rather than
      financial situation with their grown children. And this   and cognitive flexibility.                 take pills to help them. Mom was happy medication
      knowledge can benefit everyone in your family.         Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “That person has   was not the answer for her child. My Day is Ruined!:
        You might be surprised by the concern your children have   a one-track mind.” That saying captures what happens   A Story Teaching Flexible Thinking by Bryan Smith
      for your financial well-being. Consider these findings from   when inflexible people get something stuck in their   is a book you can read with your child to teach skills.
      a 2023 study by Age Wave and Edward Jones:           minds and they can’t get it out. They perseverate. Their     Call to discuss your child as we test for executive
        • 66 percent of millennials (generally defined as ranging   brain is like a train riding down a track and it can’t   functioning difficulty, autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia,
      from 27 to 42) worry that their parents or in-laws may not   make a shift to a new track until it gets to a junction.   ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Visit
      have enough money to live comfortably in retirement.  Unfortunately for some people, their brain goes on for   or call (561) 625-4125.
        • 83 percent of millennials would rather know their parents   “miles” before it reaches a junction. As a parent you
      are financially secure in their retirement, even if it means
      their parents pass on less money to them.
        If you have children in this age range or older, or who
      soon will be, how can you address their concerns and   Advertise in This Newspaper! Call 561.746.3244
      potentially improve your financial outlook? Communication
      is the key. By openly communicating with your family
      about your financial status, you can reduce anxieties and                                   “Service is our number one priority”
      misperceptions. If you’re in good financial shape, your adult
      children may be reassured that you won’t be needing their                                                 561-743-0070
      assistance. And if you are feeling some financial pressures,
      you can inform your children of the steps you are taking to                                  
      improve your situation.
        One such step may be to reduce your cost of living – the
      less you spend day to day, the better your ability to preserve
      your investment and retirement accounts. You may be able to
      reduce costs in many small ways, such as ending streaming
      services you no longer use, but you could make an even
      bigger impact by downsizing your living arrangements. In
      fact, 72 percent of today’s retirees have downsized or are
      willing to downsize to reduce their housing costs, according
      to the Age Wave/Edward Jones survey. Downsizing isn’t for
      everyone, but if it’s a possibility for you, it may be worth
      considering because the savings could be significant.
        You may also be able to reduce or consolidate your debts.
      Start by understanding how much and what kinds of debt
      you have. Then, consider ways to lower your payments, such                                                                    Expires 10/15/23.
      as refinancing. For example, if you’re carrying a balance
      on multiple credit cards, you might be able to transfer the                                                        State Licensed & Insured
      amounts you owe onto a single card with a more favorable   Serving Palm Beach County                             CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
      interest rate.
        Here’s another move to consider. Adjust your investment
      mix to possibly provide you with more income in retirement.
      During your working years, you may have invested primarily
      for growth – after all, you could be retired for two or more
      decades, so you’ll need to draw on as many financial assets
      as possible. But once you’re retired, your investment focus
      may need to shift somewhat toward income-producing
      opportunities. Keep in mind, though, that you’ll still need
      some growth potential to help keep ahead of inflation.
        One final suggestion: Let your children know if you
      already have a strategy in place to meet the potentially high
      costs of long-term care, such as a nursing home stay. This
      burden is certainly something you won’t want your children
      to take on.
        By informing your children about your financial picture,
      and how you’re trying to improve it, you can ease everyone’s
      minds – so keep the lines of communication open.
        This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      Member SIPC.
        Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
      and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
      and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
      Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
      Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
      Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
        Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
      tax advisor regarding your situation.
        Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
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