Page 2 - The Jewish Voice - September '23
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Page 2, The Jewish Voice
      H. Irwin Levy, One of Palm Beach County’s Most

      Prominent Individuals, Founder of Century Village

      and Patriarch of Jewish Community, Passes Away at 97

         One of the most impactful                      boom, particularly among the Jewish community. He was CEO   his local community, he transformed Palm Beach into a thriving
      individuals in the history of                     and chair of the board of Cenvill Communities Inc. from 1969.   Jewish community with a flourishing Federation and imparted
      the Palm Beaches, Israel, and                     Irwin’s ambition led him to build three additional Century Village   his love for Israel to his children and grandchildren.”
      on  global Jewry,  H. Irwin                       properties and Wynmoor Village. Cenvill was the largest builder      Natan Sharansky, the legendary refusenik and Soviet political
      Levy passed away at the age                       of condominiums in the U.S., responsible for the creation and   prisoner who went on to become deputy prime minister of Israel
      of 97 on July 31, 2023, in                        management of more than 37,000 homes across South Florida.  and chair of The Jewish Agency, added that Irwin’s “initiative
      West Palm Beach, surrounded                          Through his unparalleled foresight and innovative thinking,   helped persuade leaders in the United States to actively support
      by his loving family. He was                      in partnership with his late wife Jeanne S. Levy, Irwin played   the rescue and absorption of nearly a million Jews.”
      a devoted husband, father,                        a pivotal role in transforming the Palm Beaches into a thriving      Irwin Levy’s remarkable accomplishments  garnered
      grandfather, great-grandfather,                   Jewish community. Their efforts extended beyond the local   widespread recognition and acclaim, earning him numerous
      visionary businessman and the                     community through their deep commitment to support millions   accolades in the Jewish community. In 1996, Irwin was honored
      patriarch of the Palm Beaches’                    around the globe.                                  with the prestigious title of Man of the Century by the Palm Beach
      Jewish community.                                    Irwin and Jeanne were devoted parents to their two children,   Jewish Times. He received the National Scopus Award from the
         Born in 1926 and raised                        while also taking on the roles of “parents” of Jewish Palm   American Friends of Hebrew University, Visionary Leadership
      in Scranton, PA, Irwin enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps in   Beach by establishing a network of Jewish organizations   Award from The Jewish Agency for Israel, and the John C.
      1944. Following the war, he obtained a bachelor’s degree from   to support the community. Irwin was a founding leader of   Randolph Award from the Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians
      Penn State University, going on to attend Cornell University   Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, the Mandel Jewish   and Jews. The Historical Society of Palm Beach County recently
      law school. After marrying Jeanne Siskin, Irwin recognized a   Community Center, Meyer Jewish Preparatory School, Joseph   showcased an exhibit to Irwin and his family highlighting their
      promising future in Florida and decided to complete his final   L. Morse Geriatric Center, The Kravis Center, and Palm Beach   significant contributions.
      year of law school at the University of Miami Law School,   Fellowship of Christians and Jews. He was a past-president      His immediate family, including his wife, Ellen; son Mark
      where he earned his juris doctorate. He became a member of   of Temple Beth El in West Palm Beach and a member and   F. Levy; daughter Lynn L. Peseckis; daughter-in-law Stacey
      the Florida and the Palm Beach County Bar and remained a   supporter of Temple Emanu-El in Palm Beach as well as   K. Levy and son-in-law Frank Peseckis, continue his legacy
      member for 70 years. Throughout his esteemed legal career,   continuing the legacy of his own father, Jacob Levy, with   of leadership.
      Irwin gained recognition as a prominent lawyer, showcasing   support for Temple Israel in Scranton.      Irwin  married  Ellen  Schwartz  in  1994  and  was  a
      his expertise by successfully arguing cases before the U.S. and      Michael Hoffman, president and CEO of Jewish Federation   devoted husband and stepfather to Ellen’s children and her
      Florida Supreme Courts. He also handled major business and   of Palm Beach County, shared, “Irwin was a trailblazer and   grandchildren. Together they made multiple significant
      real estate restructurings and took companies public. Levy also   pioneer of this community. He exhibited brilliant vision,   contributions to the Kravis Center, the Promise Fund of Florida,
      formed a renowned law firm in Palm Beach that continued long   selfless leadership, savvy business skills, and overwhelming   The Society of the Four Arts, and MorseLife Health System,
      after he stopped actively practicing law in 1969.  kindness and generosity throughout his lifetime. It was his   among many other charities.
         Irwin and his first wife, Jeanne (who passed away in   unequaled foresight and ingenuity that built what we have      In addition to Ellen, he is survived by his daughter and
      1990), relocated to the Palm Beaches in 1951. Driven by his   here today in the Palm Beaches, one of the most thriving local   son-in-law Lynn Levy Peseckis and Frank Peseckis of Singer
      visionary mindset and professional talents, Irwin embarked on a   Jewish communities in the world.”  Island; his son and daughter-in-law Mark F. Levy and Stacey
      groundbreaking endeavor by establishing Cenvill Communities      Irwin was also a fervent supporter of Israel. He was directly   K. Levy of Palm Beach Gardens; grandchildren Noah Peseckis
      and developing Century Village in West Palm Beach. This   responsible for securing $1.6 billion in U.S. grants to rescue   of Jupiter and Sara (Lawrence) Peseckis of Greenwood Village,
      landmark project sparked a new industry and fueled a population   nearly one million persecuted Jews from the former Soviet Union   CO; Jourdan (John) Levy Bizanes of Jupiter and Joshua Levy
                                                        and Ethiopia to Israel. Irwin’s passionate involvement extended   of New York City; great-grandchildren Liam, Evan and Ari
                                                        to global organizations such as National United Jewish Appeal,   Peseckis and William and Blake Bizanes; and Ellen’s children
      Community Contributes Record $55 Million from page 1  United Israel Appeal, The Jewish Agency for Israel, American   Adam (Lauren) Schwartz and Lara Lerner and their seven
                                                        Friends of Hebrew University, City of David in Jerusalem, and   children. He is also survived by two sisters-in-law, Lillian and
      the midst of historic population growth, we are grappling with   the renowned think tank The Washington Institute for Near East   Ceil Levy, brother-in-law Phillip Siskin and his wife, Leah
      a surge of new community needs on top of existing challenges.   Policy. Additionally, he and his first wife created the Jeanne and   Siskin, and many loving nieces and nephews, grand nieces and
      Our ability to take on emerging issues comes from a position of   Irwin Levy Day Care Center in Hod Hasharon, Israel, leaving a   nephews. He was predeceased by his four brothers Bernard,
      strength that we have worked hard to achieve at Federation. We   lasting impact on the lives of young children in the region.  Myron, Benjamin, and Robert Levy.
      are focused on strengthening our community today, tomorrow,      “Irwin’s vision and his contributions of time and resources      In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Jewish
      and forever.”                                     to the Jewish Agency and the global Jewish people have been   Federation of Palm Beach County, 1 Harvard Circle, Ste. 100,
         Federation’s annual campaign fuels the organization’s   inspiring,” shared Amira Ahronoviz, director general and CEO,   West Palm Beach, FL 33409; The Washington Institute for
      network of local and global partners and programs. Partner   The Jewish Agency for Israel. “His staunch advocacy to support   Near East Policy, 1111 19th Street NW - Suite 500, Washington
      organizations include Alpert Jewish Family Service, Hillel of   global Jewry assured the aliyah of tens of thousands of olim   D.C. 20036, or Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, 57
      Broward and Palm Beach, Kramer Senior Services (MorseLife   (immigrants) from the Former Soviet Union to Israel, while in   West 57th Street, Suite 904, New York, NY 10019.
      Home Care), Mandel JCC, Meyer Jewish Preparatory School,
      Birthright Israel, JDC, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Friedman
      Commission for Jewish Education, Jewish Community Relations
      Council, Kohl JVC, Meyer JCF, and Palm Beach Center to   Are you ready for Advanced
      Combat Antisemitism & Hatred.
         Additional highlights during the 2023 campaign year
      included several commitments from community visionaries with      Cataract Surgery?
      Federation’s Campaign for the Future, the largest fundraising                       IV-Free  Hassle-Free  Office-Based Surgery
      effort in Jewish Palm Beach’s history. This comprehensive
      fundraising campaign seeks to grow annual fundraising for
      today, increase the number of multi-year pledges for tomorrow,
      and create new endowments to forever meet the needs of our
      growing community.
         Heading into the 2023-2024 season, Federation is planning
      a robust schedule of events. This includes the highly anticipated
      Celebrating Philanthropy on Monday, December 4, a festive
      evening at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, hosted by
      Susan Shulman Pertnoy, William A. Meyer, and Federation’s
      Board of Directors. This annual event represents one of the first
      opportunities for the community’s stakeholders to gain insights
      into the future of our growing Jewish community and actively
      participate in shaping it. The event will feature speakers including
      Mayim Bialik, acclaimed actress, TV host, and author known for
      iconic roles in Blossom, The Big Bang Theory, and Jeopardy!
         The season also features the first of the Business &
      Professionals Speaker Series on Thursday, October 5, at
      5:30 p.m. at Venture X at The Square in West Palm Beach,   Our Private Surgery Suite is State-of-the-Art Technology
      featuring Brian Bandell, real estate editor for the South Florida
      Business Journal, who will share his insights on the real estate                                                    over 2000 successful
      transformations unfolding in the Palm Beaches, aligning                                                          IV-Free surgeries to date
      with Federation’s strategy to shape our community’s future
      by propelling our local community as a hub of Jewish life,   Online
      leadership, and innovation in North America.                 Email
         The Kohl JVC also will be seeking volunteers for its annual   Text or Call 561.500.2020
      8 Days, 8 Ways of Giving Back events throughout December
      to honor the miracle of lights by volunteering to help people in   Voted Best of PB 5 years!                           How can we help?
      need in all corners of Palm Beach County.
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