Page 27 - Boca Club News - September '23
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Boca Club News, Page 27
Film Review:
“Peace by Chocolate”
By Nils A. Shapiro war the factory was destroyed in a do not understand nor speak a word of it. And when his
The sweetness of this film’s title bombing that forced their family to sister and her child have been rejected for visas to travel to
seems far removed from its subject leave everything behind. Nova Scotia to join the rest of the family, there is another
matter: immigration and the experiences In this film the son, Tareq Hadhad problem for Tareq to resolve.
faced by families who must flee the (Ayham Abou Ammar in the role) Issam, the father’s, inability to speak English causes a
horrors of their own homelands to seek emigrates to Antigonish, a small town furor when, upon entering a local “sweet shop,” he sees
refuge among foreigners in new places. in Nova Scotia in hopes of sending for its assortment of candies. In his innocent excitement to
But this is the true story of one family his parents and sister, who has a young show the owner his skills as a chocolatier, he tries to
that turned such a journey into a world- child, to join him and then following his rush behind the counter, but she views it as an attack and
famous success! own dream of entering medical school. screams, causing him to flee.
For nearly 30 years, the Hadhad A kind and empathetic local couple As a response to the incident, Issam decides to show
family in Damascus created delicacies welcomes Tareq and invites him to stay others his skills, at first by just making a few sample
from its chocolate factory under the in their home. He begins the process of chocolates as gifts for their friends. Word spreads about
creative leadership of its patriarch, sending for his family and, at the same these very special treats. Soon, Tareq and Issam are
Issam Hadhad (played in the film by time, applies to medical school. Tareq’s getting requests that require them to set up a small facility
Hatem Ali) and shipped them all over fluency in English proves to be critically for preparing quantities of chocolates to fill orders—an
the Middle East and Europe. However, important, for when his parents arrive he opportunity made possible only with the help, once again,
in late 2012, as part of the Syrian civil must use it to translate for parents who of their close friends and neighbors who first welcomed
them to their new home.
I will offer no more spoilers here, except to point out
that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has publicly
praised the Peace by Chocolate company and President
Joe Biden has enjoyed from Trudeau a gift of one of its
chocolate bars. Today, through Peace by Chocolate, the
Hadhad family shares the message of love, hope, and above
all else, peace. They donate 3-5% of the company’s profits
to the Peace on Earth Society, which is an organization
registered in Nova Scotia that donates to peace building
projects around the world.
In closing, I will remind you again that this is a
true story, one that points out the possibilities inherent
in places—towns, cities, nations—where immigration
and immigrants become a subject for compassion and
cooperation, rather than hate and divisiveness.
This is truly a heartwarming, beautifully acted and
directed film, now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Ayham Abou Ammar, who played Tareq Hadhad, won a
Canadian award for Best On-Screen Performance. This
was the final role for Hatem Ali, who brilliantly played
the father, Issam; he passed away after the filming.
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