Page 18 - Abacoa Community News - September '23
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Page 18, Abacoa
      Science On The Cutting Edge

      Study: Homebuyers Facing                           return and New Orleans an 8.33 percent return. The higher returns      In the past several periods existed, during which ice
      Overvalued Markets Despite                         indicate that the prices in these markets will stay well supported.   sheets were exposed to strong climatic changes. For example,
                                                         “Higher returns from rent in the eastern half of the United States
                                                                                                           21,000 years ago the global average temperature was about
      Prices Moderating                                  help explain recent price performance differences between the   5 degrees Celsius colder and the sea level about 120 metres
                                                         western and eastern halves of the country,” Johnson said. “These   lower than today. Large ice sheets covered Greenland,
      By Amber Bonefont                                  high gross returns can be calculated from a metro’s price-to-rent   Antarctica and parts of North America and Eurasia – a total of
         Housing prices are                              ratio by simply inverting the ratio. In general, prices are probably   approximately 8 percent of the Earth’s surface. About 19,000
      starting to stabilize                              going to be well supported in most of the Sun Belt states.”  years ago, temperatures began to rise, and a large proportion
      across the country,                                                                                  of the ice sheets disappeared. This transition is called the last
      though homebuyers                                  The Role Of Ice Sheets For                        deglaciation. Today, only the Greenland and Antarctic ice
      waiting for a break in the                                                                           sheets remain. In order to better understand these climate
      market may not find it                             The Climate                                       changes and the interactions between ice sheets and the
      anytime soon, according to                                                                           climate, we perform long-term simulations using our newly
      researchers at Florida Atlantic                       Today, ice                                     developed climate model. By using this model, we also want
      University (FAU) and Florida                       sheets cover an                                   to draw conclusions about the evolution of the future climate.
      International University (FIU).                    area that is almost                               Small Differences Have A Strong Impact On The Climate
         Price increases have                            as large as South                                    One focus of our work has been to gain a better
      lessened month-to-month                            America. Even though this equals only about 3 percent of the   understanding of the impact of uncertainties in the extent
      in areas like Seattle, where                       Earth’s surface, they play, similar to Arctic sea ice, a major   and height of ice sheets on the climate. To do this, we
      prices only increased about .2 percent; Charlotte, N.C., .3   role for the climate. In order to investigate ice sheets and   simulated the last deglaciation with different ice-sheet
      percent; and only .4 percent in Portland, Ore. Jacksonville   their interaction with the climate, we are developing a climate   reconstructions as boundary conditions. The reconstructions
      and Phoenix saw slight price declines of .03 percent.  model in which the extent of the ice sheets changes over time.   are obtained through the analysis of geological remains
         “Prices are still moderating in the majority of the country,   Such changes and interactions have so far been insufficiently   of past ice sheets, which are, however, temporally and
      especially east of the Mississippi,” noted Ken H. Johnson,   represented in conventional climate models.  spatially incomplete. This leads to various reconstructions,
      Ph.D., real estate economist at FAU’s College of Business.      In recent decades the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica   which differ considerably in terms of their ice sheet height
      “There’s not much price movement. But, once you go west,   have decreased dramatically, and scientific projections suggest   and extent. Our model calculations show that even small
      you see some price declines.”                      an increasing retreat in the future. Ice sheets form on land in   differences in these characteristics have a strong effect
         Despite the beginning stages of a moderation in housing   regions with sufficient snowfall, which compacts and forms   on the climate. The differences influence both the climate
      prices, markets throughout the country remain significantly   ice over time due to compression. They are therefore created   during the last glacial period and the timing and extent of
      overvalued compared to their long-term pricing trends. It’s a sign   differently than sea ice, which is often discussed in the public,   abrupt climate fluctuations during the last deglaciation in the
      that it could be years before prices return to where they should   and forms by the freezing of seawater. As the major part of an   northern hemisphere. The main reason for this is that the ice-
      be, and buyers are no longer paying a premium for a home.  ice sheet is located on land, the melting of ice sheets leads to   sheet height and the addition of meltwater released into the
         Atlanta remains the most overvalued market in the country,   a rise in sea level, unlike the melting of sea ice. Depending on   ocean from changing ice sheets impacts the atmospheric and
      with buyers paying an almost 48 percent premium. Next highest   the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and the associated   oceanic circulation. These in turn regulate how much heat is
      is Detroit where homes are 45.88 percent overvalued; Tampa,   melting of the ice sheets, the sea level is likely to rise by   transported from subtropical regions into the North Atlantic
      43.09 percent; Memphis, Tenn., 42.65 percent; North Port, 42.59   between 0.3 and 1.1 metres until the end of this century. This   and thus determine the climate in the adjacent regions, such
      percent; Cape Coral, 42.18 percent; and in Charlotte, N.C., 41.63   has not only climatic but also socio-economic implications,   as Europe.
      percent. In Miami, an area that shows little signs of a decline,   as around 267 million people worldwide live in areas that lie
      homes are 38.73 percent overvalued. The full ranking can be   less than one metre above sea level.   The Role Of Ice Sheets on page 19
      found at the Beracha and Johnson Housing Market Ranking.
         “There’s some concern in buying if you are looking to
      resell in a short time. But, if you are planning on staying in the
      home for several years, purchasing should perform as well in
      terms of wealth creation as renting and reinvesting,” said Eli
      Beracha, Ph.D. of FIU’s Hollo School of Real Estate. “For
      example, in Miami, there’s no reason to suspect a crash in
      prices as witnessed 15 years ago when the average property
      lost upwards of 60 percent in its value. Supply and demand
      are completely different this time around.”
         Each month, FAU and FIU rank the 100 most overvalued
      metro areas using publicly available data from online real
      estate portal Zillow or other providers. The data, which extends   Simulated north hemispheric ice sheet extent at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM – circa 21,000 years before present; (left)
      from January 1996 through the end of May, includes single-  and around 1850 (right). The figure shows ice velocity and primary production through photosynthesis, as well as meltwater
      family homes, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops.   input from icebergs to the ocean. During the LGM, a Heinrich event can be seen in the east of the North American ice
         The ranking is part of FAU’s Real Estate Initiative, a   sheet, which is characterised by an increased ice velocity and an increased input of meltwater by icebergs into the ocean.
      collaboration of professors at FAU, FIU, Florida Gulf Coast
      University (FGCU) and University of Alabama to help the
      average consumer make informed decisions about housing.
      The initiative releases three monthly indices looking at rent   Need More Storage?
      prices, housing prices and whether market conditions favor
      buying or renting.
         Some markets, like those on the East Coast and in Sun Belt   WE CAN HELP!
      states are remaining overvalued because of their price-to-rent
      ratios. A higher return on rents indicate that prices will likely
      stay stable, while a lower return on rents suggests the opposite.
      For example, Miami offers homeowners a 7.45 percent return on
      gross monthly rents, while El Paso, Texas offers an 8.9 percent

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