Page 5 - Southern Exposure - August '23
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loggerhead newS
LMC’s Director Of Research Wins Sea Turtle Week’s
2023 ‘Scientist Of The Year’ Contest
Dr. Justin Perrault, the director of research at conservationists and scientists. The judges evaluated of humans on the health,
Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC), was selected as Perrault’s overall impact of his research on sea turtle reproduction, and survival
Sea Turtle Week’s 2023 Audience Choice winner for conservation and management, his collaboratation with of sea turtles.
“Scientist of the Year.” Celebrated annually, Sea Turtle peers and organizations, and the inclusion of diversity in “As scientists, we put in the
Week highlights individuals working on important, his research. hard work because we love our
groundbreaking, and novel projects that advance our Perrault’s leadership at the center’s research department jobs and the species we work
understanding of sea turtles and their conservation. has contributed to one of the most comprehensive sea to protect. Sea turtles become
Before votes became open to the public, Perrault was turtle data sets, enabling evidence-based conservation that a part of our identities,” said
selected as one of four finalists by Sea Turtle Week’s contributes to the recovery of local and global sea turtle Perrault. “I am honored to
international panel of judges made up of sea turtle populations. His research aims to understand the effects have been chosen for this
award and will continue to
further conservation efforts
The Singles Scene Column © of our sea turtles on our local Justin Perrault
By: Kelly Leary, M.S., to feel important and interesting. If you can make your
CEO & Head Matchmaker date feel these things, chances are he/she will be more
attracted to you. It’s human nature. How can you not like
Back to school means someone interested in what you have to say?
back to the the dating
pool! Half of our clients • 8. Let Your Date Know You’re Having a Good
are single parents of Time! If you’re having a good time, let it show. Smile.
school-age children or Laugh. A well-placed, “I’m having a great time” is good.
college-age children, so We all want to be with people that we can make happy. Let
typically August is all him/her know, and thank them for it too. This eliminates
about our kids, right? So guessing games!
NOW is the time to get
back to you as they go back to school. As the “School • 9. Be Passionate. When your date asks you about
Principle” of Matchmaking, I have provided you with my yourself be passionate about the information you choose
“Proprietary Dating Success Guide” to help you become to share. Be decisive in your answers and don’t wallow
the star dater we know you can be. Confidence in what you back and forth. However, avoid talking too much about Justin Perrault holding a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle
have learned from us will be the key to your success, but yourself, and don’t bring up past relationships...for as
note, what you receive from this homework assignment long as humanly possible. For his selection as the Audience Choice Winner,
will be in direct correlation with the work you put into Perrault received a $500 prize that will be allocated
it (just like the advice we give to our children). Not a 10. Keep It Light and Be Positive. Please eliminate toward his sea turtle rehabilitation and conservation
single one of our matchmakers wants to see our students ALL talk of medical conditions, politics, religious ideas, projects at LMC.
(clients) fail. Straight A’s are a green flag for your future and past relationships. Talk about your travels, hobbies, For more information, visit
dating success, so let’s make your report card a picture favorite books, or ANYTHING ELSE THAT IS LIGHT About Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC)
on your fridge of you and your special someone. AND FUN. Don’t be so serious; very few people want Loggerhead Marinelife Center, located in Loggerhead
to sit through a detailed explanation of your difficulties. Park, Juno Beach, Fla., is a sea turtle research,
School Is In Session: 11. Conduct Yourself With Dignity. When you rehabilitation, education, and conservation center. The
center also manages the Juno Beach Pier across the street
Lesson 1. Study Our Proprietary Dating find yourself attracted to a person, sometimes you can get from the park. Established in 1983, LMC seeks to promote
Success Guide carried away. If you want to talk for six hours, go for it conservation of ocean ecosystems with a special focus
if the other person is amenable and on your wavelength. on threatened and endangered sea turtles. Its facilities
☎ 1. Make that Date Right Away! Once made, be on If you want to share another bottle of wine do it... but include a sea turtle hospital, a research laboratory, and
time, and don’t cancel or reschedule. This is not a good aware that a first date is “a thing”. This is exhibit areas, including live sea turtles and other coastal
way to start a first date. You just met, and you don’t want a time to be the best version of you. Don’t screw it up. creatures.
to start your date with an apology. Bring your A-Game. Photos courtesy of Loggerhead Marinelife Center
2. Your Appearance is Important. Dress to 12. Watch What You Say in Cyberspace. You’d
impress -- for your first date especially -- it’s far better to be surprised how transparent social media is. So if
be overdressed rather than underdressed. Remember we you decided to document your date on Facebook, it
are putting our best foot forward here. Moreover, make can be pretty easy for your date to find that post. Most )
sure your inner glow shines too! importantly, this person may not want to be with someone
who posts every thought on social media. Privacy is hot.
3. Practice Kindness. The biggest turnoff is a
person who walks into a date, room, or party – with a XOXO, Your Kelly-Girl
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• 4. Play It Cool. Don’t go overboard on the NEW!
compliments, it’s hard to be attracted to a person who is Kelly Leary has 32 years in the dating industry and a
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and in a way it is flattering, but it makes you come across by Modern Luxury Magazine this month as a Dynamic
as too pushy. Business Woman. Look for it on the shelves. She has
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