Page 11 - Southern Exposure - August '23
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Southern Exposure, Page 11

                                                            in your CoMMunity

          Temple Israel: 100 Years Of Serving Our Communities

                                                                        By Carol Anne Albee

        For 100 years, Temple Israel of West Palm Beach has                                                and looking ahead with hope and joy to a new year with
      offered exciting, innovative services that meet the Palm                                             tashlich along the adjacent Intracoastal waterway.
      Beaches’ spiritual needs and provide opportunities to                                                  Yom Kippur, one of the most significant Jewish
      renew connections with oneself and others. The temple’s                                              holidays, will commence with Kol Nidre (Sept. 24) and
      accepting and warm atmosphere makes for a welcoming                                                  continue with services (Sept. 25) and enriching programs,
      place for everyone regardless of race, gender or sexual                                              including live music, discussions and a teen program.
      orientation, disabilities or the faith of family members.                                            Following its Yizkor and N’ilah services is Break-the-Fast.
        Temple Israel’s new husband-and-wife cosenior rabbis                                                 For young families, there is a one-hour age-appropriate
      – Rabbis Carlie and Ryan Daniels – and cantorial soloist                                             experience  on  both  Rosh  Hashanah  and Yom  Kippur
      Suzanne Guinane are sure to infuse this year’s celebrations                                          mornings at 9 a.m., free and open to all. In addition to
      and programs with fresh, stimulating ideas that will                                                 prayer, children will enjoy activities, stories, music and
      undoubtedly enhance the experiences.                                                                 snacks.
        Temple Israel encourages individuals to pray, connect                                                Additional events (free and open to all) include Shabbat
      and thrive by providing many traditional and innovative   Family Services 2022 story time            Shuvah (Sept. 22); Sukkot, Brunch in the Sukkah and Pizza
      offerings, including a dynamic religious school designed                                             in the Hut (Sept. 29 to Oct 1); Simchat Torah celebration
      to challenge and delight children from kindergarten   more. This year is no exception with equally inspiring and   with dinner and Klezmer music (Oct. 6).
      through B’nai Mitzvah; the WholeSelf program, a place   entertaining programs on the calendar.         Temple Israel’s grand 100th Birthday Celebration
      for LGTBQ+ teens and allies to express their whole self;     The High Holy Days, the pinnacle of the Jewish   will be held on Nov. 11 with entertainment by Howl2Go
      Social Action, championing a range of issues including   calendar’s spiritual season, gives  Temple Israel the   (dueling pianos) and delicious food and drinks throughout
      reproductive rights, mental health, literacy, election   opportunity to showcase its creativity by providing   the evening.
      participation, immigration and prevention of racial   meaningful and inspirational opportunities of reflection,     Temple Israel expects the next 100 years to only be
      injustice, food insecurity, homelessness and gun violence.   introspection and prayer. The season begins Sept. 9 with   better!
      Temple Israel has hosted many celebrity presenters,   Selichot’s havdalah service, redressing of Torah scrolls     For information or to R.S.V.P., contact tioffice@temple-
      including Jennifer Grey, Nancy Spielberg, Carl Bernstein,   and a cheesecake reception.     or (561) 833-8421 or visit www.temple-israel.
      Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Leonard  Nimoy, Michelle Azar,     The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 15 and   com.
      Mitch Albom, Richard Dreyfus, The Capitol Steps and   16), encourages reflecting on challenges of the past year              Photo by Carol Anne Albee

      travel from page 10

        Two small churches are
      located in the Religious
      Precinct. The larger church
      (1836 to 1867) built by
      the prisoners was never
      consecrated to any religion
      and used by all. Fire gutted
      the church in 1884. The
      smaller wooden church, St.
      David’s, was consecrated
      in 1927 and is still used
      for regular worship by the
      Anglican Church.       The Convict Church built in 1836 to 1867. The church was never consecrated because it was
        The Commandant’s     used by different denominations.
      residence grew from a
      simple wooden cottage (1833) to a many-roomed complex,   of the peninsula is St. John’s Church, the oldest Roman
      through a series of additions up the hill behind it. Behind   Catholic Church in Australia; the sandstone bridge and
      the house stood the Semaphore, a large tower that passed   the town “gaol” (jail) are likewise ranked as the oldest in
      information through visual signals. This was the quickest   Australia. And, if you’re looking for local wildlife, the
      way to signal a message to Hobart.                Bonorong Animal Park lets you get up close and personal
        In 1833, Rev. John Manton selected Opossum Island as   … even with the famed Tasmanian Devil.      A cell in the Separate Prison
      a burial place for the decreased of Port Arthur, changing     I often ask those who travel with us in our group tours to
      the name to Isle of the Dead. Some 1,000 burials took place   Australia what they considered the highlight of their trip …   agency, is located at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North
      here before the close of the settlement in 1877. Convicts   not surprisingly, the No. 1 answer has been “Port Arthur.”   Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens.
      and ex-convict paupers were buried in unmarked graves in   Need I say more?                          The agency has been serving the travel needs of the South
      the lower part of the island. Graves of free people were on     The late  Don Kiselewski wrote from his personal   Florida area for over a quarter of a century. Contact them
      the higher ground, marked by elaborate headstones cut by   experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and cruised   at (561) 694-9696 or
      convict stonemasons.                              the oceans, seas and rivers of the world.  Palm Beach
        Located in the colonial town of Richmond at the top   Gardens Travel Leaders, his family owned and operated                   Photos by Don Kiselewski

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