Page 4 - PGA Community News - August '23
P. 4

Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  August 2023                                                                                                                                                   August 2023
      Jupiter Senior Softball

         The Jupiter Senior                                                                                or two days a week, mostly at shortstop, and has played
      Softball Association seeks                                                                           every position on the diamond.
      new players 55 and older                                                                                “It’s fun and its a great bunch of guys to be with,”
      to join its year-round slow-                                                                         Crease said. His comments were echoed by Ray Boster,
      pitch softball program                                                                               63, who played in the January-March 2023 Winter League
      that features games every                                                                            and continues to play in pick-up games on Wednesday
      Monday, Wednesday  and                                                                               through the summer. He also plays in a Monday night
      Friday morning at Jupiter                                                                            league in Vero Beach.
      Community Park.                                                                                         “It keeps me young and I love the game, I love the
         Players  of all  skill                                                                            camaraderie and playing with the guys,” Boster said,
      levels are welcome, said                                                                             noting that his flexible schedule as an FPL project
      Commissioner Paul Storch,                                                                            manager allows him to work and continue playing the
      who cited numerous                                                                                   game  he  loves.  New  players  this summer  include  Joe
      benefits that are enjoyed                                                                            Santos, 57, a retired New York City Fire Department
      by the more than 200                                                                                 Lieutenant, who said he is very happy to be playing
      current members. “There’s                                                                            softball as well as golf which he also enjoys.
      the camaraderie, the                                                                                    The senior softball program is in its 34th year and
      friendships, the exercise,                                                                           is sponsored by the nonprofit Jupiter Senior Softball
      and the game itself that are                                                                         Association in cooperation with Jupiter’s Parks and
      all just great,” he said.                                                                            Recreation Department.
         Tony Crease, 66, joined                                                                              Registration can be made online at www.leaguelineup.
      the program in January                                                                               com/jssa. For more information contact Gary Newman at
      2022 upon retiring from                                                                              (971) 623-0791.
      a 40-year career as a
      rocket scientist for Pratt
      &  Whitney  and Aerojet
      Rocketdyne. He plays one  Ray Boster                          Tony Crease


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