Page 11 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - August '23
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 11
Jupiter Senior Softball
The Jupiter Senior Softball Association seeks new through the summer. He also plays in a Monday
players 55 and older to join its year-round slow-pitch night league in Vero Beach.
softball program that features games every Monday, “It keeps me young and I love the game, I
Wednesday and Friday morning at Jupiter Community Park. love the camaraderie and playing with the guys,”
Players of all skill levels are welcome, said Boster said, noting that his flexible schedule as
Commissioner Paul Storch, who cited numerous benefits an FPL project manager allows him to work and
that are enjoyed by the more than 200 current members. continue playing the game he loves. New players
“There’s the camaraderie, the friendships, the exercise, this summer include Joe Santos, 57, a retired New
and the game itself that are all just great,” he said. York City Fire Department Lieutenant, who said
Tony Crease, 66, joined the program in January 2022 he is very happy to be playing softball as well as
upon retiring from a 40-year career as a rocket scientist golf which he also enjoys.
for Pratt & Whitney and Aerojet Rocketdyne. He plays The senior softball program is in its 34th year
one or two days a week, mostly at shortstop, and has and is sponsored by the nonprofit Jupiter Senior
played every position on the diamond. Softball Association in cooperation with Jupiter’s
“It’s fun and its a great bunch of guys to be with,” Parks and Recreation Department.
Crease said. His comments were echoed by Ray Boster, Registration can be made online at www.
63, who played in the January-March 2023 Winter League For more information
and continues to play in pick-up games on Wednesday contact Gary Newman at (971) 623-0791. Ray Boster Tony Crease
Book Review from page 10 this dish, and it was immediately named after her. From One of the ingredients in the recipe, notes the author,
that day forward, ‘Pizza Margarita’ was the flagship dish is Danziger Goldwasser, a liqueur that continues to be
in Italy for many centuries before cheese was eventually on the menu of Esposito’s pizzeria…and eventually, this made to this day, which contains flakes of gold leaf and
added.” When tomatoes were brought over from the New simple dish of humble but ancient origins … made its way, is flavored usually with anise or orange.
World they were considered to be poisonous and were used in one form or another, to all four corners of the earth.” We have barely touched upon three of the background
only as houseplants, except by poor people who eventually A final nibble of an example from the book will have stories here; there are 50 more. Imagine how interesting
began to eat the vegetable and found it to be edible. Around to suffice. you will be at any dinner gathering, tossing off tidbits of
1889, “Queen Margarita of Italy – who was on vacation One of the greatest chefs in all of history was Antoine historic food facts after you have digested Chef Agam’s
in Naples with her husband, King Umberto I and the royal Careme (1784 to 1833). “His entire life was dedicated eight-course, 345-page treat. Or being able to serve up
court – expressed an interest in tasting some of the local to ‘la grande cuisine.’ Every moment of his waking time any of these original classic recipes at your own party.
foods. A local pizzaiolo, or pizza maker, named Raffaele was spent on improving existing recipes and methods *****
Esposito, was summoned to the palace. His pizzeria was of preparing food, and on developing a new generation Note: The author, Chef Agam, has concocted a
considered to be the best in Naples. In response to the of French chefs. With respect to souffles (whether sweet wonderfully tasty recipe for his book, one that as a reader
Royal summons, Esposito loaded his donkey with dough or savory), Careme was constantly improvising and I greedily devoured. But as an editor I could not help
and other materials, and made his way to the palace. innovating. Occasionally, he would flavor a souffle with but notice a number of grammatical errors in the form
Esposito made three different pizzas. One in particular any wine or liqueur he thought might improve it. When he of too many commas where they were not needed. And
caught the queen’s fancy. decided, one day, to season a souffle with a clear liqueur in he refers to a pizza as Margherita in the chapter heading,
“This particular pizza was a felicitous combination whose body shimmered innumerable minute flakes of gold then spells the name of the Italian queen as Margarita.
of fine flavor and patriotic sentiment, for its colors were leaf, it seemed only natural to him to dedicate the recipe Apparently, Agam could have used a final editing of his
those of the recently adopted flag of the united (well, to the wealthy Rothschild banking family, in the kitchen of manuscript. But unless you are the kind of guest who
almost united) Kingdom of Italy: Red (slices of tomato), whose Paris residence he worked for several years.” would complain about one burnt biscuit in an otherwise
white (mozzarella cheese, made from buffalo’s milk) and And so was born Souffle Rothschild –“A very rich sumptuous banquet, don’t let this deprive you of his
green (fresh leaves of basil). The Queen was captivated by dessert.” literary feast.
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