Page 8 - The Jewish Voice - August '23
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Page 8, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 7
                                                        Big Brothers Big Sisters of                           After  a  short  program,  the  honorees  gave  personal,

        Temple Israel:                                  Palm Beach and Martin                              heartfelt accounts about the difference the program has
                                                                                                           meant  to  their  lives  because  of  the  “matches”  and  the
        100 Years of Serving                            Counties Announce Awards,                          life-mentor experiences enjoyed throughout the past
                                                                                                           year. Following the Big and Little awards, Juliet Murphy
        Our Communities                                 Scholarships                                       Roulhac from FP&L and Jeanni Hawkins from Florida
                                                                                                           Prepaid College announced the 16 scholarship winners and
        By Carol Anne Albee                                Big Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach and Martin   presented them with an award.
           For  100  years,  Temple  Israel  of  West  Palm   Counties recently held their annual Big and Little Awards.      Among the top awards for service and commitment to
        Beach has offered exciting, innovative services that   New this year, scholarships were awarded powered by FP&L.  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach and Martin Counties
        meet the Palm Beaches’ spiritual needs and provide      Amid trophies, plaques, videos, grilled-cheese bar, and   in 2023 are:
        opportunities to renew connections with oneself and   dessert, friends, family, and supporters gathered to cheer the   Big Brother of the Year   Hank Henderson
        others. The Temple’s accepting and warm atmosphere   bonds between “bigs” and “littles” that steadfastly represent   Little Brother of the Year   Damarius Green
        makes for a welcoming place for everyone regardless   the nonprofit Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Palm Beach and                 and laWanda Green*
        of race, gender or sexual orientation, disabilities or the   Martin counties. The awards dinner honored the successes   Big Sister of the Year   Kelly Logan
        faith of family members.                        of the BBBS littles and those who defend their potential.  Little of the Year   Kahmoras Hendrix
                                                                                                                                        and Crystal Plummer
                                                                                                           Teen Big of the Year     Madeleine Simoneaux
                                                                                                           Teen Little of the Year   Messiah Jefferson
                                                                                                                                        and Shantrell Thomas
                                                                                                           Partner in Potential   Naywona Burnett-Graham
                                                                                                           Partner in Potential Connections  Education Center
                                                                                                              Scholarship winners include Tanvir Ahmed, Breyana
                                                                                                           Brown, Janevea Clayton, Rhianna Ennis, Andree Francis,
                                                                                                           Karen Garcia, Jennifer Geffrard, Mikayla Gibson, Suzely
                                                                                                           Jayseus, Jessica Laroche, Dina Medelus, Malachi Nelson,
                                                                                                           Tatiana Ronelus, Kirley Ross, Miyocha Simeon, and
                                                                                                           Guerlandy Villanoix. (Schools represented: Forest Hill
                                                                                                           High School, Florida Virtual School, The Open Doorway
                                                                                                           School, Lake Worth High School, Santaluces High School,
           Temple Israel’s new husband-and-wife co-senior                                                  Suncoast High School, and Inlet Grove High School.)
        rabbis – Rabbis Carlie and Ryan Daniels – and Cantorial                                                              Photo by Coastal Click Photography
        Soloist Suzanne Guinane are sure to infuse this year’s
        celebrations and programs with fresh, stimulating ideas                                            WVRF Leads Statewide
        that will undoubtedly enhance the experiences.
           Temple  Israel  encourages  individuals  to  pray,                                              Effort to Provide Dental Care
        connect and thrive by providing many traditional and
        innovative  offerings,  including  a  dynamic  religious                                           to Veterans
        school designed to challenge and delight children from
        kindergarten through B’nai Mitzvah; the WholeSelf      The event was held at the Manatee Lagoon in Riviera      Driven by their mission
        program,  a  place  for  LGTBQ+  teens  and  allies  to   Beach and set the stage for smiles, laughter, hugs, sentiment,   to improve veteran dental
        express their whole self; Social Action, championing a   and recognition for the Big & Little of the Year honorees and   care throughout the state
        range of issues including Reproductive Rights, Mental   scholarship award recipients.              of  Florida,  the Wounded
        Health, Literacy, Election Participation, Immigration      “These awards celebrate critical relationships between   Veterans  Relief  Fund
        and  prevention  of  racial  injustice,  food  insecurity,   mentors and youth. This year, FPL has provided these   (WFRF) is the first nonprofit
        homelessness  and  gun  violence. Temple  Israel  has   amazing opportunities for littles to continue their path to   in the state to lead the
        hosted many celebrity presenters, including Jennifer   success after high school,” said Yvette Flores Acevedo,   statewide effort to offer
        Grey, Nancy Spielberg, Carl Bernstein, Dr. Ruth   CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach and Martin   free critical dental care to
        Westheimer, Leonard Nimoy, Michelle Azar, Mitch   Counties.                                        veterans who are unable to afford dental care and do not
        Albom, Richard Dreyfus, The Capitol Steps and more.      The newly founded Florida Prepaid College Foundation   have access to care through the United States Department
        This year is no exception with equally inspiring and   Path to Prosperity Scholarship Program powered by Florida   of Veterans Affairs (VA) or private insurance.
        entertaining programs on the calendar.          Power & Light offers high school students the opportunity to      According to the VA, only 15 percent of veterans receive
           The High Holy Days, the pinnacle of the Jewish   receive a two-year Florida College Plan Scholarship. Eligible   VA dental care, which places veterans into benefits classes
        calendar’s  spiritual  season,  gives Temple  Israel  the   students must meet all the criteria, including being an active   based on military service history and current health and
        opportunity  to  showcase  its  creativity  by  providing   member in the mentoring program through Big Brothers Big
        meaningful and inspirational opportunities of reflection,   Sisters of Palm Beach and Martin Counties.  Local Happenings on page 9
        introspection and prayer. The season begins September
        9 with Selichot’s havdalah service, re-dressing of Torah
        scrolls and a cheesecake reception.
           The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah (September
        15 and 16), encourages reflecting on challenges of the
        past year and looking ahead with hope and joy to a
        new year with tashlich along the adjacent Intracoastal
           Yom  Kippur,  one  of  the  most  significant  Jewish
        holidays, will commence with Kol Nidre (September
        24) and continue with services (September 25) and
        enriching programs, including live music, discussions
        and a teen program. Following its Yizkor and N’ilah
        services is Break-the-Fast.                                                                                     Life moves fast—
           For  young  families,  there  is  a  one-hour  age-
        appropriate experience on both Rosh Hashanah and                                             prepare for the unexpected
        Yom Kippur mornings at 9 am, free and open to all. In
        addition to prayer, children will enjoy activities, stories,                                      with Accident Insurance.
        music and snacks.
           Additional  events  (free  and  open  to  all)  include
        Shabbat Shuvah (September 22); Sukkot, Brunch in the
        Sukkah and Pizza in the Hut (September 29 - October
        1); Simchat Torah celebration with dinner and Klezmer
        music (October 6).                                We’re here to help.
           Temple Israel’s grand 100th Birthday Celebration
        will be held on November 11 with entertainment by
        Howl2Go (dueling pianos) and delicious food and   Accident insurance complements your Florida Blue Health Plan. Call to learn more
        drinks throughout the evening.                    about insurance plans from USAble Life.
           Temple Israel expects the next 100 years to only be
        better!                                           M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
           For  information  or  to  RSVP,  contact  tioffice@  or  (561)  833-8421  or  visit  www.  561-440-9940
                          Photo credit: Carol Anne Albee  M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
                                                          Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Supplemental, Life, and Disability products are offered by USAble Life. USAble Life is an independent company
                                                          and operates separately from Florida Blue.
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