Page 18 - The Jewish Voice - August '23
P. 18

Page 18, The Jewish Voice

                                                        Lifestyles from page 17
                   simchas                              income planning – and the better your plans, the more   In this document, you can name someone to be your

                                                        you’ll be able to enjoy your life as a retiree. This article   child’s guardian after your death, a person to wind up
                                                        was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward   your  affairs  (executor  or  personal  representative),  and
        Harper Chane                                    Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones, Member SIPC.  people to receive your money and property, along with
                                                           Edward  Jones  is  a  licensed  insurance  producer  in   any instructions. Similarly, you may use a pour-over will
           Harper Chane is a                            all  states  and  Washington,  D.C.,  through  Edward  D.   to name a guardian for your child upon your death. A
        seventh grader at Palm                          Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and   pour-over will also allows you to name your trust as the
        Beach  Day Academy.                             Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency   beneficiary of any money and property that goes through
        He is known for his                             of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of   the  probate  process.  Lastly,  Florida  authorizes  you  to
        enthusiasm for life and                         New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency   nominate a guardian for your minor child in a separate
        his awesome hair! He                            of Massachusetts, L.L.C.                           document. Some people prefer the separate document
        loves baseball, and he                             Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors   because  they  can  change  guardians  without  having  to
        recently returned from                          cannot  provide  tax  advice.  You  should  consult  your   update their entire will or pour-over will.
        Cooperstown, NY, after                          qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.    How Do  You Name Someone to Step in  When
        playing in a tournament                            Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,   Emergencies Arise?
        against kids from around                        1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.     While an estate plan usually focuses on planning for
        the country. Besides                                                                               your death, it is also important to plan for the situation in
        baseball, there is nothing                      Are You Single with a Minor                        which you are alive but unable to act or make decisions
        he would rather do than play golf. Many times a week,   Child? If So, You Need a Plan              (called being incapacitated), including naming someone to
        he can be found playing a round at North Palm Beach                                                temporarily care for your child. In addition to delegating
        Country Club. Harper will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at   Part 1 of 2                               your parental authority when you are unable to act, this
        Temple Judea on August 26.                                                                         document  can  be  used  if  you  are  traveling  and  need
                                                        By Anné Desormier-                                 someone to make decisions for your child. It is important
           Send us your simchas! The Jewish Voice welcomes   Cartwright, Esq.                              to note that this document is only effective for a short
        announcements of life-cycle events in the local Jewish      You have a minor child                 period (six months in some states), and your chosen
        community. The copy deadline is the 15th of the month.   who depends on you for                    person cannot agree to certain actions, such as the child’s
        Send text and images to   their survival, so you need                   adoption or marriage.
                                                        to make sure that they will                           Although  state  law  will  provide  your  child  with  a
                                                        be cared for if you are ever                       guardian,  someone  to  manage their  inheritance,  and  a
                                                        unable to care for them.                           distribution plan for their inheritance, this is the least
                                                        By creating an estate plan,                        desirable result. You have the power to design an estate
                                                        you can address your minor                         plan  that  is  unique  to  your  child’s  circumstances  and
                                                        child’s  care  and  custody                        allows you to choose the most trusted individuals to guide
                                                        and  provide  instructions                         them if you are no longer able to. Next month we will
                                                        about how your money and property should be used for   address providing for inheritance for children, especially
                                                        their care should something happen to you.         minor children. We would love the opportunity to help you
                                                        Care and Custody of Your Child                     create the best plan for you and your child or to update
                                                           Creating an estate plan allows you to name someone   your existing plan. Call us to schedule an appointment.
                                                        to care for your minor child if you are unable. A child      Call our office today at (561) 694-7827, Elder & Estate
                                                        under the age of majority (18 in Florida) cannot legally   Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite 3,
                                                        care for themselves (unless they have been emancipated).   Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                        A guardian must be appointed to take care of the minor      The content of this article is general and should not be
                                                        child if both parents have passed away or are unable to   relied upon without review of your specific circumstances
                                                        care for the child. It is important to note that if the other   by competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information
                                                        legal parent is still alive, that parent may receive custody   herein is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by
                                                        of the child (assuming custody rights not removed, not   the firm on your specific circumstances or legal needs.
                                                        incarcerated,  etc.).  However,  you  need  to  have  a  plan   An attorney client relationship is not created through the
                                                        in case there is no other legal parent or the other legal   information provided herein.
                                                        parent cannot care for the child. If you do not choose a      To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
                                                        guardian, the judge will look to state law to determine   inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained
                                                        the appropriate guardian, who may not be the person you   in this newsletter was not intended or written to be used,
                                                        would have chosen.                                 and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of
                                                        How Do You Nominate a Guardian?                    avoiding U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed
                                                           There are a few different ways to nominate a guardian   on such person and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice
                                                        to care for your child after your death. First, it can be   from their tax advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular
                                                        done in a last will and testament (also known as a will).   circumstances.

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