Page 2 - Boca Exposure - August '23
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Page 2, Boca Exposure

      Wounded Veterans Relief Fund from page 1                                                                A list of basic qualification criteria is listed at
                                                                                                           Veterans who qualify for assistance and are interested in
      health and mental issues, placing more burdens on our                                                dental care should contact their VA social worker or County
      military members who already  face  challenges  when                                                 Veteran Service Officer to submit a dental referral to WVRF.
      transitioning back to civilian life.                                                                    “We hope that by providing dental care to veterans, we can
         The connection between poor dental hygiene and mental                                             help improve their overall health and well-being, and provide
      health issues is evident. According to the American Academy                                          a clear path for employment and a better life,” Durkee said.
      of Family Physicians, 60 percent of veterans with mental                                             “We are grateful for the support of our partners, as well as
      health conditions have fair to poor oral health, with 33 percent                                     the state legislature, in making this initiative possible.”
      finding it difficult to eat due to dental issues. Poor oral health                                      Visit, call (561) 855-4207, or email info@wvrf.
      affects veterans’ overall health, including their mental health.                                     org for more information about WVRF and its veteran dental
      According to the VA, up to 50 percent of veterans returning                                          care initiatives.
      from Afghanistan and Iraq have been diagnosed with a mental                                          About The Wounded Veterans Relief Fund
      health disorder associated with substance use disorders (SUDS),   Before   After                        The Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF) is a veteran-
      and 63 percent with SUDS also met the criteria for post-                                             led nonprofit organization that provides urgent financial
      traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With the increasing number of      WVRF has already funded $332,419.74 in veteran   assistance, critical dental care, and access to professional
      veterans suffering from mental health disorders, the VA reports   dental support in 2023 and has donated over $1 million to   services for Florida’s eligible wounded veterans. The nonprofit
      approximately 17 veterans die by suicide every day.  veteran dental care since the start of the program in 2021.   was founded in 2009 and Army Veteran Michael Durkee
         This veteran-led nonprofit is filling in the gaps   Florida State House Bill 635: Dental Services for Veterans   is the executive director. WVRF is headquartered in North
      when it comes to veteran dental care by partnering with   was approved and signed by the Florida Governor, and   Palm Beach, Fla., with additional team members located in
      oral health professionals and clinics across the state to   now can give this Florida nonprofit the needed funding in   the Pensacola, Tampa, and Orlando regions. “Like” WVRF
      provide veterans with access to the critical dental care   order to extend its dental program to a larger number of   on Facebook at WoundedVeteransReliefFund and follow on
      they deserve. Partners include over 60 independent dental   qualified Florida disabled veterans. The Florida Governor   Instagram at @wvrelieffund and Twitter @WVReliefFund.
      offices statewide,  The Stiles-Nicholson Foundation,   signed the proposed bill on May 26.                                            Photos by WVRF
      Nobel Biocare, and Quantum Foundation.
         “We are thrilled to be the first organization in the state
      said. “We believe that every veteran deserves access to  School Bus Safety

      to provide this much-needed service to veterans,” Durkee
      quality dental care, and we are committed to working with
      our partners to make this a reality.”
                                                           Stay Alert. Keep Them Safe.

       Related Information Provided By The Mayo Clinic
          Poor dental hygiene is directly linked to other chronic
       health care conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
       Studies have found that people with periodontal or
       gum disease have a greater risk of experiencing a major
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       disease leads to an increased arterial inflammation, which
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          Although the connection is not fully understood, some
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       stroke might be linked to the inflammation and infections
       that oral bacteria can cause.
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          Certain bacteria in your mouth can be pulled into your
       lungs, causing pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
          Certain conditions also might affect your oral health,
       including:                                          Do you know a family member,
          By reducing the body’s resistance to infection, diabetes   friend or a neighbor in need of
       puts your gums at risk. Gum disease appears to be more
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          Research shows that people who have gum disease have
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          Oral problems, such as painful mucosal lesions, are   Home Health Aides / Certified Nursing Assistants / Registered Nurses  to assist you with:
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          This bone-weakening disease is linked with                    • Medication Management     • Transportation     • Meal Preparation
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