Page 2 - Southern Exposure - July '23
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Page 2, Southern Exposure

      Charity newS from page 1

      to receive a mortgage-free home. The 48-year-old Reilly
      served half his life – 24 years – in the U.S. Air Force as
      a pararescue man before being medically retired in 2018
      after suffering paralysis in his right leg.
        Ibis Charities Foundation, the charitable arm of
      The Club at Ibis in West Palm Beach, donated funds to
      cover the cost of building the home that will be valued
      at $500,000. Ibis Charities Foundation partnered with
      Building Homes for Heroes and Pulte Homes to allow
      Reilly, wife Heather and their three children to live in a
      mortgage-free home in the Heron Preserve subdivision
      of Tradition.
        LoGiudice said Ibis Charities Foundation has donated
      more than $400,000 this year to local charities to provide
      food, medical care, housing, beds and shoes for needy
      children. A separate fund was started two years ago to
      help deserving veterans.
        “It’s  hard  to  put  into  words,  the  ability  to  help
      another human being, particularly someone who served
      our country, so we can do what we want to do,” said
      LoGiudice, who attended the groundbreaking with Ibis
      residents Kris Cohn and Rick Friedland. “This is a day     Cohn, who serves on Ibis’ Board of Directors and is     The best part about Monday’s ceremony was it was just
      we will never forget.”                            the liaison between the club and the charity, was wiping   the start of a wonderful partnership with Ibis Charities
        Neither will Reilly. The family had sold their home   away tears after the groundbreaking ceremony. Not only   Foundation, Building Homes for Heroes and Pulte Homes.
      in Melbourne before the pandemic and were looking at   for what just took place, but will continue to happen.    The home will include a workout room and a lap pool
      relocating to Kentucky, where his wife has family. Instead,     “This will literally be a mind stamp for me – a picture   for  Reilly,  who  has  become  one  of  the  United  States’
      they can continue to live in Florida, which he says is the   and a moment that I will never forget,” Cohn said. “We   top Paralympic cycling athletes. The home will be built
      best state in America for veterans.               will never forget the impact that Ibis, in our own small   to  accommodate  a  wheelchair,  if  needed.  Reilly,  who
        “I had never heard of The Club at Ibis until this week,   way, has been able to have on this man and this family   received more than 25 medals for his service, currently
      but  a  charitable  organization  like  Ibis  just  pours  into   and how gracious and selfless he was in his comments.  walks with a brace.
      people to lift them up,” Reilly said. “Ibis is now part of     “What it does for Ibis is realize how we continually     “I’d like to thank Ibis Charities Foundation for their
      my family. I couldn’t do this without you.        have to recommit to growing this so we can do this the   amazing contribution to this project and their continued
        “You guys have touched me in ways I cannot adequately   year after, the year after and the year after. We wanted to   support for building homes for heroes,” said Building
      express.  The significance of this gift transcends the   get this off the ground and now we did. This is perfect.”  Homes for Heroes Project Manager Rusty Smallwood.
      material value of it. To say this home is a gift is an     Friedland, vice president for Ibis Charities Foundation,   “Without generous organizations such as Ibis Charities
      understatement. It’s a symbol of hope and a testament to   agreed: “This is a different opportunity for us, and it adds   Foundation, projects like this one for Frankie wouldn’t
      the boundless goodness and compassion that exists within   a lot to what we already have accomplished. We want to   be possible.”
      the human spirit.”                                reach out to help those around us.”                                 Photos courtesy of The Club at Ibis

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