Page 12 - PGA Community News - July '23
P. 12

Page 12, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  July 2023                                                                                                                                                      July 2023

      Chichén Itzá: from page 11

      in  alignment  with  the  heavens.
      Its name means “snail” and it is
      referred to as “the observatory” with
      alignments that focus on the path of
      Venus as it moves across the sky.
         Unlike structures built out of
      stone carved from mountains,
      the building blocks for the city of
      Chichén Itzá had to come from
      below the ground. About four miles
      west of the city, a number of caves
      have been found created by the  El Caracol                                                   View of the Great Ball Court from El Castillo
      removal of building stones. Known
      as Balankanché, these caves are considered sacred and have   great daytrip visit from either of these vacation opportunities.   located at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road,
      yielded numerous artifacts.                       Don’t forget your camera and walking shoes.        Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens. The agency
         The altar of the Mayans was a stone table modeled after a      The  late  Don Kiselewski  wrote  from  his  personal   has been serving the travel needs of the South Florida area for
      reclining man with his knees and shoulders raised leaning on   experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the   over a quarter of a century. Contact them at (561) 694-9696
      his elbows, holding a plate or bowl on his stomach. This altar   oceans, seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens   or
      was used for human sacrifice. In 1875, Augustus and Alice   Travel Leaders, his family owned and operated agency, is            Photos by Don Kiselewski
      Le Plongeon were the first to excavate this figure naming it a
      chaacmol. Today it is called a chac mool.
      reported to be the second most visited archeological site in  Financial Focus                ®
         Chichén Itzá is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and

      Mexico. I would suspect that the U.S. cruise industry along
      with the tourist development in Cancún and Riviera Maya have   Biggest Threats To A                  a CD “ladder” — a group of CDs that mature at different
      played the largest influence on obtaining this ranking. It is a                                      times — to provide you with resources for the next few
                                                          Comfortable Retirement?                          years and allow your equity investments time to recover
                                                                                                           their value.
                                                          By Sally Sima Stahl                                 • Unexpected costs – You had them when you were
                                                              If  you save and                             working, and you’ll probably have  them when you’re
                                                          invest for decades,  you’d                       retired: the furnace that breaks down, the car that needs
                                                          like to know you can retire                      a  major  repair,  and  so  on.  But  if  you’ve  established  an
                                                          without  financial  worries.                     emergency fund containing a year’s worth of living
                                                          Nonetheless, you still                           expenses, with the money kept in a liquid account, you
                                                          have to be aware of some                         may be able to “ride out” these costs without jeopardizing
                                                          threats to a comfortable                         your investment portfolio. Be sure to keep these reserves
                                                          retirement — and how to                          separate from your typical day-to-day accounts to avoid
                                                          respond to them.                                 the temptation of spending your emergency money.
                                                              These threats include:                          • Health – Retirees may face more health concerns
                                                              • Inflation – Inflation                      than younger people, and those concerns often come with
                                                          has been high recently,                          larger medical bills. That’s why it’s important to maximize
                                                          but  even  a  mild  inflation  rate  can  seriously  erode  your  the benefits from Medicare or your Medicare Advantage
                                                          purchasing power. In fact, with just a 3 percent inflation  plan. Also, if you contributed to a Health Savings Account
                                                          rate, your expenses could double in about 25 years — and  (HSA) while you were working, and you haven’t depleted
      Cenote Xtoloc                                       your retirement could easily last that long. So, if you’re  it, you can use the money in retirement. As long as the HSA
                                                          going to rely on your investment portfolio for a sizable  funds are used for qualified medical expenses, withdrawals
                                                          part of your retirement income, you will need to own a  are tax- and penalty-free, and won’t be included in your
             Reminder From                                reasonable number of growth-oriented investments, such  income. This could help keep your income below certain
                                                          as stocks or stock-based funds, whose potential returns can  levels,  lower  your  Medicare  premiums  or  avoid  the  3.8
              The POA/ARC                                 equal or exceed the inflation rate.              percent surtax on net investment income that can be
                                                              •  Excessive withdrawals – Once you retire, you  assessed on high-net-worth taxpayers.

                                                                                                              Retirement can be a pleasant time in your life — and
                                                          should establish a withdrawal rate for your portfolio —
           POA documents require                          an amount you can take out each year and still feel secure  you’ll enjoy it more if you’re prepared for the challenges
        that all residents apply for                      that you won’t run out of money. Some people make the  that face all retirees.
                                                                                                              This article was written by Edward Jones for use
                                                          mistake of withdrawing too much, too soon, once they’re
        POA and HOA approval prior                        retired. Your withdrawal rate should be based on several  by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward
        to making  any changes to                         factors, including your age at retirement, the size of your  Jones, Member SIPC.
        the exterior of your home,                        portfolio and the amount of income you receive from other     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
        including but not limited to                      sources, such as Social Security. A financial professional  all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
        tree removal or planting, new                     can help you determine a withdrawal rate that’s appropriate  Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
        landscaping, painting, roofing, additions or construction,   for your needs.                       Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
        fencing, hurricane shutters, impact glass, play equipment,      •  Market volatility  –  The  financial  markets  will  of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
        garage door replacement or any other change, you must   always fluctuate. When you’re still working, this volatility  New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
        contact the PGA POA Architectural Review Committee for   may not be such a problem, as you have years or decades to  of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
        approval. Information and forms are available at www.pga-  recover from short-term downturns. But when you retire,     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors under the “Documents & Forms” heading or call   you don’t want to have to sell investments when their price  cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
                                                          is down. To help prevent this, you can tap into the cash in  qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
        627-2800.                                         your portfolio, assuming you have enough to cover several     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                                            Thank you,    months’ worth of living expenses. You could also draw on  1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                          Jack Hughes,
                                   Chairman, POA ARC                                             Paid Advertisement


          Yuval Bibi, M.D., is board certified by the American Board of
                                                                                                          Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group
          Dermatology, and is now providing care at our Palm Beach                                       practice of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-
                                                                                                          trained Mohs surgeons providing general dermatology,
          Gardens and Delray Beach offices. Dr Bibi’s clinical practice                                  surgical dermatology, and cosmetic dermatology services.
                                                                                                         Our physicians are also recognized leaders in the diagnosis
          interests include general dermatology, surgical dermatology,                                              and treatment of skin cancer.
          as well as a special focus on genital dermatology, mucosal

          dermatosis, and scalp and nail disease. Dr Bibi sees both
          adults and children. He is a native of Jerusalem, Israel,
          where he earned his medical degree, as well as a PhD at Ben                                      Make an appointment to see Dr. Bibi

          Gurion University. He completed his residency training                                                   at one of these offices:
          at the combined Boston University-Tufts University                                                  Palm Beach Gardens        Delray Beach
                                                                                                              10335 N. Military Trail  2605 W. Atlantic Ave.
          Dermatology program. He looks forward to providing                                                        Suite A              Suite D 204
                                                                                                            Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Delray Beach, FL 33445
          you with excellent dermatology care.                                                                   (561) 622-6976       (561) 819-5822
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