Page 9 - Stuart Exposure - July '23
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Stuart Exposure, Page 9

      Stuart Chamber Happenings from page 8

                                                                                                           Stuart/Martin County Chamber members enjoyed the full
                                                                                                           hot breakfast with personalized omelets as they networked
                                                                                 Stuart/Martin County Chamber   at the June 13 Business Before Breakfast, hosted and
                                                                                 Trustee Jay Kacprowicz,   sponsored by Harbor Place at PSL Senior Living. Members
                                                                                 Guaranteed Garage Doors &   were also offered tours of the beautiful assisted living
                                                                                 Repair welcomed new member   facility. Representing Harbor Place, shown with Chamber
                                                                                 Jennifer Richards, All Area   Chairwoman/Trustee Lisa Satur, SouthState (left) were Pat
                                                                                 Roofing & Construction to   Miles, Katrina Beasley, Bethany Hammock and David Crago.
      More than 175 Stuart/Martin County Chamber members and Florida representatives enjoyed   the May 23 Business Before
      a fabulous meal at the opulent Crane Creek at Tesoro for the June Business At Lunch and   Breakfast, sponsored by act
      Legislative Wrap-Up.                                                       computers.

        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©

        The 5 Types of Singles                          This woman jumps from man to man rapidly.  She confuses
                                                        physical aspects of intimacy with love and commitment
                                                        and is often left with feelings of rejection, insecurity, and
        By: Kelly Leary,                                jealousy...because she is rarely...if ever the “chosen one.”
        M.S., CEO/Founder/                              She uses little discretion in whom she dates and will date
        Matchmaker                                      almost “anyone” who pays attention to her.  She would love   Chef “Doc” prepared personalized omelets for Stuart/Martin
           “We go together like                         to commit and typically has low standards.  Thankfully,   County Chamber members, as they enjoyed a delicious hot
        rama-lama-lama-ka-dinga-                        this type of lady rarely comes into our office because she
        da-dinga-dong.” ~ Olivia                        will settle for almost any type of man. Her bar is set very   meal at the June 13 Business Before Breakfast, hosted and
        Newton John and John                            low. This woman may also be dating strictly with financial   sponsored by Harbor Place at PSL Senior Living.
        Travolta                                        gains as her main motive, I.E. Sugar Daddy Syndrome.
           Summer love is soaring                          • The Even Steven: He is a total mess. Commonly
        and thriving for our                            divorced or never married. The male counterpart of Lucy
        clients and busier than any                     Goosey. He wants love and intimacy but can’t seem
        summer I can remember.                          to shake his past failures in love AND the boardroom.
        If you want to join the fun and subsequently make those  He self-sabotages and is self-destructive.  This man
        fireworks last all year long, I have a challenge for you. I  blames women for all his failings and suffers from great
        challenge you to discover romance again--bring back those  insecurity in and out of the bedroom.  He may also over-
        old feelings. Remember how good it felt when you were  compensate for his weakness by seeking multiple notches
        half of a couple? Recall all the things you did in previous  in his get “EVEN” with the opposite sex...
        summers. Don’t worry about what could go wrong.  trying to desperately make himself “whole” again.  He
        Think about what could go right...and stay there.   is rarely successful and noncommittal when all is said
           The movie Grease said it best: “Summer lovin’ can  and done.  I meet very few of these men in my office...
        happen so fast.” It sure can but you need to be in the right  as most men like this prey in bars and online. Typically      Maureen Lobenstein, Crane
        place at the right time to meet the right (single) people to  they won’t even meet Revolution Dating requirements.   New Stuart/Martin County  Creek at Tesoro (left) thanked
        make this dream become a reality, right?           • The  Past  Life  Blessed: This gets me the most...  Chamber members David  Cindy Morley, The Barn &
           To heighten your odds of summer love even further,  but yet it is the most rewarding demographic to represent.
        consider this question: “What type of single are you?” or  Widow or widower of any age, although typically age 60 to   Hall (left) and Sean Stone,  Pavilion at Mancil Ranch
        “What type of person are you dating?” If you don’t like  80 Plus.  This male or female has had a special marriage. They   BluEdge Professional Real  for attending the Stuart/
        what you discover, know that you can change your future in  have grieved appropriately and are now “ready to find new   Estate got an early start on the  Martin County Chamber’s
        just one magical meeting with your favorite matchmakers.  companionship.” I have seen many widows and widowers   day at the June 13 Business  June Business at Lunch and
        Thank you in advance for sharing your time with me today  find love again in my club. My hats are off to those who have   Before Breakfast, hosted and  Legislative Wrap-Up that
        and for talking about our message of love and hope with all  found the key to happy marriage...and I with the   sponsored by Harbor Place at  she hosted at the beautiful
        of your single family and friends. We love you back!   “HOPEFULL ROMANTICS” that there can be a chapter after   PSL Senior Living.  country club.
           • The Curmudgeon Single: This could sadly happen  the loss of a spouse.  The generation of seniors today is not
        at any age. This type may be single, divorced, or widowed.  the same as my grandmother’s generation. She was born in
        Key traits: cranky, negative, grouchy, and in some ways even  1920 and after my grandfather passed away, she would have
        unlovable. This person may be overcritical and judgmental.  never dated again...or even considered it. Today’s generation
        There may be a sense of desire for another completely “out  of seniors is different. Given the right circumstances and
        of their league” which exaggerates their bad they  opportunity, widowed seniors can have a ball. I see it all the
        are never satisfied. The likelihood of resuming a relationship  time in my club. Seventy is the new fifty.
        is slim to none. They are often unable to see another person’s     Whatever you are...or are out the best in others
        perspective. This individual may have been cheated on or  and they will find the best in you! No one is perfect. Let’s all
        taken a large financial hit in life and never recovered. This  enjoy this Summer of Love 2023...TOGETHER. We have
        person can be helped with some therapy or a complete  six months until 2024. Some call this time on the calendar
        change of attitude. However, they become less likely to have  “Christmas in July.” Advice: Play it forward. Where do
        an awakening as they age. Catch this issue quickly or help  you want to be two months from now or in November or
        out a friend, if any of this sounds familiar. The more time  December? Find your person pre-holiday season by making
        that goes by, the harder it will be to change and become half  your first appointment to come see us today. Do it for YOU.
        of a dynamic duo (the ultimate happiness).      You deserve it too, don’t you? The world truly is in your   Treasure Coast Hospice was well represented at the Stuart/
           • The HopeFULL Romantic:  In my opinion, this is the  hands and happiness is a choice. Make a good one today!   Martin County Chamber’s June Business At Lunch and
        only way to fly! I wish everyone was this type and luckily     Wishing everyone a Happy Fourth of July. I hope   Legislative Wrap-Up, held at Crane Club at Tesoro. Shown
        “most” of the people I meet in my office are this type...  the passion of July stays with you forever. For priority   are Eileen Emery, Craig Perry and Jackie Kendrick.
        which is WHY they came to see us. This male or female  scheduling, please mention code: LOVEJULY when you
        has felt love, more than once perhaps, maybe even three  speak to your matchmaker on the phone.
        times. They have also felt heartache and maybe  betrayal...                             XOXO,
        but they continue to love again and they almost always do!                                Kelly
        WHY? Because they believe in love AND they know they
        are lovable. This person knows the benefits of love will  #DateLocal #THEFloridaMatchmaker #ChristmasInJuly
        ALWAYS outweigh the risks. Single, divorced, or widowed  #CallStartLove #LoveOffline #TellYourFriends
        of ALL AGES, this person has a high success rate and the
        odds are in their favor (even more so if they have a nice     Kelly Leary  has 32 years in the dating industry and
        circle of candidates who are LIKE THEM). This person  a Master’s Degree in Psychology. She has been profiled
        would commit...but only with the RIGHT PERSON...not  by The Palm Beach Post, Palm Beacher Magazine,
        any person. This person will walk away from someone  South Florida Business Journal, The Stuart News, and
        who is not suitable for them. They can be alone. Their life  many other publications. All Revolution Dating members
        is good financially, physically, and emotionally...but their  are prescreened, including having background checks.
        ultimate desire is to find a special person to share their life  Professional member photos are taken by the staff.
        with. They want a partner. They don’t need a partner. This  Revolution Dating is NOT online dating or blind dating.   Florida State Senator Gayle Harrell took a moment to pose
        is our typical client...thank heavens!          For more information, please call (561) 630-XOXO (9696)   with members of the Treasure Coast Surfrider Foundation
           • The Lucy Goosey: Typically female. Often found  in the South Florida area or (772) 932-HERE (4373) on   (from left) Leisa Bee, Rochelle Newmann and Roselyne Rose at
        in bars or online dating sites and she is rather desperate to  the Treasure Coast or visit us at www.RevolutionDating.  the Stuart/Martin County Chamber’s June Business At Lunch
        find love. This woman is usually divorced or never married.  com. All inquiries are confidential.  and Legislative Wrap-Up, held at Crane Club at Tesoro.

                                                                                                           Stuart Chamber Happenings on page 10
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