Page 5 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - July '23
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Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 5
      Cancer Alliance Of Help & Hope

      Launches Fund To Help Local Veterans Battling Cancer

        The  Cancer Alliance  of  Help  &  Hope  (CAHH),  a   diagnoses compared                           to help them pay their nonmedical expenses while they are
      not-for-profit organization in Palm Beach County, has   to  non-veterans  (10                        undergoing treatment. This assistance will, in many cases,
      initiated a new fund to assist veterans battling cancer.   percent), with the most                   prevent homelessness.” Collemer adds, “The cost of cancer
      The organization is committed to alleviating the   frequently diagnosed                              treatment is so formidable that it can deplete all family
      financial strain on individuals fighting cancer in the local   cancers in veterans                   resources needed to cover fundamental expenses such as
      community. A generous supporter and board member,   including prostate                               rent, utilities, food, transportation, pet care, and insurance.”
      Sheila  E.  Buchbinder  (Befeler),  M.D.,  has  made  this   cancer, lung cancer,                      CAHH  has  assisted  1,200  individuals  annually  and
      possible for local veterans in Palm Beach County who   colorectal cancer,                            distributed more than $6 million over the past 18 years,
      are confronting cancer.                            bladder  cancer,  and                             thanks to the support of generous donors.
        Sheila has established the CAHH Veterans Fund as   melanoma.                                         To contribute to the David Befeler, M.D., Veterans Fund
      a tribute to her beloved husband, David Befeler, M.D.     “We are grateful                           or to establish a donor-advised fund, call (561) 748-7227 or
      Befeler, who passed away in 2022, was a skilled surgeon   for Sheila’s donation                      email To learn more, visit
      and a former Army captain who served during the Vietnam   to establish this  fund                    About Cancer Alliance Of Help & Hope
      War. “David’s passions in life were the surgical care of   that will help our local                    Cancer Alliance of Help & Hope, Inc. is a Palm Beach
      cancer patients and his love of country and desire to help   veterans with cancer,”                  County not-for-profit organization that eases the burden
      his fellow veterans,” said Sheila. “We could not think of   said Stanton Collemer,   Sheila E. Buchbinder (Befeler), and   of qualified local cancer patients by paying a portion of
      any better way to honor him than to create a fund in his   CEO of CAHH. “Our   David Beleler. Photo by Capehart  their nonmedical bills, supplementing basic needs, and
      name for veterans with cancer.”                    veterans have fought                              providing support and information resources. For more
        According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans   for our country – and we are honored to be able to help them   information about the Cancer Alliance of Help & Hope,
      have overall slightly higher rates (11.4 percent) of cancer   fight cancer by providing emergency financial assistance   please visit
      The Lord’s Place Named To 50 Best Nonprofits To Work For

        The Lord’s Place was recently selected as one of the 2023
      Best Nonprofits to Work For for the seventh consecutive year.
        The NonProfit Times partnered with Best Companies
      Group to identify nonprofit organizations where leaders have
      excelled in creating quality workplaces. This survey and
      awards program is designed to identify, recognize and honor
      the best employers in the nonprofit industry, benefiting the
      industry’s economy, workforce, and businesses. The list ranks
      50 organizations in small, medium, and large categories.

                                                         The Lord’s Place staff at the Fortin Family Campus, the 2808 N. Australian Ave. administrative office building, on June 5

                                                         principles: Always place the client first; promote diversity and     “We are proud of this recognition. Our employees are
                                                         inclusion; foster collaboration and partnership; empower staff   our greatest resource. We attract and retain a diverse staff
                                                         to envision, question, and innovate; champion and support staff   who are innovative, compassionate, talented, and share our
                                                         growth and development; and prioritize a culture of excellence.  common passion to help others to end local homelessness
                                                           Using these guiding principles, the 132 staff members   for good,” commented Stanley.
      Staff members of The Lord’s Place – Top row, left to right:   work to break the cycle of homelessness for men, women,     For more information on  The Nonprofit Times’
      LaChiquita Moore, Mary Anderson, Damba Koroma, Diana   and children. Despite working with the most vulnerable   Best Nonprofits to  Work For program, visit www.
      Stanley, Adriene Reid, Adrine Paul. Bottom row, left to right:   individuals in Palm Beach County with heart-wrenching
      America Cordoves, Carolyn Sanders                  difficulties, the culture at the agency is vibrant as all of     For information on employment opportunities at
                                                         the staff work together to lead their clients to housing,   The Lord’s Place, visit:
        Tyrina Pinkney, director of clinical services who has been   employment, and restoration of dignity and a new life.  employment/.
      working for The Lord’s Place for nine years, expressed, “The     “It is rich with friendship, collegiality, and a common bond   About The Lord’s Place
      Lord’s Place has set the blueprint for what a nonprofit should   to fulfill the mission,” stated Jan Phillips, chief human resource     For more than 40 years, The Lord’s Place has been
      strive to achieve: ‘To give back to and listen to the needs of   officer who has worked for The Lord’s Place for 20 years.   working to break the cycle of homelessness for men, women,
      the community in order to improve lives.’ The Lord’s Place     Nonprofits from across the United States entered the two-part   and children in Palm Beach County, Fla., through innovative,
      is constantly looking for ways to improve and innovate in   survey process to determine best nonprofits to work for. The   compassionate and effective services. It provides supportive
      the delivery of services. I love that The Lord’s Place sets a   first part consisted of evaluating each nominated organization’s   and graduate housing at 12 locations; operates social
      standard of excellence and that they look for ways to improve   workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems and   enterprises including Joshua Catering; provides job training
      the lives of clients as well as the lives of employees to ensure   demographics. The second part consisted of an employee   and placement services, clinical and care coordination, and
      that the organization is well-balanced and continues to be a   survey to measure the employee experience. The combined   community engagement services; and has a highly-successful
      beacon of hope in the community.”                  scores determined the top nonprofits and the final ranking. Best   reentry program helping men and women transitioning from
        The Lord’s Place Chief Executive Officer Diana Stanley   Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey   incarceration. For more information visit
      cultivates a mission-driven leadership style rooted in a few key   process, analyzed the data and determined the ranking.  Photos by Tracey Benson Photography
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