Page 13 - Boca ViewPointe - July '23
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July 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 13

      The Ambulances Of Boca Pointe from page 12         defibrillators (starting at $1,800) to chest compressors ($18,000)   every day. By doing so, together we can open doors and create
                                                         and one-year sponsorships of ambulance supplies ($8,000), your   a tangible difference in our beloved Israel.
         I hope you appreciate this journey through the history of the   support enables Magen David Adom to possess the necessary      To explore these opportunities, please reach out to Yishai
      Boca Pointe ambulance fleet. Your involvement in our life-saving   equipment to save lives. We warmly welcome Qualified   Mizrahi, the Area Director for American Friends of Magen David
      endeavors, in simple terms, has saved innumerable lives.  Charitable Deductions and Required Minimum Distributions, as   Adom in Boca Raton/Delray Beach, at 561.288.5658 or via email
         Given the prevailing and imminent dangers faced by Israel,   American Friends of MDA is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.   at We are eager to collaborate and bring
      the Director General of Magen David Adom has appealed to   Furthermore, we encourage communal and group gifts, as they   awareness to the life-saving initiatives that your support helps
      American Friends of MDA for 300 additional ambulances. This   further amplify our impact.            make possible. Whether it’s in a formal or informal setting, we
      triples the typical annual amount of 100 ambulances and aims      As I conclude, I want to present a compelling offer and make a   are here to share the remarkable impact of your contributions.
      to ensure the safety and security of Israel and its people. With   heartfelt request. If you are a member of any groups such as book      May Israel experience a more peaceful summer and, from
      escalating threats from Hezbollah in the North, the West Bank   clubs, social clubs, networking groups, or any other community   the depths of our hearts, we extend our sincere gratitude to
      in the East, and Gaza in the West, Israel urgently requires more   organizations in Boca Pointe, Boca, Delray, or elsewhere, I   the residents of Boca Pointe who remain steadfast in their
      of these life-saving vehicles to preserve lives.   urge you to join us in sharing the incredible lifesaving impact   commitment to saving lives in Israel through your unwavering
         In addition to ambulances, Magen David Adom offers various   of Magen David Adom. Consider hosting an event or inviting a   support of Magen David Adom. Your dedication is immeasurable,
      opportunities to sponsor life-saving medical equipment. From   speaker to shed light on the crucial work we undertake each and   and we are forever grateful. 

        How To Add Your Guests To The Gate

           The Boca Pointe Community Association offers a few      • Website-              • Send a pass with barcode
        different methods to add guests to your visitors list, so      • Cell phone app- Download ABDI/Gate Access from      • Receive notification of guest arrival
        please ensure that you add your guest BEFORE they arrive.   the app/play store                        If you have any questions regarding access methods,
        If your guest is not on the list, they may be denied without      • Access  Control-  Call  561-395-3392  or  leave  a   please call the Boca Pointe Community Association
        a phone call being placed to get your approval. Phone calls   voicemail message at 561-395-3369    561-395-7551. 
        are placed as a courtesy depending on how busy the guard      The advantage of using or the app is
        is when they arrive.                             the ability to:
           To add a guest to your visitor list, you have several      • Add a guest for the day or permanently
        options:                                            • Remove a guest

           7217 promenade                                       la corniche                                         7484 la paz

         NEw LISTINg                                     UNDER CONTRACT                                     UNDER
                                                             IN 1 DAy

                     priced to sell                              3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths

         pristine 3 bedroom, 2 bath, updated,  move
          -in- ready condition. custom kitchen and             open floor plan, swimming pool,             1 bedroom  1 1/2 bath, extra long screened in
         bath, 2 enclosed patios. Golf views. Walking             with beautiful garden views                     patio, with  relaxing lake views.
            distance to the pool and country club.

          7766 la corniche                                      villa flora                                imperial penthouse suite

           SOLD                                           CLOSED                                             SOLD

             purchased price $800,000                          purchased price $850,000                           purchased price $625,000

                                                                over 3,000 sq ft of living space.
                                                              pool and stunning views of the lake




                                               Direct: 561-445-4483

                                                                         101 Palmetto Road, Boca Raton

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