Page 18 - Abacoa Community News - July '23
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Page 18, Abacoa
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Biggest Threats To A                               fund containing a year’s worth of living expenses, with the      Retirement can be a pleasant time in your life — and

      Comfortable Retirement?                            money kept in a liquid account, you may be able to “ride out”   you’ll enjoy it more if you’re prepared for the challenges
                                                         these costs without jeopardizing your investment portfolio.
                                                                                                           that face all retirees.
                                                         Be sure to keep these reserves separate from your typical      This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                day-to-day accounts to avoid the temptation of spending   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
         If you save and invest                          your emergency money.                             Member SIPC.
      for decades, you’d like                               • Health – Retirees may face more health concerns than      Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      to know you can retire                             younger people, and those concerns often come with larger   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      without financial worries.                         medical bills. That’s why it’s important to maximize the benefits   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      Nonetheless, you still have to                     from Medicare or your Medicare Advantage plan. Also, if you   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      be aware of some threats to                        contributed to a Health Savings Account (HSA) while you were   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      a comfortable retirement —                         working, and you haven’t depleted it, you can use the money   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      and how to respond to them.                        in retirement. As long as the HSA funds are used for qualified   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
         These threats include:                          medical expenses, withdrawals are tax- and penalty-free, and      Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
         • Inflation – Inflation has                     won’t be included in your income. This could help keep your   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
      been high recently, but even a                     income below certain levels, lower your Medicare premiums   tax advisor regarding your situation.
      mild inflation rate can seriously erode your purchasing power.   or avoid the 3.8 percent surtax on net investment income that      Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      In fact, with just a 3 percent inflation rate, your expenses   can be assessed on high-net-worth taxpayers.   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      could double in about 25 years — and your retirement could
      easily last that long. So, if you’re going to rely on your   Testing Children For Autism
      investment portfolio for a sizable part of your retirement
      income, you will need to own a reasonable number of growth-
      oriented investments, such as stocks or stock-based funds,   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                   settings. Second, the child must display restricted, repetitive
      whose potential returns can equal or exceed the inflation rate.   School Psychologist                patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, currently or by
         • Excessive withdrawals – Once you retire, you should      Autism diagnoses                       history. Third, the child’s symptoms must have started early.
      establish a withdrawal rate for your portfolio — an amount you   continue  to  increase.             Fourth, there must be evidence of a significant impairment.
      can take out each year and still feel secure that you won’t run   According to results from          Fifth, the symptoms must not be caused by another mental
      out of money. Some people make the mistake of withdrawing   a recent Centers for Disease             or physical condition.
      too much, too soon, once they’re retired. Your withdrawal   Control and Prevention                      If your child is diagnosed with autism, we recommend
      rate should be based on several factors, including your age at   (CDC) funded study, the             you start with treatments identified by the National
      retirement, the size of your portfolio and the amount of income   autism prevalence was              Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice. These
      you receive from other sources, such as Social Security. A   that one in 36 children had             are 28 evidenced-based practices that independent research
      financial professional can help you determine a withdrawal   autism. For every one girl              documented best help children with autism. Treatments
      rate that’s appropriate for your needs.            identified with autism, four                      include applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy, discrete
         • Market volatility – The financial markets will always   boys were identified. For the first time, more African-  trial training, cognitive behavioral intervention, and social
      fluctuate. When you’re still working, this volatility may not   American, Hispanic, and Asian children were identified than   narratives. Many insurance companies pay for evidenced-
      be such a problem, as you have years or decades to recover   White children. Researchers agree that early identification   based therapies with an official autism diagnosis. In addition,
      from short-term downturns. But when you retire, you don’t   and use of evidenced-based treatments lead to the best   Florida offers the Family Empowerment Scholarship to
      want to have to sell investments when their price is down. To   outcomes for children with autism.   provide you funding to help your child.
      help prevent this, you can tap into the cash in your portfolio,      We test children for autism starting at age 2. There is no      I co-authored the book Parent’s Quick Start Guide to
      assuming you have enough to cover several months’ worth of   one test or even a medical test or blood test to diagnose autism.   Autism which provides a quick, but deep dive into what to
      living expenses. You could also draw on a CD “ladder” — a   In our practice we utilize the gold standard assessment called   immediately do when your child is diagnosed with autism.
      group of CDs that mature at different times — to provide you   the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule or ADOS,   When it comes to helping your young child, time is too
      with resources for the next few years and allow your equity   second edition. In addition, we use caregiver interviews and   precious to squander.
      investments time to recover their value.           tests of language, attention, intelligence, and memory.     Call to discuss your child as we test for autism,
         • Unexpected costs – You had them when you were      Five criteria should be met for a psychologist to diagnose   dyslexia, dysgraphia, attention-deficit hyperactivity
      working, and you’ll probably have them when you’re retired:   Autism Spectrum Disorder. First, the child must demonstrate   disorder (ADHD), depression, and anxiety.  Visit
      the furnace that breaks down, the car that needs a major   deficits in social communication and social interaction across or call (561) 625-4125.
      repair, and so on. But if you’ve established an emergency
                                                                    Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,

                                                                               Gifted Testing

                                                                                 NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
                                                                                 • Jupiter & Stuart Offices           Licensed School Psychologist
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                                                                                   Problems, Anxiety,
                                                                                   Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
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                                                                                   School Appointments

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