Page 4 - Palm City Spotlight - June '23
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Page 4, Palm City Spotlight

      VSOA’s God’s Green Earth from page 1
                                                           Supervisor Of Elections from page 1             County” sticker is Mikayla Campbell, an 11th grade student
      leadership and the skills                                                                            from South Fork High School. Her original and creative
      of public presentation                                 Multiple creative, colorful, and artistic patriotic entries   design will be the official “I Voted” sticker in 2024.
      through  shows  and                                  were submitted for each contest. Winners for each category     “Congratulations to each of the students who were selected
      competitions.  Since                                 are as follows:                                 as finalists, and many thanks to each student who submitted an
      2010,  VSOA  students                                  The winner of the inaugural “Future Voter” sticker contest   entry. The artwork submitted for the patriotic art competition
      have  won  over  600                                 is Samuel Castro, a fifth grade student from Felix A. Williams   allows students to be a part of the elections process and is
      local,  national,  and                               Elementary School. Samuel’s bright and colorful sticker,   a testament to the artistic ability and talent of our students,
      international awards for                             earning the first place title, will be given to each child who   while highlighting the importance of arts education,” said
      fine art and leadership.                             comes to the polls in 2024 with their family.   Vicki Davis, Martin County Supervisor of Elections.
        Through after-school                                 The first, second and third place winners of the middle     The awardees were selected by a diverse panel of judges:
      and weekend programs,                                school art competition, sponsored each year by our local   County Judge Kathleen Roberts; Nancy Turrell, executive
      summer camps and                                     Stuart Chick-fil-A, are from Hidden Oaks Middle School.   director of MartinArts; Melinda Brault, owner of Geminye
      workshops, students learn                            Chick-fil-A will display the artwork in the Stuart restaurant   Design Group; and Gary Lesser, managing partner of Lesser,
      to work in many mediums.                             throughout the 2024 elections. This year’s winners are: Olivia   Lesser, Landy and Smith, PLLC.
      This positive approach                               Fields, Jon-Michael Tillet and Madison Twinley.                                     Vicki Davis,
      builds confidence and   Oliver Taylor, age 6           The winner of the second annual “I Voted In Martin           Martin County Supervisor of Elections
      as  students  grow  with
      VSOA, an internship program is available to them where
      they can work with professional artists and leaders. VSOA
      has formed a partnership that will launch this summer with
      Apple for intensive training of interns in photography, digital
      art and professional video creation and editing.
        For information on summer camps, semester classes and
      sponsorships, email

                                  Photos by Liz McKinley

                                                           Future Voter Sticker Contest: Samuel Castro, Vicki Davis   I Voted Sticker Contest Winner: Tami Conrad, visual arts
                                                           – Supervisor of Elections                       teacher; Mikayla Campbell; Gary Lesser, Esq.

       Ethan Hyde, age 11

                                                                                                           Chick-fil-A Middle School Contest: Olivia Fields; Kherri
                                                           I Voted Sticker Contest Winner: Kherri Anderson, assistant   Anderson, assistant chief deputy; Jennifer Foglia – visual
                                                           chief deputy; Mikayla Campbell; Gary Lesser, Esq.  arts teacher

      Lana Swartzendruber, age 13

                                                           Chick-fil-A Middle School Contest: Jon-Michael Tillet;   Chick-fil-A Middle School Contest: Madison Twinley;
                                                           Kherri Anderson, assistant chief deputy; Jennifer Foglia   Kherri Anderson, assistant chief deputy; Jennifer Foglia
                                                           – visual arts teacher                           – visual arts teacher

      Martin County Commissioner Ed Ciampi

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                                                                            Mary-Beth Zipsir
                                                                            Agent in Charge
                                                                            O: (772) 233-4444

                                                                            It’s our policy that you know yours

      Santiago Rodriguez, Kimberly Rodriguez, Aila Rodriguez, age
      13, Lynne Barletta, Martin County Commissioner Ed Ciampi
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