Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - June '23
P. 12

Page 12, Palm City Spotlight

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      Retractable Leash Dangers                          they are rewarded with freedom. Additionally, if your dog   Remember, the safety of your dog and those around them

                                                         tends to run up to people, the lack of control with the long   should always be your top priority.
                                                         leash gives them the opportunity to jump up on people and     Established  in  1981,  Palm  City  Animal  Medical
                                                         get them entangled in the leash. Also, just because your   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
                                                         dog enjoys playing with other dogs the next dog may not.   for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
                                                         If your dog rapidly approaches a fearful or aggressive dog   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
                                                         without your control a dog fight could result.    medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
                                                           Overall, retractable leashes may seem like a convenient   Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
                                                         option for dog owners, but they come with significant   medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
                                                         risks. Consider using a traditional 6-foot fixed lead to   owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
                                                         give your pet the freedom to move while still maintaining  or  find  us  on
                                                         control,  safety,  and  preventing  behavioral  problems.   Facebook at
                                                                          CLeveLand CLInIC

        As a dog owner, you may have considered purchasing
      a retractable leash to give your furry friend a bit more     martIn heaLth news
      freedom  during  walks.  However,  these  leashes  can
      actually pose a danger to both you and your pup. Here
      are some reasons why retractable leashes may not be the
      best choice for your canine companion.             Cleveland Clinic Tradition
        1. Lack of control: Retractable leashes can extend up   Hospital Receives
      to 26 feet, which means that your dog can easily wander
      into dangerous areas, such as busy streets, wildlife, or   Comprehensive Stroke Center
      other dogs. This is especially true because the locks on
      retractable  leashes  are  unreliable  allowing  the  lead  to   Certification
      continue to extend. Additionally, the thin cord of the leash
      can easily break leading to an escaped pet.          Cleveland Clinic Martin Health announced that Tradition
        2. Injuries: The thin cord of a retractable leash can   Hospital in Port St. Lucie has received certification as a
      easily  cut  through  skin  or  cause  burns  as  it  rapidly   Comprehensive Stroke Center by DNV GL Healthcare.
      extends. Even worse, the cord of the retractable leash     “This achievement affirms that Cleveland Clinic Tradition
      can become wrapped around fingers, resulting in digit   Hospital has met the highest level of competence to address
      amputations. Pets and people can both be injured when   the full spectrum of stroke care,” says Marc Babi, M.D., chief
      a large dog runs full tilt and hits the end of the lead. This   of Neurocritical Care, Cleveland Clinic Florida Region and   hospitals with a total of 521 beds, a free-standing emergency
      can  result  in  people  being  knocked  off  their  feet  and   co-director of the Comprehensive Stroke Center at Tradition   center, and numerous outpatient centers and clinics across
      dragged, and pets getting whiplash as they are suddenly   Hospital. “It reflects the extensive training and collaboration   Martin and St. Lucie counties on Florida’s east coast.
      pulled back. Finally, with 26 feet of leash it is easy for   of our multidisciplinary teams in order to perform effectively   Cleveland Clinic Martin Health offers preventive, primary
      both people and pets to get tangled in the lead.   and efficiently at each step in our patients’ care.”   and acute hospital care, as well as cancer care, a heart
        3.  Behavioral  issues:  Using  a  retractable  leash  can     Tradition is the first hospital on Florida’s Treasure Coast and   center, wellness and rehabilitation services, and much more.
      actually reinforce bad behavior in your dog. For example,   the first hospital within the Cleveland Clinic Florida Region   Cleveland Clinic’s regional health system in Florida is an
      if your pet is prone to pulling, the leash may teach them   to achieve this certification.           integral part of Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, where providing
      that pulling is acceptable. The more they pull, the more     “With stroke care, you must have the best clinicians and   outstanding patient care is based upon the principles of
                                                         resources, but also the ability to act organizationally with   cooperation, compassion and innovation. Physicians at
                                                         extreme efficiency because of stroke’s time-critical nature,”   Cleveland Clinic are experts in the treatment of complex
                                                         says Madhu Sasidhar, M.D., president, Tradition Hospital. “We   conditions that are difficult to diagnose. For more information,
                                                         have put tremendous efforts into our stroke program and into   visit Follow us on Twitter and
                                                         ensuring the health and safety of our patients.”   Facebook.
                                                           The DNV Comprehensive Stroke Center Certification is   About DNV GL Healthcare
                                                         based on standards set forth by the Brain Attack Coalition     DNV is a global independent certification, assurance
                                                         and the American Stroke Association, and establishes clear   and risk management provider, operating in more than 100
                                                         metrics to evaluate outcomes.                     countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise,
                                                           “Achieving this top certification highlights the Cleveland   DNV advances safety and sustainable performance, sets
                                                         Clinic Florida Neuroscience Institute’s commitment to   industry benchmarks, drives innovative solutions.
                                                         excellence,” says Amre Nouh, M.D., MBA, FAHA, regional     Whether certifying a company’s management system or
                                                         chairman of neurology, Cleveland Clinic Florida. “It also   products, accrediting hospitals, providing training, assessing
                                                         demonstrates to the community that the hospital is performing   supply chains or digital assets, DNV enables customers and
        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing      at the highest level and able to attract top-level talent.”  stakeholders to make critical decisions with confidence,
        Palm Beach County and is a privately             About Cleveland Clinic Martin Health              continually improve and realize long-term strategic goals
        owned and managed company.                         Cleveland Clinic Martin Health is part of the Cleveland   sustainably. For more information about DNV, visit www.
        Captain’s is committed to providing              Clinic’s regional health system in Florida. It features three
        dependable, reliable and professional
        ground transportation to and from all
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212                       art happenInGs
           To reserve your vehicle:
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
                                                         Helping People Succeed’s Art

                     Answer for                          For Living Calendar And Call

                Crossword Puzzle                         For Artists

                                                         By Jackie Holfelder
                                                           What would the holiday season on the Treasure Coast
                                                         be like without Helping People Succeed’s Art for Living
                                                         Calendar? The festive and fabulous fundraiser has been
                                                         brightening homes and offices for almost a quarter of a
                                                           Area artists are invited to submit examples of their
                                                         original  artwork  through  July  10  for  inclusion  in  the
                                                         perennial favorite. There’s a welcome mat out for new
                                                         artists who would like to apply.
                                                           Thirteen  artists  will  have  their  entry  selected  for
                                                         inclusion in the 2024 Art for Living Calendar, all proceeds   2023 Art for Living Calendar
                                                         of which benefit Helping People Succeed.
                                                           All guidelines, criteria and responsibilities, as well as   mission  is  to  transform  lives  by  realizing  potential,
                                                         an application, can be found at    creating  hope  and  building  futures  through  education,
                                                           Helping People Succeed is a local nonprofit organization   counseling, training and employment.
                                                         that has been serving the Treasure Coast for more than 59     To  learn  more  about  Helping  People  Succeed,  visit
                                                         years. Through its diversified, effective program services or contact Glenna Parris at (772) 320-0778.
                                                         –  Helping  People  Succeed  serves,  on  average,  8,000
                                                         children and adults per year. Helping People Succeed’s     Artwork provided by Helping People Succeed
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