Page 1 - Talk of Tequesta- May '23
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VOL. 26 NO. 5 MAY 2023
TequesTa Profile
Lois Pope/LIFE’s 29th Lady In Red Gala
Raises Over $1 Million For Lois’ Food4Kids
At Palm Beach County Food Bank And Pups4Patriots At American Humane
“Super Bowl” Of Palm Beach Philanthropic Events Features Super Entertainment
By Paul Anka, Rita Rudner, Palm Beach Symphony And Danny Beck Band
Southeast Florida’s “uber philanthropist”
Lois Pope may not be NFL “uber
quarterback” Tom Brady, but they have
one thing in common: They know how to
win a “Super Bowl.”
Indeed, just as Brady has won seven NFL
titles – six with the New England Patriots and
one with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers – Pope
has delivered an astounding 29 consecutive
winning “Super Bowls” of philanthropy.
To be sure, the 29th Annual Lady
in Red Gala, hosted by Pope and LIFE
(Leaders in Furthering Education) this past Lois Pope, Paul Anka and Rita Rudner
Tova Leidesdorf and Gail Worth and Frank Ari Rifkin and Ronit
NoNProfiT News Christine Lynn Orenstein Josephson
Tequesta Profile on page 2
Fish And Wildlife Foundation Of TequesTa sPoTlighT
Florida Raises Over $1.2 Million
For Wildlife Conservation Admirals Cove
The South Florida community gathered Continues To Grow As
to celebrate the state’s wondrous natural
heritage at the Fish and Wildlife Foundation A Philanthropic Community
of Florida’s “A Night for Nature” gala
at the Pelican Club on Friday, March 31.
Foundation supporters raised more than The Admirals Cove Foundation’s 2022/23 Season of Giving distributed 22
$1.2 million to support Florida’s outdoor employee educational scholarships and 27 full program grants to local nonprofit
recreational activities, protect native wildlife, charities impacting the northern Palm Beach County residents in the areas of health,
and educate future generations. education, and social services.
Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis kicked The members of The Club at Admirals Cove rallied together to have a record-
off the event as a special guest and honoree. breaking year, by collectively giving over $3.5 million to support those in need.
She took to the stage to applaud the Fish and “Admirals Cove is only as healthy and beautiful as the greater community that
Alex Cavanaugh, Zack Cavanaugh, Kim surround us,” explained Eric Becker, foundation board president. “Our members
Nonprofit News on page 3 Mckeel, Seth Mckeel take great pride in volunteering their time and giving financial support to improve
the lives of our employees and northern Palm Beach County neighbors.”
This season, the Admirals Cove Foundation fully funded grants to the following
charitable nonprofits: Admirals Cove Employee Scholarship managed by The
George Snow Foundation, Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, The Busch Wildlife
Sanctuary, Chasin A Dream, Clinics Can Help, El Sol, Els for Autism, Families
First of Palm Beach County, The First Tee of the Palm Beaches, The Giving Closet,
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Palm Beach County, In Jacob’s Shoes,
Jack the Bike Man, Jupiter Medical Center Foundation, Jupiter Police Foundation,
Tequesta Spotlight on page 4