Page 8 - Stuart Exposure - May '23
P. 8

Page 8, Stuart Exposure

                              stuArt cHAmber HAppenings

      Sunny Arfa, CEO and mind set coach of Feel Great Meditate
      had Stuart/Martin County Chamber members doing just that,   New Stuart/Martin County Chamber members Austin   Steve Strowbridge, Florida Computer Care (left) introduced
      as she sponsored the March 21 Business Before Breakfast.   Heistand and Suzanne Frost, Sandpiper Bay Resort discussed   himself to new Stuart/Martin County Chamber members
      Sunny invited members to her new studio in Downtown   their recent changes to Jeff Endriss, Molly Maid at the   Craig Bisset, Custom Pool Builders and Chris Cleary, Cleary
      Stuart for private yoga sessions, meditation, sound healing   March 21 Business Before Breakfast, sponsored by Feel   Plumbing and Air at the March 21 Business Before Breakfast,
      and more. Shown (from left) are Chamber Chairwoman   Great Meditate.                                 sponsored by Feel Great Meditate.
      and Trustee Lisa Satur, SouthState; Sunny Arfo, Feel Great
      Meditate; and Chamber President/CEO Joe Catrambone.

      The management team of PrimeLending welcomed more
      than 60 Stuart/Martin County Chamber members into
      their financial office, as host and sponsor of the March
      28 Business Before Breakfast. Shown (from left) are Pete
      Lashenka,  Production  Manager  Jacqueline  Brock  and
      Jessica Haider, PrimeLending and Chamber Chairwoman/  Stuart/Martin County Chamber members enjoyed the beautiful warm and breezy evening weather while networking poolside
      Trustee Lisa Satur, SouthState.                   at Coquina Cove at Martin Downs during the March Business After Hours.

      It was true Chamber of Commerce weather for the Stuart/Martin County Chamber’s March  Sedrick and James Williams, owners of Beyond Epic Athletics, kicked off the grand opening
      Business After Hours, hosted and sponsored by Coquina Cove at Martin Downs. Chamber  weekend of their new 18,000-square-foot gym with a Stuart/Martin County Chamber ribbon
      Director/Trustee Jeff Gustafson and his partner Alan Rose welcomed members to their luxury   cutting on March 30. Located at 7936 S.W. Jack James Drive, Stuart, the facility offers children’s
      apartment complex, while he gave a special shout-out to their service providers in attendance.  and adult classes, including gymnastics, cheerleading, dance and even pillow fighting.
      The Coquina Cove team shown (from left) are Ashlynn Ralston, Mike Seyford, Matt Hamrick,
      owners Alan Rose and Jeff Gustafson, Karen Sidwell, Alyssa Harper and Andy Marrero.                  Stuart Chamber Happenings on page 9
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