Page 10 - Hobe Sound Reflections - May '23
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Page 10, Hobe Sound
tip oF tHe taiL
Cannabis Exposure Furthermore, drug testing these pets is often unreliable. allow you to enjoy the edibles you purchased without having
Currently the only rapid testing on the market is for humans to pay an expensive veterinary bill on top of it.
and recent studies indicate that there are validity concerns Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
due to metabolite variances between canines and humans. dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
Bottom line, the use of medicinal or recreational focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
marijuana is here to stay, as is a dog’s propensity to find things rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics, and
he should not get into. Just like when you have children in emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center combines
your home, you lock up dangerous things in high cabinets, exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and
a locked drawer, or an area where wandering hands (or in their owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
this case, curious noses) cannot get into. The same principles or find us on Facebook
should apply when you have pets in your home. This will at
tampa GeneraL news
On a typical Wednesday a few weeks ago at Palm City Tampa General Hospital
Animal Medical Center the doctors and staff were all busy Bridges The Gap
seeing appointments and performing scheduled surgeries when
a dog was rushed into the hospital for sudden onset neurologic To Complex Cancer Care
signs and abnormal behavior. During his exam he was barely
able to stand, had urinary incontinence, a low heart rate and a When Palm Beach County and Treasure Coast residents
fever after being outside playing at SandyPaws just prior to the need specialized cancer treatments, they now enjoy a
onset of signs. We began treating him for shock in an attempt to seamless connection to the TGH Cancer Institute.
stabilize him while getting to the bottom of his diagnosis. While By Chris Curtland
performing tests we placed him in an ICU run with IV fluids Palm Beach Gardens resident Arthur “Steve” Barnes has
and strict monitoring where he continued to decline, becoming been battling various types of skin cancer since 1981. His
more lethargic and less responsive despite treatment. It was 42-year journey has taken him to dermatologists, radiation
during this time he also began vomiting, at first large amounts oncologists, and medical oncologists, and last year, it took
of water but eventually he vomited up what appeared to be a him to Tampa General Hospital (TGH). Steve Barnes and Dr. Tapan Padhya greeting a guest at
plastic ziplock bag. Upon inspecting this bag we discovered the “Most of my cancer has been pretty easy to treat – basal Tampa General Hospital’s recent community event in Jupiter
cause of his symptoms was cannabis ingestion. The ziplock bag cell carcinoma and even squamous cell. But about three or
was punctured and open, but multiple edibles were found still four years ago, it started to get aggressive. It got complex,” and important, as well as hard to appreciate until you need a
inside the bag and more were found in his vomit. Now knowing Barnes explained. “I’ve been so blessed to have doctors certain level of care,” said Schwarzberg. “There are wonderful
that this doodle was suffering from the effects of THC, we were who cooperate with or work at TGH.” physicians and pieces of the cancer treatment puzzle in Palm
able to treat him appropriately with IVs and supportive care and Barnes’ local dermatologist and surgeon referred him to Beach County, but the lack of a unified, academic backbone
he ultimately made a full, albeit expensive, recovery. Dr. Abraham Schwarzberg, a Palm Beach County medical limits access to translational research, clinical work, and new
You would think this case was an uncommon one since we oncologist who serves as TGH’s chief of the Cancer Institute, drug development. Our relationship with TGH and the University
don’t live in a major metropolitan area. Unfortunately, this is far executive vice president of Network Development, and vice of South Florida has been invaluable for our patients.”
from the truth and treating stoned dogs is now a fairly common president of Clinical and Translational Research. > | Member SIPC
occurrence. With the increasing use of medicinal marijuana “There are a lot of things about TGH that are unique Tampa General news on page 11 > | Member SIPC
throughout the country, and the various oral formulations that
cannabis is now available in, the rise of THC toxicity in canines
is alarming. In the past six years, there’s been more than a 400 > | Member SIPC > | Member SIPC
percent increase in calls about marijuana poisoning to the Pet
Poison Helpline, and vets are reporting a greater than 60 percent Dreaming up the
Dreaming up the
increase in cases they are seeing come into their practices.
ideal retirement
Dreaming up the
The most common symptoms included urinary incontinence, Dreaming up the
ideal retirement
disorientation, an abnormal drunken gait, lethargy, increased
ideal retirement
is your job.
sensitivity to stimuli, a slow heart rate, and hypothermia. These ideal retirement
is your job.
symptoms usually present within 30 minutes to an hour from time is your job.
is your job.
Helping you get
of ingestion and can last anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. Although Helping you get
prognosis with appropriate treatment is usually excellent, there Helping you get
has been a rise in fatalities recently due in large part to the increase there is ours.
there is ours.
Helping you get
in THC concentration now found in marijuana products. Dogs there is ours.
We’re excited to
there is ours.
don’t know just to eat one-fourth of a cookie or one edible, and We’re excited to
hear from you.
since they metabolize medications much differently than humans We’re excited to
hear from you.
do, they feel the effects of THC to a much greater degree. hear from you.
An additional complication is that many of today’s edibles
We’re excited to
come packaged in chocolate and fruit flavors, which are
highly attractive treats to pets and also can be highly toxic. Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
hear from you.
Chocolate, grapes, raisins, and xylitol are just a few of the Financial Advisor
Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
ingredients being used that cause significant health issues 1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106 Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
in our pets. A pet who has gotten into these types of edibles Jupiter, FL 33458 Financial Advisor
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may be suffering from a multidrug toxicity, which makes 561-748-7600
1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
it more difficult for clinicians to diagnose and to treat. 1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
Jupiter, FL 33458 Jupiter, FL 33458
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Jupiter, FL 33458
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IRT-1848H-A 1803 S Kanner Hwy.
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