Page 7 - The Shores of Jupiter - April '23
P. 7

The Shores, Page 7
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                      homeowner associations, and new and existing residents   Palm  Beach  County Youth  Services  offers  over  100
        You all know that I                              of Palm Beach County. We provided timely information   summer camps across the county, so no matter where
      am a cat lover and have                            about the services we offer, ranging from property tax   you live there is a camp not far away! They also offer a
      two kitties, Biden and                             to tourist development tax and motor vehicle services,   scholarship program to help cover costs for those who
      Bader. Recently, Bader,                            to name a few. My community engagement team and I   qualify,  for  more  information,  visit  https://discover.
      my youngest kitty was lost.                        value the opportunity to participate in these community
      Those of you who are pet                           events and look forward to seeing more of you at future     Does  your  child  like  sports?  There  is  a  camp  for
      owners know the feeling                            events.                                           that! Does your child like learning? There is a camp for
      of  missing  your  beloved                                                                           that! They offer a wide range of activities to support a
      pet. For days, I had no idea                       Our Commitment To Giving                          diverse group of children. Summer camps are typically
      where Bader was and I was                                                                            categorized as, education enrichment, sports, regular,
      growing  more  concerned                           Back                                              special needs, and specialty.
      as each day passed. Then,                                                                              You can rest assured that whatever your child’s
      I received a call from the                           On Feb. 28, I was honored to host our two charity partners   interests, there is a camp for them. For more information
      animal shelter advising me                         and present them with checks as a result of our employees’   on the summer camps that Palm Beach County has to
      that they had Bader who                            fundraising efforts throughout this past year. Every two years,   offer,  visit
      was brought in by a person                         two local charities are chosen by our employees for our   pages/summer_camp.aspx.
      in my neighborhood.                                Community Involvement Partner Program.
      Relieved and anxious, I
      learned first-hand just how
      important it is to have your pet microchipped. Bader,
      without knowing, carried valuable owner information
      with her. The animal shelter was able to scan her chip,
      identify her, and contact me to let me know that she was
      safe and sound. So, if you have pets, please make sure
      you not only maintain their vaccinations, but have them
      microchipped. You will be so grateful you did!
        For  information  about  Palm  Beach  County’s
      microchipping program, please visit discover.pbcgov.
                                       Anne M. Gannon,
                             Constitutional Tax Collector,
                              Serving Palm Beach County                                                    * Florida Statute
                                                                                                           extends  discount/
      HOA Expo                                                                                             payment deadlines
                                                                                                           falling on a Saturday,
        A wise person once said, “Service to others is the rent                                            Sunday, or holiday to
      you pay for your room here on earth.” My staff and I are                                             the next business day.
      always eager to help answer any questions you may have                                               Payment(s)  must  be
      and remain dedicated to serving the community. We pride                                              received in our office
      ourselves on being available and providing exceptional                                               by  5  p.m.  or  online
      service  to  the  residents  of  Palm  Beach  County.  We                                            by 11:59 p.m. EST on
      always look forward to opportunities to engage with the     Our partners for 2022 were Making Every Day Count,   Monday, April 3.
      community on the various services our office provides.  represented by Martha Ahr, founder and Living Hungry,
                                                         represented by Maura Plante, founder. Due to the immense
                                                         compassion of the entire tax collector staff, $17,594 was
                                                         raised in support of these two organizations.  I am extremely
                                                         proud of the generosity demonstrated year after year, by our
                                                         employees as every dollar raised and item donated come
                                                         directly from them – no public tax dollars are used. Funds are
                                                         raised through our office’s Dress Down for Charity program
                                                         along with other fundraising activities throughout the year.
                                                         For more information visit
                                                         School Is Out For Summer!

                                                           We are approaching
                                                         that time of year when
         In February, we had the privilege of attending the Palm   kids are counting down
       Beach Condo and Homeowners Association (HOA) Expo   the days until summer
       in West Palm Beach. The event was open to the public and   break, meanwhile
       attended by the various homeowner associations around   parents are scrambling
       the county. Our community engagement ambassadors   for ideas on how to
       were on hand to interact and exchange information   keep them  busy. Two
       with property managers, board members from various   words – summer camp!

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