Page 4 - Martin Downs Bulletin - April '23
P. 4

Page 4, Martin Downs

                                                LocaL Happenings

      Hibiscus Children’s Center

      Celebrates Children At

      The 30th Annual Jo Covelli

        Over 170 guests enjoyed a fabulous afternoon at the
      Hibiscus Children’s Center  30th Annual Jo Covelli
      Luncheon. This  lovely  affair  is  held  annually  at  the

        Piper’s Landing from page 1

        the clothes they are wearing. This helps defray the costs   Lois Seaman and Marilyn Hessler pictured with Liza Minelli   Cochairs Terri Cole and Alicia Weber with Hibiscus CEO
        of about 50 bags SafeSpace will give to victims who come   and John Travolta                       Matt Markley
        to the shelter for safety.
          Albizu shared that besides a hotline and emergency   prestigious  Sailfish  Point  Country  Club.  Guests  were     The afternoon provided a delicious gourmet luncheon
        shelters, SafeSpace also provides a wide range of other   greeted by mimosas as they perused the silent auction   and creative hat contest with many of our ladies adorning
        services to victims seeking help inside and outside the   items including original artwork by local artists and raffle   fabulous themed hats! The special musical performance
        shelter such as, safety planning, mental health counseling   baskets. Vendors displayed beautiful clothing, jewelry and   by Daryl Magill was enjoyed by all and some were up
        for victims and their children, legal assistance, financial   more. A highlight of the event was artwork created by   on their feet dancing. Lisa E. performed sign language
        literacy training, child protective services, youth violence   Hibiscus children. Art affords a creative and therapeutic   for the beautiful songs.
        prevention education, and more – all free of charge.   outlet for expression and children love the opportunity to     Special thanks to cochairs Alicia Weber and Terri Cole
          “Federal and state grants cover only about half of the   use their imaginations! The younger children expressed   and the entire committee for their hard work in planning
        agency’s expenses,” says Albizu, “so SafeSpace is very   themselves through use of color and some children   this  memorable  event. The  luncheon  directly  supports
        grateful to Piper’s Landing for raising over $26,000 to   created flags to represent their heritage  and  beautiful   Hibiscus’ mission and helps to provide safe haven, mental
        help us sustain the programs and services that will help   rainbows.                               health counseling, education and literacy services, and
        victims become survivors and transition to a life free from     Our theme was the Pearl, the symbol of wisdom   more for children in our care.
        violence.”                                       gained through experience and the 30th Anniversary     For more information about Hibiscus and our special
          The charity event would not have been successful   gemstone. This special anniversary luncheon honored our   events, please contact Lori Swift, director of outreach
        without the donations of items for the auctions and raffles   Grand Benefactor, Jo Covelli and the Albert M. Covelli   events, at, (772) 634-1312 or visit us
        from PLWGA members and Piper’s Landing staff, as well   Foundation, who continue to be beacons of light and love   at
        as from others in the Martin County community: Diane   for children in our community.                                     Photos by MaryAnn Ketcham
        Anthony’s Permanent Make Up, Frank Bianco/Miracle
        Jewelry Exchange, Marjorie Collins Massage Therapist,
        Cat Kaltenhauser Personal Trainer, Dr. Charles Oliveri/
        Spinal Health & Wellness Center, Michelle Radich/Alyce
        & Co., Sailfish Point Golf Club, Lourdes Cortina/Tapas
        by Lourdes, The Gafford and The Lyric Theatre.
          Piper’s Landing could not have held this fundraiser
        without the help of its many volunteers. They are: Susan
        Ash, Zenta Barger, Nancy Bowden, Michele Bragg,
        Lois Brooks, Sue Chase, Sandra Conley, Micki Dion,
        Pattie Dunn, Sonita Farr, Barbara Flynn, Ann Grace,
        Linda Harlan, Maryann Kiely, Shirley Kohl, Gretchen
        Kundahl, Deborah Lovequist, Shirley MacDonald, Judy
        Papayanakos, Nancy Patterson, Leslie Robinson, Mary
        Sabbatelli, Mary Simpson, Ellen South and Helene Young.
                                                         Karen Vincenzini, Deb Kessler and Ellen Lugosch   Dolores Lashkevich, Marion Vitale and Joan Damson

        Piper’s hole sponsorship signs
                                                         Joyce Court and Marge Hohman                      Pat Noonan and Marylin Levitt

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