Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - April '23
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Abacoa, Page 21

      Max Planck Florida Institute from page 20             Faculty, researchers, administrators and trainees met   lot about the NIH and what we can all do better to improve
                                                         with Matthews to discuss diversity efforts including   diversity in research.”
      talk and discussion on topics and best practices related to   fellowship and research awards to support diversity in      Some asked for follow up “creating more open space
      “Enhancing Diversity in the Neuroscience Workforce” on   biomedical research. Matthews spoke of best practices   in research for people of all backgrounds.”
      Friday, Feb. 3.                                    and shared experiences in guiding diversity efforts at   About The Network For Women In Science
         Matthews is  program                            NINDS, creating inclusive environments, and building      The Network for Women in Science (NWiS) is a
      director for the Office                            supportive programming and communities that enable   community at MPFI dedicated to raising awareness and
      of Programs to Enhance                             every person, including underrepresented minorities and   promoting change related to issues pertinent to female
      Workforce Neuroscience                             women in research, to feel welcome and to thrive.  under-representation in STEM (science, technology,
      Diversity at the National                          Thoughts From The Attendees                       engineering,  and  mathematics)-related  careers.  NWiS
      Institute of Neurological                             Participants enjoyed a talk and presentation regarding   welcomes all genders and aims to build a community
      Disorders and Stroke                               NIH funding opportunities, mentoring, and research   of support to foster the careers of scientists through
      (NINDS) of the NIH.                                training support, as well as an informal coffee hour and   community outreach, career workshops, and bias
         Matthews visited the                            discussion. Attendees commented:                  education.
      Jupiter neuroscience hub                              • “NIH’s initiatives to promote diversity are expanding.   About The FAU U-RISE Program
      to connect with Florida                            These investments may take years to be fruitful, but we      The FAU U-RISE Program (Undergraduate Research
      Atlantic University’s                              can each contribute in some way to promote DEI.”  Training Initiative for Student Enhancement) is funded by
      (FAU’s)  U-RISE  Program,  along  with  NWiS,  whose      •  “Self-assessment  is  a  critical  first  step…toward   the National Institute of Health to promote diversity in
      representatives include faculty and trainees from MPFI,   Implementing DEIB…self-assessment tools for our units   biomedical science by engaging students in a customized
      FAU  and  FAU’s  Stiles-Nicolson  Brain  Institute,  UF/  to determine where we rank and identify where we want   research-intensive undergraduate experience.
      Scripps Biomedical Institute and Nova Southeastern   to go collectively… (are necessary).”              FAU’s U-RISE students participate in a three-year
      University.                                           • “Marguerite was a wealth of knowledge; I learned a   curriculum including laboratory research, workshops,
                                                                                                           a summer internship, and specialized courses in
                                                                                                           critical thinking, research approaches, and scientific
                                                                                                              Students  are  paired  with  an  Academic  Mentor,  a
                                                                                                           Research Mentor and a Near-Peer Mentor (graduate
                                                                                                           student). The U-RISE program covers partial tuition costs
                                                                                                           based on the yearly U-RISE budget, support for research
                                                                                                           and travel, and a monthly stipend.
                                                                                                              For more information, contact
                                                                                                           Jupiter Community High School Team
             CARDIAC SURGERY
                                                                                                           Triumphs At 2023 Brain Bee Challenge
           An innovative approach to minimally invasive heart surgery                                      Championship At MPFI
                                                                                                              Some of the brightest brains in South Florida schools
           Joe Santoro had been dealing with                                                               gathered on Saturday, Feb. 11 as Max Planck Florida Institute
           mitral valve disease for almost                                                                 for Neuroscience (MPFI) held its 10th annual Brain Bee
           a decade when his cardiologist                                                                  Challenge. MPFI’s Jupiter campus was abuzz with nervous
           told him his new symptoms were                                                                  excitement as 60 Palm Beach County students prepared their
           caused by an additional heart                                                                   three-person teams for intense competition.
           condition – atrial fibrillation.                                                                   Covering  topics
                                                                                                           like learning and
                                                                                                           memory, emotion,
           After his doctor advised him to                                                                 sensation, movement,
           undergo a procedure to treat the                                                                aging, neurobiology,
           valve disease, Joe, a first-grade                                                               brain anatomy, and
           teacher and musician, decided to                                                                neural disorders, three
           get a second opinion. He chose                                                                  rounds of bracing
           Cleveland Clinic Florida, where                                                                 trivia capped off a
           he met with Jose L. Navia, MD,                                                                  busy day at one of the world’s premiere scientific centers.
           Director of the Cleveland Clinic   Three weeks after Joe’s robotically assisted valve repair surgery,      “The Brain Bee is a fantastic opportunity for students who
           Florida Heart, Vascular and        he was back to normal activities. His band played a gig – and he   are passionate about science to visit the institute, learn about
           Thoracic Institute and Minimally   played right along with them.                                our work and show off their knowledge of the brain,” said Ilaria
           Invasive Valve Program.                                                                         Drago, Head of Education Outreach. “It is one of our signature
                                                         He chose a robotically assisted approach          events, and every year the competition is better and better.”
           “I left my appointment with Dr. Navia         to his mitral valve repair surgery because
           knowing I had more options,” Joe says.        it was less invasive than traditional open-
                                                         heart surgery and he would heal faster.
           “I was jumping around, playing
           guitar and singing three weeks                “A robotically assisted approach for valve
                                                         repair surgery is the ultimate new use for
           post heart surgery. It was                    technology,” Dr. Navia says. “This approach
           amazing how fast I recovered.”                provides the patient with a better option to
                                                         have a durable repair or replacement of the
                                    — JOE SANTORO        valve.”

              TALK WITH AN EXPERT.
              Patients from across the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean
              turn to Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute for life-
              saving treatment options. To schedule an appointment with one of our heart
              specialists, call 877.463.2010 or visit to
              learn more.                                                             Jose Navia, MD

                                      The top choice for heart care.

                                       From routine cardiac care to complex transplants,

                                       trust South Florida’s #1 hospital.                                  And The Winner Is …
                                                                                                              When the dust had settled, Jupiter Community High
                                                                                                           School’s “Brainy Bunch” were crowned Brain Bee royalty.
                                                                                                           Second place went to the Benjamin School’s “Cerebellum
                                       877.463.2010                                                        Belles” and the Saint Andrew’s School “Neuroscots 1” finished
                                                                 third. The teams were rewarded with Brain Bee trophies and
                                                                                                           Amazon gift cards courtesy of the event’s generous sponsor,
                                                                                                           the Mary and Robert Pew Public Education Fund.

                                                                                                           Max Planck Florida Institute on page 22
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