Page 12 - Southern Exposure - March '23
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Page 12, Southern Exposure
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Vita Nova’s Mallets And Martinis Scheduled For March 25
Proceeds To Benefit Homeless Youth In Palm Beach County
Vita Nova will host the Sixth Annual Mallets & Martinis Chairpersons of the event are Yvonne and Ed Varona.
on Saturday, March 25, at the National Croquet Center in Sponsors to date include FPL, MorseLife Health System, DEX
West Palm Beach. The nonprofit’s signature fundraising event Imaging, HSS Florida, Donor Chip Williams, Searcy Law-
will raise money to support the homeless youth Vita Nova Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, P.A., Sunshine
serves in Palm Beach County. Health, and M Law-Mrachek Fitzgerald Rose Konopka
Beginning at 6 p.m. guests of Mallets & Martinis will Thomas & Weiss, PA. and Palm Beach Illustrated.
experience an exhilarating evening under the palms featuring Tickets to Mallets & Martinis are $225 each. To learn more,
croquet, martinis, and live music. Guests, who are encouraged become a sponsor and/or purchase tickets, visit vitanovainc.
to wear “Chic Croquet Whites,” will also have the opportunity org/Mallets-Martinis or call (561) 472-4809.
after dinner to bid on amazing live auction items and dance About Vita Nova
the night away. Vita Nova is a safe bridge to independence for former foster
care, LGBTQ, and other homeless youth through supportive
housing, education, employment, and life skills training. Vita
Chairs: Yvonne and Ed Varona Nova Inc, located in West Palm Beach, Fla., is comprised
of three components: the Spot, Housing (The Village), and
Serving over 400 youth in Palm Beach County, Vita Independent Living.
Nova is a safe bridge to independence for former foster Vita Nova means “new life” in Latin and was founded by
care, LGBTQ, and other homeless youth through supportive Father Leo Armbrust, a man who believed that foster youth
housing, education, employment, and life skills training. deserved a better quality of care. Through the efforts of the Vita
Working to eliminate homelessness for youth ages 18 to Nova team members, its volunteers, and its benefactors, older
25 years old in Palm Beach County, Vita Nova acts as an foster and homeless youth are allowed to lead lives characterized
advocate and support system for homeless young adults. by independence, self-determination, and personal responsibility.
All proceeds from this event will go towards Vita Nova’s To learn more about Vita Nova or to donate, visit vitanovainc.
Housing Program and Independent Living Services. org or call (561) 689-0035.
artS & entertainment
Palm Beach Opera Guild To Host 21st
Annual Luncheon And Opera Interlude
March 14 At Four Seasons Resort Palm Beach
Palm Beach Merrill Lynch. International Chair Hermé de Wyman Miro,
Opera Guild will in loving memory.
host its 21st Annual Beginning at 11:30 a.m., guests of the annual luncheon will
L unc heon and enjoy a shopping spree in the unique boutique and auction as
Opera Interlude on well as listening to the sounds of Tenor Anthony Ciaramitaro
Tuesday, March during the opera interlude.
14, at Four Seasons Proceeds from the event go towards Palm Beach Opera
Resort Palm Beach. Guild, a nonprofit organization comprised of women and men
Chairs of this much committed to supporting the Palm Beach Opera by raising
anticipated event funds for educational and mainstage programming.
are Arlette Gordon To learn more about the 21st Annual Luncheon and Opera
and Cathy Solomon. Interlude please contact Ann Baskind at (561) 835-7569
Honorary Chair is or email Tickets are $385 each.
Lois Pope. Grand To R.S.V.P. by March 2, or learn more about sponsorship
benefactors are Ari opportunities, please visit
Rifkin and Tova Dedicated to promoting awareness for opera and the
Leidesdorf; and arts in our community, Palm Beach Opera Guild offers
benefactors include events throughout the year to provide their members with
Barbie and Michael Chairs are Arlette Gordon and opportunities to volunteer and participate in many exciting
> | Member SIPC
Ma r c o vi c i a nd Cathy Solomon. ways. For more information visit
> | Member SIPC
> | Member SIPC > | Member SIPC
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