Page 3 - Stuart Exposure- March '23
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Children’s Museum ShipWrecked from page 1
                                                                                                                                       Stuart Exposure, Page 3

      Volunteers In Medicine from page 1                   It was a memorable evening that will launch        Since 1995 Volunteers in Medicine Clinic has been
                                                        Volunteers in Medicine Clinic into their 28th year of   providing comprehensive medical care to uninsured
      life. His emotional message along with posters around the   ensuring all eligible Martin County residents in need of   Martin County adults, through the efforts and expertise of
      room featuring more patient testimonies were powerful   health care will have no obstacles in receiving the very   a small staff and volunteer medical and lay personnel, at
      examples of the impact of VIM Clinic.             best in compassionate, excellent care.             no charge to the patient. VIM Clinic is located at 417 S.E.

                                            Kathy DeMont with Bob Massey and Annie  Janice Eckelman, Lois Watson, and Jean   Laila Gosine and Walter McManus
      Karen Rodgers and Frank Byers Jr.     MacMillan                            Weaver
                                                                                                           Balboa Ave. in Stuart, Fla. For more information, please
                                                                                                           call (772) 463-4128 or visit online at
                                                                    EVERY SUNDAY                                                      Photos by Liz McKinley

                                                                 FLAGLER PARK

                                                                     •FRESH PRODUCE
                                                                         •LIVE MUSIC
                                                                   •MOBILE CRAFT BAR

                                                                       •KIDS MARKET
                                                                   (First & third Sunday of every month)

                                                                                                           Sandee Jo and James Croker with Michelle Jacobs
                  Operated by Stuart Main Street

                           Fresh Local Produce & Honey
                        Organic Eggs, Beef, Seafood & Poultry
                             Household Plants & Florals
                               Homemade Cheeses
                                 Spices & Sauces
                         Freshly Baked Breads & Tasty Treats
                             Pottery, Art & Home Décor
                         Handcrafted Jewelry & Accessories
                                    Pet Items                                         BE A PART OF
           A market for growers, crafters, artists & other creators                       FRESH!           Dr. Ron Frenkel with Phyllis
                                                                                                           Rappaport               Patsy and George Conrades
                    772-285-0502 |
                    Stuart Main Street is a 501c3 non-profit focused on promoting the Historic Downtown.


                                              “Our TEAM is committed to
                         YOUR                 excellence in personalized dental                            Ted and Pat Tiemeyer    Linda and Mike Evans
                  SMILE                       that our patients deserve. We offer
                                              care, providing quality treatment

                        IS OUR                comprehensive services including
                                              routine cleanings, teeth whitening
               PASSION                        procedures, porcelain crowns and   Dr. Shannon Plymale-Galinis,
                                              veneers and complex implant
                                              reconstructions .”
                                                                                and Dr. Thomas A. Galinis

                                                                                                           Phil and Julie Wintercorn  Maggie and Roger Bernot

                                                            2812 SW Mapp Rd.  |  Palm City
                                                                             Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
             ALSO OFFERING:                                                                                 Palm Beach County and is a privately
             Invisalign®, Dental Implants, Porcelain Crowns,                                                owned and managed company.
             Facial Rejuvenation & Therapeutic Procedures                               SEE                 Captain’s is committed to providing
                                                                                        WHAT                dependable, reliable and professional
                                                                                        PATIENTS            ground transportation to and from all
               We continue to welcome new patients and invite you to visit              ARE                 South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
               our website for special offers. Complimentary consultations              SAYING!                To reserve your vehicle:
               available upon request.                                                                      561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890

        Aesthetic Dentistry Seabreeze Ad JAN22.indd   1                                      1/24/22   4:59 PM
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