Page 15 - Stuart Exposure- March '23
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Stuart Exposure, Page 15
loCAl goVernMent
Ruth Pietruszewski, Martin the place, date and time of the Tax Certificate Sale. This bill or surrendering the title to the property. The payment
County Tax Collector, Reminds advertised information is required by Florida Law and is of property taxes provides the county, school board, and
not intended to be embarrassing or intimidating. The notice
municipalities the revenue to provide necessary services for
Taxpayers That Taxes Become serves as a reminder to contact this office immediately for Martin County taxpayers. Tax certificates assist in funding
payment, if your taxes have not been paid for the 2022 tax
the government’s expenses in the interim time taxes are
Delinquent The Same Time roll. Current law provides that taxes on these listed properties delinquent. The system for collecting delinquent ad valorem
property taxes is defined in great detail in the Florida Statutes,
will be recovered through the sale of tax certificates.
Every Year – April 1 Beginning on or before June 1, the tax collector is required Attorney General’s Opinions, and Department of Revenue’s
by law to hold a tax certificate sale. The certificates represent rules and regulations, per F.S. 197.122, F.S. 197.332, F.S.
Real property taxes liens on all unpaid real estate properties. The sale allows 197.343, F.S. 197.402, F.S. 197.403, F.S. 197.432.
become delinquent April 1 citizens to buy certificates by paying the owed tax debt. The A tax certificate is valid for seven years from the date of
of each year. Please help sale is held online. issuance. The holder may apply for a tax deed when two or
keep your cost and the cost A tax certificate, when purchased, becomes an enforceable more years have elapsed since the date of delinquency. If
of your government down first lien against the real estate. The certificate holder is the property owner fails to pay the tax debt, the property tax
by paying your property actually paying the taxes for a property owner in exchange deed is sold at public auction. In order to remove the lien,
taxes on time. At that for a competitive bid rate of return on his investment. They the property owner must pay the tax collector all delinquent
time, 3 percent interest and make it possible for the owner(s) of real property to allow ad taxes plus accrued interest, penalties and advertising fees.
advertising fees are added valorem property taxes to become delinquent and continue The tax collector then notifies the certificate holder of any
to the gross tax. A list of to use their property for two years (or more) before actually certificates redeemed and a refund check is then issued to the
all real estate property with paying the bill (plus interest and costs). During this period, certificate holder. Although it is a secure investment in most
delinquent taxes is advertised investors pay the delinquent tax bills at negotiated rates of cases, there is an element of risk in purchasing tax certificates.
once a week for three consecutive weeks in a local newspaper interest lending the delinquent property owners money in F.S. 197.472(2) states that tax lien certificates are guaranteed
during the month of May. The advertisement specifies order to continue using their property before paying the an interest rate return of a flat (non-accruing) 5 percent or
your bid, on an APR basis, whichever is greater.
Martin County Property
Appraiser’s Office
Attention New Home
When buying real
estate property, you should
not assume that property
Call us for a FREE Home Watch Consultation! taxes will remain the same.
772-288-0972 Whenever there is a change
Also offering concierge services in ownership, the assessed
value of the property may
2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Ste. 181 reset to the full market
Palm City, FL 34990 value, which may result
in higher property taxes.
Our New Home Buyer Timeline
handout illustrates this scenario.
Scan QR code to view this
In addition, using our Property
Tax Estimator tool will help you
plan ahead for the financial impact.
Scan QR code to use the Property
Tax Estimator.
Both of these tools are available on our
website at Or, scan this
QR code to connect with us!