Page 4 - Abacoa Community News - March '23
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Page 4, Abacoa
APoA News & Activities
From The Desk Of The Property Manager
By Jacqueline Coniglio,
Director of Property Management, Abacoa POA
It’s that time of the year again! Let’s not forget to turn
back the clocks Sunday, March 12 as daylight saving
time (DST) begins! Yes, it messes up your schedule for
a few days, but it gives you eight months of significantly
more sunlight in your life! I know we will all enjoy the
luxurious, lingering, long days it provides!
But what is this daylight saving time all about? Check
out the fun and interesting history, from a 1784 essay on can rely on daylight to avoid switching lights on. The
conserving candles, to a present-day bill to make daylight and off, for better or for worse, clocks revert back to standard time for the winter months
saving time permanent across the country! over time in history. so the sun can rise earlier, and the world starts the day
When Did It Start? The United States didn’t standardize the system until off with sunlight – otherwise some places wouldn’t see
It’s debated who originally came up with the idea. 1966, when it passed the Uniform Time Act. For years the sun come up until almost 8:30 a.m.
Some like to credit Benjamin Franklin as the inventor of the DST was observed from the first Sunday of April to What’s The Point Today?
daylight saving time when he wrote in a 1784 essay about the last Sunday of October. In 2005, DST was extended DST today is a system to reduce electricity usage by
conserving candles and saying, “Early to bed, early to rise an extra four weeks, and this March to November system, extending daylight hours. It also allows people to wake
makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Others attest to the United States follow officially taking effect in 2007. close to the sunrise and be active, enjoying outdoor leisure
DST being a practice adopted to give farmers extra time For eight months out of the year, the United States activity into the evening light.
in the sun to work out in the field and benefit soldiers in and dozens of other countries follow DST, and for the DST Year Round?
war time. Could old time signs calling for saving coal remaining four months, revert back to standard time in In 2018 the Sunshine Protection Act was introduced
consumption have had an impact, on the adoption of DST order to take full advantage of the sunlight. In the summer to make daylight saving time permanent. However, for
also? All of the above seems to have had an impact on months, the sun is out for longer periods of time, so you now Florida will still spring forward!
Deadline for the next APoA uPdAte
Abacoa newspaper
is the 11th of the month.
Submit articles/pictures Abacoa POA Meeting Notices
to abacoaadmin@
Official notification is posted via the bulletin board outside the Abacoa POA office as well as the www. website. Members may now download Abacoa POA agendas and minutes from our website.
Notice of APOA Board of Directors Meeting – Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 11:30 a.m. – APOA Office or Zoom
Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of Notice of Monthly CAC Meeting – Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 9:30 a.m. (subject to change) – APOA Office or Zoom
Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
**All Abacoa POA meetings to be held at the offices of the Abacoa POA, 1200 University Blvd., Suite 102,
via, call us unless otherwise posted. All agendas, as well as approved minutes, will be available at
Articles herein are the creation of the individual writers, and do not express the opinion of the APOA. By
Seabreeze Publications printing an article herein, the APOA is not endorsing the writer, the article’s content, or any business referred
to therein. The APOA will not be responsible for errors contained in, or related to, articles.
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