Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - March '23
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Page 22, Abacoa
Financial Focus
Should Investors “Go It be available for retirement? This big question leads to many indexes, such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial
Next comes the other key question: How much money will
Average. But in reality, your portfolio should contain a wide
Alone”? others: How much do you need to save and invest each year range of investments, some of which aren’t contained in these
until you retire? About what sort of investment return will you indexes, so you might not be assessing your performance
By Sally Sima Stahl need to reach your retirement income goals? What level of risk appropriately. A financial professional can help you develop your
If you’re going to enjoy a are you willing to take to achieve that return? What is the role own, more meaningful benchmarks that can show the progress
comfortable retirement, you of other income sources such as Social Security or any pensions you’re actually making toward your goals.
should know, among other you might have? In some areas of life, going it alone can be exciting – but
things, how much money Having a financial professional help you gain a clear idea of when it comes to investing for your future, you may benefit from
you’ll need. And you may your retirement income picture can certainly be reassuring. But some company on the journey.
have a much better chance of there may be other reasons why “going it alone” as an investor This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
knowing this if you get some might not be desirable. your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward
professional help. For example, when the financial markets are down, as was Jones, Member SIPC.
Consider these findings the case for much of 2022, some investors make decisions based Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
from a 2021 study by on short-term volatility, such as selling investments to “cut their and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
Dalbar, a financial services losses,” even if these same investments still have solid business and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
market research firm: fundamentals and good prospects for growth. But if you work Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward
• Investors who worked with a financial advisor were three with a financial professional, you might decide to stick with Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward
times more likely to estimate what they would have saved at these investments, especially if they’re still appropriate for Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
retirement than “do-it-yourself” investors. your long-term strategy. Other times, of course, the advice may Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
• More than two-thirds of investors with a financial advisor be different – but it will always be advice based on your goals, provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax advisor
were satisfied with the amount they would have saved at needs and time horizon. regarding your situation.
retirement, compared to about 27 percent of the do-it-yourselfers. Furthermore, if you’re investing on your own, you may Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS, 1851
How do financial professionals help their clients in always be measuring your results against the major market W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
these ways?
First, consider the issue of determining how much Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
money will be needed for retirement. It’s not always easy
for individuals to estimate this amount. But financial
professionals can help clients like you arrive at this figure Gifted Testing
by exploring your hopes and goals. How long do you plan to
work? What kind of lifestyle do you anticipate enjoying in
retirement? Where would you like to live? How much would NOW OFFERING: Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
you like to travel? Are you open to pursuing earned income • Jupiter & Stuart Offices
opportunities, such as consulting or working part-time? • Testing for Processing Licensed School Psychologist
Nurturing Problems, Anxiety, (561) 625-4125
Creativity In • Weekend and After
School Appointments
Dyslexics “Helping Parents Help Children”
By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
School Psychologist
All children need to
believe they excel at some
area in their life because
this helps develop our self-
esteem and healthy self-
esteem advances success
in life. Self-esteem is
developed by combining
our internal beliefs with our
external feedback. Thus, our
self-esteem is a combination of how we view ourselves and
how we believe others view us.
We want your child with dyslexia to develop healthy
self-esteem and feel good about him or herself. So, in what
area does your child excel? Although it might be academic
related, it might not. Perhaps your child believes she is
talented at mathematics. Other kids might believe they are
science experts with a deep knowledge of space or fossils.
Your child’s natural talent might be athletics and being a fast
runner, best basketball free thrower, dancer, or figure skater.
Does your child have an innate musical ability? Recognize
and reinforce your child’s strength area.
If you need ideas consider reading, The Dyslexia
Empowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing Your
Child’s Confidence and Love of Learning. Author Ben Foss
describes his own struggles with dyslexia and provides you
with a new perspective that remediation of what is broken
in your child is not the ultimate goal. He explains, “There
are specific attitudes and habits that will have a huge impact
on whether your child will be able to apply her strengths at
school and beyond.”
Since children develop at different rates you can
provide your child with opportunities to sample various
activities, athletics, arts, and hobbies to gauge their
interest and talents. Some activities will be tried and
shelved while others might continue to develop and be
refined throughout adolescence. It’s often our natural
strengths that carry us through in life and shape our career
choices. Your child is smart in many ways so help other
family members and teachers understand your child’s
natural assets. Someone has to recognize your child’s
gifts and we hope it’s you.
Call to discuss your child as we test children ages 5.5
through college for dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADHD,
depression, anxiety, and other processing disorders. Visit or call (561) 625-4125.