Page 8 - The Islander - February '23
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Page 8, The Islander

                                                              theatre happeningS

          Palm Beach Dramaworks Presents The 2023/24 Season

      Lobby Hero By Kenneth                              About Palm Beach Dramaworks
      Lonergan, Oct. 13 To 29                               Palm Beach Dramaworks
         Four  New  Yorkers                              (PBD) is a professional,
      involved in a murder                               nonprofit theatre company
      investigation  –  a  slacker                       founded in 2000 and located in
      security guard in a                                the heart of downtown West Palm
      Manhattan apartment                                Beach. Each season, the award-
      building, his by-the-                              winning company produces five
      book boss,  a rookie cop                           mainstage shows and offers
      and her macho partner                              a wide variety of programs
      – face moral and ethical                           for students at the theatre, in
      dilemmas in this comic                             schools, and online. Committed
      drama by the Academy                               to fostering the future of theatre,
      Award-winning screenwriter of Manchester by the Sea.   PBD has become a hub for
      The play  explores  issues  of  racism  and  sexism,  and   playwrights in Florida and
      whether it’s ever honorable to do the wrong thing for the   around the country to nurture
      right reason.                                      their  work through  initiatives
      The Messenger By Jenny                             including drama (in the) works
      Connell Davis (World                               and the annual New Year/New
      Premiere), Dec. 8 To 24                            Plays Festival. PBD is a member
         A meditation on the                             of the Theatre Communications
      connections between                                Group, Florida Professional
      past, present, and future,                         Theatres Association, and the
      and on the choice                                  Cultural Council of Palm Beach
      between speaking up and                            County.
      speaking out regardless                               The Don &  Ann Brown
      of the consequences or                             Theatre is located in the heart
      remaining silent for the                           of downtown West Palm Beach,
      sake of self-preservation.                         at 201 Clematis St. For ticket
      Inspired by the life of                            information contact the box office
      Hungarian Holocaust                                at (561) 514-4042, or visit www.
      survivor Georgia Gabor, the play interweaves her story
      with that of  a  young American woman facing  racial
      discrimination in this country in 2020.
      The Cancellation
      Of  Lauren Fein  By
      Christopher Demos-
      Br o wn (W o r l d
      Premiere), Feb. 2 To 18,
         Lauren Fein and her                                                      Rex Recommends
      wife, Paola Munoz, are
      professors at a prestigious
      American university.                                                                          By Rex Hearn
      They live with Dylan,
      their 16-year-old African                            Palm Beach Opera                                Philadelphia Orchestra will thrill you with their
      American foster son                                     Moz art’s opera                              playing. And on Feb. 27 at 8 p.m., England’s premier
      whom they’ve cared for                               Cosi Fan Tutti goes                             chamber orchestra, The Academy of St. Martin-in-
      since he was a baby. When Professor Fein’s actions run   up Feb. 24, 25 and 26                       the-Fields with conductor and violin soloist, Joshua
      afoul of the university’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion”   with  alternating  casts.             Bell, promise dazzling performances. Early warning!
      policies, her groundbreaking research, her career, and her   His librettist, Lorenzo                 The New World Symphony appears on March 13 and
      family are all put in jeopardy.                      da Ponte, immigrated                            the Palm Beach Symphony appears on March 14 with
      Death Of A Salesman, By                              to America at age 56                            pianist Misha Dichter in George Gershwin’s only piano
      Arthur Miller, March 29                              in 1805 and became a                            concerto; it’s not Rhapsody in Blue! Call for tickets at
      to April 14, 2024                                    citizen in 1828. So we                          (561) 832-7469.
         This Pulitzer Prize-                              can say an American
      winning, groundbreaking                              wrote the words!  The                           The Society Of Four Arts
      play  changed American                               title translates to “Women are Fickle”; one might add      Famous for its wide range of excellent talks, they
      theatre in the person of                             “and men like to cheat” for the “MeToo-ers.” The opera   too provide good music choices. The Miro String
      its everyman tragic hero,                            is a confection testing the fidelity of four sweethearts   Quartet appears on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m., with
      Willy  Loman,  a  dime                               in charming ways. And Mozart uses Mesmer’s 18th   astonishing clarinet player, David Shifrin. Also, catch
      a dozen, disappointed,                               century discovery of “hypnotic magnetism” through   the high definition Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on
      disillus ioned, and                                  the character of Despina, cleverly. Glorious music   certain Saturdays. Call for tickets at (561) 655-2766.
      delusional traveling                                 describes the young lovers’ emotions beautifully. Don’t
      salesman with a skewed                               miss it. It’s at the Kravis Center. Call for tickets at   Maltz Jupiter Theatre
      vision of the American                               (561)-833-7888.                                    Good People, the play, goes up on Feb. 12 to
      Dream. All he wanted, the playwright wrote in his                                                    26, with Delphi Harrington. It’s a dramatic comedy
      memoir, was “to count.” Or as  Willy’s wife, Linda,   Flagler Museum                                 about a working class girl out of a job who crashes a
      implores, “Attention must be paid.”                     At “Whitehall” the Gilded Age home of the late,   party given by an old flame – a successful doctor. Be
      Crumbs From The Table                                great, philanthropist Henry Flagler, their music series   prepared for hard truths and scintillating Boston wit.
      Of Joy, By Lynn Nottage,                             has returned to its classical beginnings including four   Call for tickets at (561) 575-2223.
      May 24 To June 9, 2024                               professional groups in February. The music series
         Following the death of                            includes The Viano String Quartet on Feb. 7, violinist,   Eissey Campus Theatre
      his  wife,  a  disconsolate                          Simone Porter on Feb. 21, the Summit Piano Trio on      Spotlight on The Symphonic Band of the Palm
      Godfrey  Crump  moves                                Feb. 28, String Cuarteto Latinamericano on Feb. 28   Beaches, Feb. 5 at 3 p.m., (561) 832-3115.
      in with his daughters,                               and the Neave String Trio on March 7.              Patriotic Playbill, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m., stirring music
      Ernestine  and Ermina,                                  Meet the players for champagne and snacks after   from The Palm Beach Gardens Concert Band. Take Me
      from Pensacola, Fla.,                                the concert. Call for tickets at (561) 655-2833.   Home the story of the late John Denver and his music
      to Brooklyn in 1950.                                                                                 featuring Jim Curry goes up Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. Do not
      Se ventee n-ye ar -ol d                              Kravis Center                                   miss it. (941) 207-1038. A Night to Remember from the
      Ernestine is our guide in                               Amid the myriad of their wonderful Broadway   Palm Beach State College Big Band, is on Feb. 21 at
      this warm memory play,                               musicals is the well-established Regional Arts   7:30 p.m. And last but not least, Rock Rhapsody the hits
      a coming-of-age tale in                              Classical Music Series with visiting orchestras. On   of England’s famous group called “Queen” is on Feb.
      which the sisters confront a cultural and racial divide   Feb. 5 at 2 p.m., the brilliant Munich Symphony   27 at 7:30 p.m. I wonder if they have a Freddie Mercury
      and are exposed to new ideas, as they seek to break free   Orchestra plays. On Feb. 13 at 8 p.m., the incredible   impersonator. Call for tickets at (561) 207-5900.
      from their father’s restrictive rules.
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