Page 2 - Jupiter West - February '23
P. 2

Page 2, Jupiter West
                                                         Jupiter Senior Softball

        Actress Fran Drescher from page 1

        group of accomplished individuals who have joined     Gerry Elias, cofounder
        forces to support the mission of CAHH in supporting   and first commissioner of
        local cancer patients in their time of need. The Grand   the Jupiter Senior Softball
        Honorary Chair is Gloria Herman; International   Association  (JSSA),  was
        Chair, Ari Rifkin; Grand Benefactor Chairs Virginia   posthumously enshrined in the
        Gildea, Lois Richards, and Katherine  Walgreen;   organization’s Hall of Fame in
        Benefactor Chairs Sandra Bobb, Charles Fisher,   a Jan. 11 ceremony.
        Helene  Karp,  Kristina  Gustafson,  Julie  Kampf  and     Elias, 82, died last February.
        Sharon Loeb, Donna Mulholland, and Lisa Saur; Vice   He was chosen as the 2022 Hall
        Chairs Mara Benjamin, Lori Berg, Dan Drennen, Gail   of Fame honoree by unanimous
        Corder Fisher, Beth Goldberg, Arlette Gordon, Jayne   vote of the JSSA board last
        Malfitano, Joseph McNamara, Max McNamara, David   April. “Gerry was well liked
        Sarama, Barbara Zand; Ambassadors Mary Ackerman,   and he made a huge difference
        Linda Adelson, Abigail Beebe, Chris Cox, Dale    and is most deserving of this
        Connor, Lynette Dallas, Elizabeth DeBrule, Nancy   honor,” Commissioner Paul  Gerry Elias, the 2022 Inductee into the   Mariette Elias with ball she tossed to open
        Dwyer, Lorre Erlick, Nancy Erlick, Jan Ricci Feldman,   Storch said in opening the  Jupiter Senior Softball Hall of Fame  the senior softball Winter League
        Victor Figueredo, Jeff Fowler, Barbara Gilbert,   induction ceremony.
        David Granville, John Herrick, Sandra Kriser, Linda     Gerry’s wife, Mariette, sister Phyllis Rodrigues, niece   Battistone, who died in April 2020, was the inaugural
        Lachman, Beth Lane, Chris Leavitt, Mary Bryant   Stephanie Riley and twin grandsons, Max and Jake   inductee followed by Mike Richmond, the 2021 inductee.
        McCourt, Ross Meltzer, Fran Morrissette, Jeff Pfeifle,   Boland, attended the ceremony held at Jupiter Community     The year-round slow-pitch softball program is open
        Debra Roberts, Sheila Rosenblum, Jill Schecter, Mary   Park. The event drew a large crowd of senior softball   to persons 55 and older and is sponsored by the Jupiter
        Lou Schillinger, Terri Schottenstein, Renee Scott,   players, several of whom shared fond memories of Gerry   Senior Softball Association in cooperation with the
        Nancy Stone, Amie Swan, Stacey Coffee-Thorne,    and the many acts of kindness he performed for others.  Town of Jupiter. For information contact Gary Newman
        Cheral Turnipseed, Jennifer Whitaker, and Gail Worth;     Association  Vice Commissioner Richard  Sewell   at (917) 623-0791. Registration can be made online at
        Auction Chair Michael Atchison.                  spoke of Gerry’s commitment to the senior softball
          The 2023 Shop The Day Away Luncheonwill begin   program and how crucial his leadership

        at 10:30 a.m. with Palm Beach’s most fabulous silent   was to  its success.  Elias  was league
        auction, featuring more than 500 new luxury designer   commissioner from 1999 to 2002 when
        items, luxury brands and one-of-a-kind experiences.   the softball program transitioned “from
        Items in the silent auction include a fantastic selection   12 to 13 guys playing league travel ball
        of new handbags, accessories, jewelry, home, beauty,   (in various communities) to 230 who play
        men’s merchandise, items for your pets, and many more   three mornings a week,” Sewell said. He
        “must-have surprises” all curated for the Palm Beach   presented Mariette and the family framed
        luxury lifestyle. Designers and luxury brands from the   copies of the Hall of Fame plaque and of
        world’s fashion capitals once again have joined forces   a narrative about Elias’ life and impact on
        with local Palm Beach area fashion, beauty and service   Jupiter senior softball.
        businesses to support Cancer Alliance in their efforts     The Hall of Fame ceremony coincided
        to assist cancer patients in our community.      with the launch of the association’s 2023
          After the thrill of shopping for a worthy cause, guests   Winter League and Mariette was given the
        will enjoy a delicious lunch and featured presentations.   honor of throwing out the ceremonial “first
        Media Sponsor: Palm Beach Illustrated            pitch.” Gerry Elias is the third person to be
          Tickets are $525 each and VIP tickets are $750 each.   enshrined in the JSSA Hall of Fame since  Richard Sewell addresses family and friends of Hall of Fame inductee
        To purchase luncheon tickets or to learn more about   its establishment in  2020. The  late Ted  Gerry Elias
        sponsorship opportunities, email Stanton Collemer, CEO
        of CAHH at or call (561) 215-7360.
          To learn more about Cancer Alliance of Help and
        Hope and the 2023 Shop The Day Away Luncheon
        About Cancer Alliance Of Help And Hope
          Cancer Alliance of Help and Hope, Inc. is a Palm
        Beach County not-for-profit organization that eases
        the burden of qualified local cancer patients by paying
        a portion of their non-medical bills, supplementing
        basic needs, and providing support and information
        resources. For more information about Cancer
        Alliance of Help and Hope, please visit

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

         Seabreeze Publications

                          M. Sean Reid
                            J. Reid

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
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