Page 5 - Jupiter Spotlight - February '23
P. 5

Jupiter Spotlight, Page 5

      FAU Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute from page 4

      Center where analysis of immense data are manipulated
      for the 3-D modeling of proteins and drugs as well as
      to decipher the complex physiological signatures of the
      human brain. The space also will support advanced training
      of high school, undergraduate and graduate students in
      computational biology, chemistry and neuroscience.
        Additional space on the third floor is envisioned as
      a Center for the Resilient Mind, created to advance
      the understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying
      coping with early life and ongoing stress, the temptations
      of drugs of abuse, and the mood disorders that plague
      millions worldwide. Key to this center will be the creation
      of formal partnerships between psychologists, engineers,     Another major, transformative element of the
      social workers and educators.  This interdisciplinary   Nicholson gift is the establishment of the Stiles-Nicholson
      activity will boost the understanding of how an    STEM Teacher Academy, which bridges the high-caliber
      intersection of genetics, social interactions and life   research setting with middle and high school teachers and
      events drive changes in the brain in some, but not all   students, and will provide premier experiential STEM
      people. Additional open lab environments will support   training programs for educators through the Jupiter
      centers for brain development and autism research and   campus’ nationally recognized FAU High School. The
      for neurodegenerative disease research.            academy will complement Nicholson’s investment in the
        Sitting On A Rainbow

        Palm Beach Gardens                              Book Review:
                                                          Taylor Hagood, a Professor of Literature at FAU,
        Resident, James Patrick                         and among other impressive achievements author of the

        Rooney, Is Proud To                             upcoming Stringbean: The Life and Murder of a Country
                                                        Music Legend had this to say about Sitting on a Rainbow:
        Announce The Release Of                            This debut novel is full of magic, Irish folklore and   Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute’s ASCEND Program,
                                                                                                           which focuses on STEM training for middle school
                                                        history, and  romance  all wound around experiences
        His First Novel: Sitting On A                   of disability and drama inside a high-stakes wealth   students who are just beginning to consider careers in
                                                                                                           science, engineering and medicine.
                                                        management firm in West Palm Beach. James Patrick
        Rainbow: A 21st Century Irish                   Rooney gives the reader a great yarn with intriguing     “Today is the culmination of great generosity, hard
                                                                                                           work, deep commitment and a true vision to help advance
        American Morality Tale                          characters and a fully realized protagonist whose defeats   groundbreaking discoveries in neuroscience, as well as
                                                        and triumphs are attuned to an excellent soundtrack.
                                                          Jim extends his gratitude to the accomplished Professor   STEM education throughout Palm Beach County through
                                                        Hagood for his generous comments.                  the Stiles-Nicholson STEM Teacher Academy,” said Chris
                                                          Sitting on a Rainbow: a 21st Century Irish American   Delisio, FAU vice president of institutional advancement
                                                        Morality Tale (ISBN: 9781958729625 /9781958729571)   and CEO of the FAU Foundation. “At the heart of the
                                                        can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes & Noble,   FAU Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute is the desire to
                                                        Walmart, Books-A-Million, and elsewhere. The paperback   engage with the community and better understand the
                                                        retails for $20.99, the hardcover retails for $29.99, and the   human brain and how it functions. We are immensely
                                                        eBook retails for $6.99. Wholesale orders are available   grateful to Mr. Nicholson for his continued support
                                                        through Ingram. Review copies, signed copies, interviews,   and commitment and for helping us to inspire the next
                                                        and book club appearances may be available upon request.  generation of neuroscientists.”
                                                                                                             Nicholson is a philanthropist and wealth manager with
                                                        About The Author:                                  a demonstrated history of successful accomplishments in
                                                          First time author James Patrick Rooney was born in   financial services and education. After a distinguished
                                                                                                           career with IBM and Weyerhaeuser, Nicholson applied
                                                        Bronx, New York, raised in Westchester County, and has   his pioneering mathematical and engineering skills to
                                                        been living and working in Northern Palm Beach County for   the global financial markets, ultimately opening three
                                                        his entire adult life. After having been blessed to reside in
          Sitting on a Rainbow: a 21st Century Irish American  such world-class communities as PGA National, Admiral’s   quantitatively driven hedge funds and his own firm, York
        Morality Tale is a story of severe loss and courageous  Cove, Tequesta Country Club, Seminole Landing, and Old   Management & Research, Inc., in 1978. York relocated
        resilience, financial markets and malfeasances, Irish  Marsh, he and his wife, Cindy, now live in the exceptional   the hedge fund complex to Jupiter in 1990 and continues
        history and mythology, justice served, and broken promises  community of BallenIsles. To accomplish this impressive   today as a single-family office.
        remaining to be mended.                         array, in sum, they always bought early and sold too soon.    He formed the Stiles-Nicholson Foundation in 1992
          Set in West Palm Beach, Florida, in the early 2010s, the    Young Jimmy’s first loves included sports, particularly   to honor the military sacrifices of his father, William
        novel follows Patrick Connelly, a mid-fifties paraplegic  ice hockey, a variety of music and culture, and his adopted   Stiles, a fallen soldier, and stepfather William Nicholson,
        who works as a stockbroker and financial advisor at a major  homeland of Ireland. When an ice hockey-related injury   a German POW survivor. The foundation supports major
        Wall Street firm. The protagonist, whose life experience  at age nineteen left him a paraplegic, he turned his focus   local and national education initiatives, which educate
        oftentimes mirrors the author’s, not only faces the adversity  away from the physical toward developing his mind. Soon   citizens about entrepreneurship, the free enterprise
        of disability each day, but also has a front row seat to the  after finishing college at (then infamous) “Suntan U” in   system, financial literacy, education reform and STEM.
        financial difficulties plaguing so much of society. Through  Coral Gables, he began a successful thirty-year career in     Nicholson is a former director of Junior Achievement
        his journey, from disruption in his career to struggles with  financial advisory with a major Wall Street firm. At about   of the Palm Beaches, as well as the Jupiter Medical Center
        love, powerful friendships to moments of despair at the state  that same time, he met his enduring love—his family.   Foundation and the Washington-based Tax Foundation.
        of humanity, readers are pulled into a rich, detailed world  Married to Cindy ever since, together they’ve raised   After 10 years of service, he retired as trustee, treasurer
        that combines elements of history, Irish myth, finance, the  two superb children—Patrick and Megan—who are now   and chairman of the Investment Committee for the Jupiter
        arts, and beyond. As the story unfolds, Patrick must take  thriving young adults.                  Medical Center Foundation, and currently volunteers as
        bold action to save his career—and maybe even his life.    While managing an ambitious reading group (Old   chair of the Stiles-Nicholson Foundation; vice chair of
          Complete with a playlist of relevant songs to enjoy  Marsh—2005-2014), Jim fell in love with fine literature   the South Florida Science Center & Aquarium; trustee of
        while reading, Rooney’s book is a unique approach to  and was inspired to write more competently (i.e., several   the Foundation for Florida’s Future; director and member
        memoir, fiction, and education that ultimately digs into  college-level creative writing courses and other modes of   of the Chairman’s Council of the Business Development
        what it means to live a life of joy and purpose. Readers  self-learning). To hone his skills further, he wrote short   Board of Palm Beach County; a member of the Physics
        will encounter romance, business, mystery, and folklore in  stories, imaginary book reviews for his reading group,   and Astronomy Advisory Council of Johns Hopkins
        this textured and detailed narrative, and feel inspired by  and later edited and authored articles for a now defunct   University; the Palm Beach County School District
        the main character’s determination to find the magic and  lifestyle website (2018-2020). After stepping away from   Financial Literacy Council; and STEM Advisory Council.
        beauty all around him.                          financial advisory in 2014, Jim began working on his first   About Florida Atlantic University
          With messages of hope, lessons from both history and  novel. As is often said, starting with a few core ideas the     Florida  Atlantic University, established in 1961,
        present day, and a window into the daily experiences of  story then wrote itself.                  officially opened its doors in 1964 as the fifth public
        disability, Rooney’s sweeping story contains eye-opening    To learn more, please visit Jim’s related website at:   university in Florida. Today, the university serves more
        insights and inspiring moments for readers of all kinds.          than 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students
        Jim hopes his lighthearted, romantic, suspenseful, and                                             across six campuses located along the Southeast Florida
        cautionary morality tale will entertain all who come and                                           coast. In recent years, the university has doubled its
        sit on the rainbow with him.                                                                       research expenditures and outpaced its peers in student
                                                                                                           achievement rates. Through the coexistence of access and
                                                                                                           excellence, FAU embodies an innovative model where
                                                                                                           traditional achievement gaps vanish. FAU is designated
                                                                                                           a Hispanic-serving institution, ranked as a top public
                                                                                                           university by  U.S. News & World Report and a High
                                                                                                           Research Activity Institution by the Carnegie Foundation
                                                                                                           for The Advancement of Teaching. For more information,
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