Page 11 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - February '23
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Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 11
      Town Of Jupiter News

      By Jim Kuretski, Mayor,                              U.S. 1 Bridge Replacement – This is a $135 million   Zones is mid-2023. Pedestrian safety fencing is planned
      Town of Jupiter                                    federally funded project. Pre-Detour Phase construction   to be installed in targeted areas where residents have
        The Town Council has                             began on Nov. 18, 2021. Intersection improvements have   historically crossed the FEC railway corridor between the
      continued to collaboratively                       been made along the detour route to be used during bridge   roadway crossing intersections. This must occur to protect
      work with our town manager,                        construction. The Detour Phase will begin on March 13,   residents and save lives, as Brightline is a high-speed
      town  staff  and  others  to                       at which time the contractor will begin demolition of the   passenger rail service with its trains reaching speeds of up
      pursue implementation of                           existing bridge structure. The Detour Phase should be   to 110 mph through portions of Jupiter.
      various capital improvement                        completed no later than Nov. 2, 2024, at which time half of     Memorial  Brick  Programs  Plus  Police  Officer
      projects within our Town.                          the new bridge will be placed into service for one vehicular   Memorial  – The Town will be launching a memorial
      The following provides a                           lane in each direction. FDOT has provided its bridge   brick program for our Veteran’s Memorial in March 2023.
      status update for some key                         contractor with significant construction schedule acceleration   This program will allow residents to purchase memorial
      projects:                                          financial incentives that should result in the shortest possible   bricks for loved ones who served in the United States
        Town Hall – Construction of a new Town Hall is now   bridge out of service duration period.        Armed Forces and/or police departments. The first batch
      underway. This new 42,000-square-foot building is being     Brightline Railroad Corridor Improvements Plus   of memorial bricks should be installed by Veterans Day
      built adjacent to the current, 40-plus-year old Town Hall,   Quiet  Zone  Designations – As part of Brightline’s   2023. The Town will also install a new memorial site to
      which will be demolished to make room for a new Town   project to extend service to Orlando, all railroad crossing   honor Jupiter police officers in late 2023.
      Green area. Target occupancy date is early 2024. This new   intersections in Jupiter have been improved. The Town has
      facility will be fully paid for by use of existing funding   begun the process of applying for Quiet Zone designations
      sources and without incurring any new bond debt.   at all railroad crossing intersections. Target date for Quiet   Rex Recommends
        Sitting On A Rainbow                                                                                By Rex Hearn

                                                                                                            Palm Beach Opera
        Palm Beach Gardens                               Book Review:                                         Mozart’s opera  Cosi
                                                                                                            Fan Tutti goes up Feb. 24,
                                                           Taylor Hagood, a Professor of Literature at FAU,
        Resident, James Patrick                          and among other impressive achievements author of the   25 and 26 with alternating
                                                                                                            casts. His librettist, Lorenzo
        Rooney, Is Proud To                              upcoming Stringbean: The Life and Murder of a Country   da Ponte, immigrated to
                                                         Music Legend had this to say about Sitting on a Rainbow:
        Announce The Release Of                             This debut novel is full of magic, Irish folklore and   America at age 56 in 1805
                                                                                                            and became a citizen in
                                                         history, and  romance  all wound around experiences
        His First Novel: Sitting On A                    of disability and drama inside a high-stakes wealth   1828. So we can say an
                                                                                                            American wrote the words!
                                                         management firm in West Palm Beach. James Patrick
        Rainbow: A 21st Century Irish                    Rooney gives the reader a great yarn with intriguing   The title translates to
                                                                                                            “Women are Fickle”; one
        American Morality Tale                           characters and a fully realized protagonist whose defeats   might add “and men like to cheat” for the “MeToo-ers.” The
                                                         and triumphs are attuned to an excellent soundtrack.
                                                           Jim extends his gratitude to the accomplished Professor   opera is a confection testing the fidelity of four sweethearts
                                                         Hagood for his generous comments.                  in charming ways. And Mozart uses Mesmer’s 18th century
                                                           Sitting on a Rainbow: a 21st Century Irish American   discovery of “hypnotic magnetism” through the character of
                                                         Morality Tale (ISBN: 9781958729625 /9781958729571)   Despina, cleverly. Glorious music describes the young lovers’
                                                         can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes & Noble,   emotions beautifully. Don’t miss it. It’s at the Kravis Center.
                                                         Walmart, Books-A-Million, and elsewhere. The paperback   Call for tickets at (561)-833-7888.
                                                         retails for $20.99, the hardcover retails for $29.99, and the   Flagler Museum
                                                         eBook retails for $6.99. Wholesale orders are available     At “Whitehall” the Gilded Age home of the late, great,
                                                         through Ingram. Review copies, signed copies, interviews,   philanthropist Henry Flagler, their music series has returned to
                                                         and book club appearances may be available upon request.  its classical beginnings including four professional groups in
                                                                                                            February. The music series includes The Viano String Quartet
                                                         About The Author:                                  on Feb. 7, violinist, Simone Porter on Feb. 21, the Summit
                                                           First time author James Patrick Rooney was born in   Piano Trio on Feb. 28, String Cuarteto Latinamericano on
                                                         Bronx, New York, raised in Westchester County, and has   Feb. 28 and the Neave String Trio on March 7.
                                                         been living and working in Northern Palm Beach County for     Meet the players for champagne and snacks after the
                                                         his entire adult life. After having been blessed to reside in   concert. Call for tickets at (561) 655-2833.
          Sitting on a Rainbow: a 21st Century Irish American  such world-class communities as PGA National, Admiral’s   Kravis Center
        Morality Tale is a story of severe loss and courageous  Cove, Tequesta Country Club, Seminole Landing, and Old     Amid the myriad of their wonderful Broadway musicals
        resilience, financial markets and malfeasances, Irish  Marsh, he and his wife, Cindy, now live in the exceptional   is the well-established Regional Arts Classical Music Series
        history and mythology, justice served, and broken promises  community of BallenIsles. To accomplish this impressive   with visiting orchestras. On Feb. 5 at 2 p.m., the brilliant
        remaining to be mended.                          array, in sum, they always bought early and sold too soon.  Munich Symphony Orchestra plays. On Feb. 13 at 8 p.m.,
          Set in West Palm Beach, Florida, in the early 2010s, the    Young Jimmy’s first loves included sports, particularly   the incredible Philadelphia Orchestra will thrill you with their
        novel follows Patrick Connelly, a mid-fifties paraplegic  ice hockey, a variety of music and culture, and his adopted   playing. And on Feb. 27 at 8 p.m., England’s premier chamber
        who works as a stockbroker and financial advisor at a major  homeland of Ireland. When an ice hockey-related injury   orchestra, The Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields with
        Wall Street firm. The protagonist, whose life experience  at age nineteen left him a paraplegic, he turned his focus   conductor and violin soloist, Joshua Bell, promise dazzling
        oftentimes mirrors the author’s, not only faces the adversity  away from the physical toward developing his mind. Soon   performances. Early warning! The New World Symphony
        of disability each day, but also has a front row seat to the  after finishing college at (then infamous) “Suntan U” in   appears on March 13 and the Palm Beach Symphony
        financial difficulties plaguing so much of society. Through  Coral Gables, he began a successful thirty-year career in   appears on March 14 with pianist Misha Dichter in George
        his journey, from disruption in his career to struggles with  financial advisory with a major Wall Street firm. At about   Gershwin’s only piano concerto; it’s not Rhapsody in Blue!
        love, powerful friendships to moments of despair at the state  that same time, he met his enduring love—his family.   Call for tickets at (561) 832-7469.
        of humanity, readers are pulled into a rich, detailed world  Married to Cindy ever since, together they’ve raised   The Society Of Four Arts
        that combines elements of history, Irish myth, finance, the  two superb children—Patrick and Megan—who are now     Famous for its wide range of excellent talks, they too
        arts, and beyond. As the story unfolds, Patrick must take  thriving young adults.                   provide good music choices. The Miro String Quartet
        bold action to save his career—and maybe even his life.    While managing an ambitious reading group (Old   appears on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m., with astonishing
          Complete with a playlist of relevant songs to enjoy  Marsh—2005-2014), Jim fell in love with fine literature   clarinet player, David Shifrin. Also, catch the high definition
        while reading, Rooney’s book is a unique approach to  and was inspired to write more competently (i.e., several   Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on certain Saturdays. Call for
        memoir, fiction, and education that ultimately digs into  college-level creative writing courses and other modes of   tickets at (561) 655-2766.
        what it means to live a life of joy and purpose. Readers  self-learning). To hone his skills further, he wrote short   Maltz Jupiter Theatre
        will encounter romance, business, mystery, and folklore in  stories, imaginary book reviews for his reading group,     Good People, the play, goes up on Feb. 12 to 26, with
        this textured and detailed narrative, and feel inspired by  and later edited and authored articles for a now defunct   Delphi Harrington. It’s a dramatic comedy about a working
        the main character’s determination to find the magic and  lifestyle website (2018-2020). After stepping away from   class girl out of a job who crashes a party given by an old
        beauty all around him.                           financial advisory in 2014, Jim began working on his first   flame – a successful doctor. Be prepared for hard truths and
          With messages of hope, lessons from both history and  novel. As is often said, starting with a few core ideas the   scintillating Boston wit. Call for tickets at (561) 575-2223.
        present day, and a window into the daily experiences of  story then wrote itself.                   Eissey Campus Theatre
        disability, Rooney’s sweeping story contains eye-opening    To learn more, please visit Jim’s related website at:     Spotlight on The Symphonic Band of the Palm Beaches,
        insights and inspiring moments for readers of all kinds.           Feb. 5 at 3 p.m., (561) 832-3115.
        Jim hopes his lighthearted, romantic, suspenseful, and                                                Patriotic Playbill, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m., stirring music
        cautionary morality tale will entertain all who come and                                            from The Palm Beach Gardens Concert Band. Take Me
        sit on the rainbow with him.                                                                        Home the story of the late John Denver and his music
                                                                                                            featuring Jim Curry goes up Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. Do not miss
                                                                                                            it. (941) 207-1038. A Night to Remember from the Palm
                                                                                                            Beach State College Big Band, is on Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                            And last but not least, Rock Rhapsody the hits of England’s
                                                                                                            famous group called “Queen” is on Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                            I wonder if they have a Freddie Mercury impersonator.
                                                                                                            Call for tickets at (561) 207-5900.
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