Page 9 - Hobe Sound Reflections - February '23
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Hobe Sound, Page 9

                                             in your CommuniTy

      Salvation Army Provides                              Dream Works Realty, Florida Power & Light, Fort
                                                           Sponsors this year included Walmart, Bealls,
      Christmas Joy                                      Pierce Utilities Authority, Martin County Clerk’s
                                                         Office, American Legion Posts 40 and 318, The
         Christmas cheer abounded recently as parents picked up   Grace Place, Martin County Tax Collector, Miles
      new toys and clothes for their children from the Salvation   Grant Country Club, Port St. Lucie City Hall,
      Army of Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties. The   Harbor Branch Oceanographic, Paradigm Precision,
      nonprofit distributed gifts collected from donors for 1,722   Peace Presbyterian Church, Girl Scouts and Cub
      children, a new record, in the tri-county area.    Scouts, St. Lucie Tax Collector, St. Nicholas Greek
         “There were a lot of requests this year, but we did   Orthodox  Church, Advance America,  Benjamin
      it!” said Captain Deanne Jones, corps officer. “We are   Franklin Plumbing, Children’s Emporium, Engine
      so grateful to the community for their help. We simply   World and Edward Jones.
      could not have accomplished this without the support of      For more information about the services of the Salvation   from The Salvation Army each year through a broad
      donors and volunteers.”                            Army of Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties, visit   array of social services that range from providing food
         The Salvation Army’s annual Angel Tree program or call (772) 288-1471.  for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for
      assists families who fall below 150 percent of the Federal   About The Salvation Army                the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing
      Poverty Guidelines by providing toys and new clothes for      The Salvation  Army, an evangelical part of the   and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for
      Christmas. Each child in the program is represented by   universal Christian church established in London in 1865,   underprivileged children. Eighty-two cents of every
      a tag displayed on Angel Trees at sponsoring businesses   has been supporting those in need in His name without   dollar  The  Salvation Army  spends  is  used  to  support
      and churches in the area, and donors then “adopt” the   discrimination for more than 130 years in the United   those services in 5,000 communities nationwide. For
      children to purchase the toys on their wish list.  States. Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance   more information, go to

                                                    Tip of The Tail

      Preventing Zoonotic Diseases                       and giardia are spread through fecal matter of dogs and   the intentional worms and have greatly cut down on the
                                                         cats. Hookworms can cause cutaneous irritations and the   intestinal parasite problem. Your veterinarian can talk with
         A zoonotic disease                              roundworms can migrate through the body and even end   you about what will work best for your pet.
      is one that can be                                 up in the eye. Fortunately they do not set up residence in      Pets can also transmit skin diseases such as ringworm
      transmitted between                                our intestinal tracts like they do in dogs. Thankfully, the   to humans. Ringworm is actually a fungal infection that we
      animals and humans.                                transmission of these can be limited by using common sense   often see with cats and can produce lesions on humans as
      With regards to our                                hygiene such as washing hands after handling feces or after   well. This becomes especially important when adopting a
      canine and feline                                  an animal has licked them. This also becomes important   new cat and introducing it into your home. If there are any
      companions, there                                  with small children and limiting an animal licking them on   skin lesions, it is advisable not to introduce them to your
      are several common                                 their face. An important way of limiting the spread is to   other pets (and possibly family members) until you have
      diseases that we should be aware of and take precautions against   pick up your pet’s stools, whether in a public space or even   them evaluated by your veterinarian.
      especially when bringing a new pet into your home. The source   your yard. You can also prevent your pet from acquiring      Two important diseases that can cause serious harm and
      of infection can be from viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc.   some common intestinal parasites (and therefore spreading   even death in animals and people include leptospirosis and
         A common, but easily preventable, zoonotic disease   to the human population) by keeping them on a routine   rabies. Leptospirosis is a bacteria that favors wet conditions,
      source is from fecal matter. Intestinal parasites and   prevention or deworming schedule. Fortunately most of
      infectious organisms such as roundworms, hookworms   the new heartworm preventions protect your pet against   Tip Of The Tail on page 10

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