Page 13 - Martin Downs Bulletin - January '23
P. 13
Martin Downs, Page 13
jaNuarY 2023 Palm CitY CommuNitY CeNter, 2701 S.W. CorNell ave., Palm CitY
PHoNe: (772) 286-8121 Fax: (772) 286-3331
President’s message
Happy New Year 2023! Ready to improve your health, we have a variety of Most of all, SHOP LOCAL!! Visit our beautiful
professionals ready to guide you through your path to restaurants, gift shops, entertainment facilities, and
As we start a new year, wellness. support our local community. Check out our Palm City
why not use your Palm City Time to fix up the house? Check out our local Chamber website with a complete listing of our Business
Chamber of Commerce as contractors, landscapers, and remodeling services. Directory.
your connection to attain Ready to explore our beautiful world? Cruising and Wishing you the best for 2023!!
your goals? traveling are specialties with several of our members.
If you’re trying to gain Secure your plans for the future with one of our local Christina l. Franco
financial independence, estate planning attorneys and consider protecting the President, Palm City Chamber
reach out to one of people you love with your pre-planned arrangements. of Commerce
our financial planners/ Create piece of mind by securing the appropriate insurance Hampton by Hilton
advisors. coverage for your home, auto, business, and health.
November Networking breakfast
Our November Networking Breakfast was held on
November 30 at Piper’s Landing. Our members were
treated to a fabulous and delicious breakfast prepared by
the amazing staff at Piper’s Landing!!
The breakfast was sponsored by Waster Management,
(WM), featuring the Inner Truth Project. Jeff Sabin and
Wendy Parker spoke about the wonderful recycling
program in Martin County. We are very grateful to the
services provided to our residents by WM.
Mindi Fetterman spoke about the vital organization,
The Inner Truth Project. The Inner Truth Project offers
outreach to the community and services to survivors of
sexual violence, allowing them to bravely share the truth
about their experiences in a safe environment in order to
actualize emotional strength, hope, health, and well being.
Mindi reminded us that the numbers of sexual trauma are Rob Gluckman, Live Hearty, Amanda Foster, Zarro
staggering and that we all need to be always aware of our Mortgage Group, Nikki Leserra, Sky is the Limit, Missi
surroundings and watch out for others that may be in a Campbell, Palm City Chamber, and Pastor Chad Fair
crisis and need our assistance. A tough subject that many with Immanuel Lutheran
like to ignore but it is too prevalent, even in our local Palm City Chamber President Christina Franco, Hampton
communities. by Hilton, Mindi Fetterman, Inner Truth Project, Jeff Sabin,
If you know someone that may need some help, have WM, Jessica Bright, Inner Truth Project, and Carolyn
them contact The Inner Truth Project at (772) 200-4599 Leibowitz, Cruise Planners
Photos courtesy of
Council member
We would like to highlight our President’s Council
Member Steven Kowalski with Merrill Lynch.
Steven and his team are available to assist you with Amanda Foster, Zarro Mortgage Group and Liz Ciampi,
your financial planning. If you are in the market for Dr. Rob McLaughlin, Access 365 and Back in Action, and Palm City Chamber of Commerce Membership Director
financial advice contact Steven at (772) 223-6700 or District 5 Commissioner Ed Ciampi
email him at
Lainey Muenich, CEO of the Hobe Sound Chamber, Missi
Noel DelValle, Executive Director of Martin County PAL, Campbell, Palm City Chamber of Commerce Executive
Mindi Fetterman, Inner Truth Project, and Peter Wernick, Director and Noel DelValle, Executive Director of Martin
Peter’s Hardware County PAL