Page 2 - Jupiter Ocean Mile- January '23
P. 2
Page 2, Jupiter Ocean Mile
Generosity Glitters For Selfless Love Foundation from page 1 creating opportunities for more foster youth to find their welfare system for children in foster care today and for
forever families and thrive in adulthood. SLF leads statewide generations to come.
its mission, and Penfolds collaborative initiatives designed to transform the child Photos by Tracey Benson Photography
provided the wine and
champagne for the event.
Selfless Love Foundation
Selfless Love Foundation
(SLF) is a nonprofit
organization that leverages
resources, expertise, and
proven solutions to improve Charlotte Rawa from Penfolds
the child welfare system, pops the cork.
Diamond jewelry by Roberto
Marie and Andy Unanue Coin Elizabeth Wynter, Karey Finch Anette and Tony Roscigno
Selfless Love Foundation
Charles Saunders, Cyndi CEO Ashley Brown shares
Duran the nonprofit’s mission.
> | Member SIPC
Lloyd and Teri Trotter Dr. Robyn and Alex Gellman Peter Webster, Ashley and Ed Brown > | Member SIPC
> | Member SIPC > | Member SIPC
Dreaming up the
Dreaming up the
ideal retirement
Dreaming up the Dreaming up the
ideal retirement
ideal retirement ideal retirement
is your job.
is your job.
is your job.
Helping you get
Helping you get
Ashley and Ed Brown Molly and Larry Austin is your job.
there is ours.
there is ours. Helping you get
Helping you get
Entertainer Marie Osmond from page 1 there is ours.
We’re excited to
We’re excited to
there is ours.
hear from you.
Beach County’s signature fundraising event. The event We’re excited to
hear from you.
boasts an extraordinary silent auction offering a wide hear from you.
selection of new or gently used authentic designer
We’re ex
handbags. The luncheon is scheduled for Feb. 22 at cited to
the Breakers in Palm Beach. Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
hear from you.
Tammy Pompea and Diane Smith are chairing Financial Advisor
Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
the 24th edition of the Old Bags Luncheon with 1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106 Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
Cecy Martinez serving as the honorary chair. Those Jupiter, FL 33458 Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
interested in donating their new or gently used 561-748-7600
1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
handbags can contact the Center of Family Services 1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
of Palm Beach County at (561) 616-1222. Jupiter, FL 33458 Jupiter, FL 33458
Since 1961, The Center for Family Services of 561-748-7600 561-748-7600
Sally S Stahl, AAMS™
Palm Beach County Inc. embraces the philosophy
that families should be the center of the community Financial Advisor
and the center of every family should be a healthy
connection. The center is dedicated to providing IRT-1848H-A
innovative programs that meet the changing and IRT-1848H-A 1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
Jupiter, FL 33458
growing needs of individuals, families, and children NoN-Toxic cancer immunotherapy
in the community with their resources and social
service programs. The Center for Family Services is 561-748-7600
nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation
and accredited by Nonprofits First for Excellence in Available NoW
Nonprofit Management. For more information visit Safe and Effective!
Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of This is the Original Immunotherapy that
Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
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(561) 746-3244 Hundreds of successes over the years.
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M. Sean Reid See our website for more info:
J. Reid
Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick or call for more information: Toll-free number (561) 766-0878 Email: